2018年2月28日 星期三

Quick Win @ Mobile Legends

Today I played Mobile Legends. And I defeated many enemies, so this game is easy to win, but enemies are also not bad.

When we defeated 23 enemies, they only defeated our 2 people. That means we surpass them for 21 heros. Therefore they can't defeat us.

If you want to defeat me, it is not very easy, because I use Lesley very well, sometimes I will lose, today play six games, and I lose two games.

Sometimes you will think enemies are good, and not easy to defeat, but today we win one time, and at that game, initially we think we will lose.

If you think you will lose, you can try your best, and maybe you will win. And if you defeat the Lord, and you don't walk with the Lord, maybe Lord will be dead.

So maybe you will win if you try your best, and defeat enemies, if you do that your win rate will be good, so you can win many times.

I am happy today, because today I played Mobile Legends, and I play six games, we win four games, so I think today is happy.

Medusa,Thor and Loki

Today I want to tell everybody about Medusa's story. This story is talking about a girl is beautiful, but there is a girl named Athena wants to see who is pretty, but another girl let her change to a monster. If you see her eyes, you will be a rock.

And there is a person wants to defeat Medusa. When he defeated her, her blood makes fly horse, but she has sister, so they cannot go away.

But he has a hat that can can let them become invisible. So they run away and her sister is angry. And they can go home, but her sister will say he is bad.

Now I will tell you another story. This story is about Thor and Loki. And they are brothers, but Thor is angry, because he cut Thor's friend's hair.

So he gave Thor her hair and a hammer. And he gave Thor's friend a gift, and his hammer is little, but he like this hammer.

I already finished these story and they are good to read, maybe you cannot read, because this book is in Chinese, so maybe you cannot read.

I think these stories are good, because the story is funny, and I think I like to read these story because they are legends.

2018年2月26日 星期一

Play Mobile Legends

Today when it is evening I played Mobile Legends and I used Lesley, my hero is good, because I can fight on one lane by myself.

I clean up the top lane. And then we fight with the lord.  And then our team called out the Lord, and it goes to middle lane. When the base is only 50% I use my physical attack, and I destroyed the base. And I got MVP.

I used Lesley and got MVP many times.  I played 36 times and I get 19 MVP.  And my father said I am good at playing Mobile Legends.

You can add me as friend my name is called Alpha go. Maybe you can give me a skin, so I will feel happy, but I already have Lesley skin.

If you have heroe skin, your physical attack or something will be +8, so you can fight with people easily, if you are tank, your defense will +8.

I hope you guys can add me as friend, if you also play this game, maybe I will give you a skin, but if you don't play with me, I cannot give you the skin.

I am happy today, because today I played Mobile Legends, and I used Lesley, maybe you can use Lesley if you want to fight.

2018年2月25日 星期日











Today I want to tell everybody about Cyclops, because it is in Mobile Legends, and I saw a book called Britannica Learning Library. When I am in bookstore I saw this book, I think it is good to read, so we bought this book home.

Before when I am playing Mobile Legends. One time, I use cyclops, and I got MVP. My father asked me: is this your first time to use? And I said: yes.

My father think I can use it very well, but I didn't use it many times, I only used it one time, because I love my hero called Lesley.

When the enemy wants to go away, I can use my third skill, if you want to go away it will make you stop moving, and it will hit you.

And when I am looking my book, I saw this story and is very funny. This story is about one person see the cyclops. Cyclops said I will go out, that person give grape juice to cyclops, cyclops said what's your name, that person said my name is nobody.

And he used a tree to let cyclops' eye cannot see. So cyclops run away, and it's friends see it, so it's friend said who hit you? Cyclops said nobody, so his friend went away.

I am happy today, because today I saw a book and I think that story is funny, so it is interesting, I think I love this book.

2018年2月23日 星期五

Paper sword

Today when I am in English class, I made a paper sword, somebody makes a gun but I make sword. I made a paper sword, because we want to play with these things, so we make these and we can play with our things, and it will be fun.

After that we need to go home to eat dinner, and then we read a book, when I finish reading two books. I go to make another paper sword, because I want to make a nice one, last one is not very good, so I want to make another one.

I take a box and two piece of papers, but I only need one paper, so I put one paper away. And I made a paper sword. When I finish, I see my new one is bigger than my old one, and it is better, so I don't need the old one. I only need the new one.

I use my new one, and I think this is very good, so tomorrow I will play it. I hit many things, but it didn't broke, so I want to use it many times.

If you want to play with this, you can use your things to make it, maybe you'll think it is fun to play, so you can make more and your family can fight with you.

I think today I am happy, because today I made two swords. And I made a good one and a so so one. Maybe you can fight in a place.

Today is so cold

Today when I am going to my classroom, I and my sister feel very cold, and when I go into my classroom, I feel very cold, I want to be warm.

After morning we need to go to a playground, because we have sports class in the school. And today is a time to have sports class.

Our teacher said we need to run two time playground. First time I am not very fast, when I am in second time, I feel bad, because I had a lot of cold air inside my body, and that let me be slower, so I cannot run very fast, but some people can.

After that we think this is too cold, but our teacher said we need to jump rope together, but I don't want to do this, because if I do that, I will feel very cold. And maybe I will be sick, but I need to do it, so I feel very bad.

When I am running in the playground, if it is sunny today, we can run faster, but today weather is cloudy, windy and very big rain, when I am running, my hand is very cold and hurt, but I still need to run, if you put your hand in the pocket, you will fall down.

Today I am not very happy, because today I feel very cold, so I will feel sad.

2018年2月21日 星期三

Start school

Today is start-school day, so today we need to go to our school, but I want to go home, because if you go home you will feel happy, but if you are in the school you cannot have a lot of fun. If Summer comes we don't have to go to school.

And we can be at home to read a book or play some games. If you are bored, you can go to see good books from your home or bookstore. And you can buy books, but if you want to let people bring your books to your house, you need to give them money, it is called shipping cost. However, if you buy a lot of books, shipping cost can be waived.

If you live in the big house you need to go to the first floor to get your books, because the books will be stored by the house administrator. If you think it is very slow, you can just buy it and take it, so now you don't need to wait for these days.

Today we go to the school. I am not very happy, but I have a little bit happy, because I can see my friends in my school, and I love my home, too.

Last semester I am only at home all day when it is holiday, like Saturday and Sunday. If it is Monday to Friday I will go to school.

I am happy today, but I feel a little bit sad, because I cannot have holiday. I think today is not very happy but I can see my friend.

2018年2月20日 星期二

Play Miya

Today I want to tell everybody about Miya, because first day I play Mobile Legends, I use a hero called Miya, many others. She can hit enemy many times so you cannot go away before you die. And I will tell you her skill later.

Her first skill is making your attack stronger, so you can use that to push the tower down or clean up the little people.

That skill is my pushing tower skill. And now I will tell you her second skill. Her second skill is a circle, if you go inside you will be hurt.

And if you go in for a long time, you cannot move. So I can hit you and you will be dead, later I will tell you the third skill, I think it is good.

The third skill is being invisible. If you want to go away, I can use that skill and hit you, so you will be dead, so that means I can use her well.

So sometimes I use Miya, and I can let many people know I am a good player. So I can have many friends, and I can fight with my friends.

I am happy today, because today I played one time, but I didn't use Miya. I used my favorite hero called Lesley.

Use diamonds to buy a hero

Today when I am playing Mobile Legends, I used my diamonds to buy a hero called Lesley, because my sister asked me: Which one should I buy, Lesley or Fanny?

And then she said: I want to use a hero called Fanny, I think she is good.

So I use another hero called Lesley, when I am using this hero. I think that hero is easy to use, and I can use very well. So I love this hero called Lesley.

If you want me to choose Lesley or Fanny, I will choose Lesley, because I used it, and I think this hero is easy to let enemies die.

Maybe you will think Fanny is better, but I don't care.

And later my sister said: I want to buy a hero called Zhask.

We fight with computer and we win, but we fight with real people, we almost won, but we lose this time, because they killed the lord.

When we finish this battle, we feel very sad, because just a little bit we can win. And they are very strong, because they have one person very strong.

I think today is happy, because today we played Mobile Legends and we won many times, but last time we lose, so I'm sad, after that I feel good.

2018年2月19日 星期一

Mobile Legends is fun

Today evening I played Mobile Legends with my sister and my father. I used my hero called Angela and I bought two heros, one hero I don't know her name, and another hero is called Bane. You can use a skill if enemy want to go away, it can hit you many time so you will die.

I use Angela, and I go middle lane. I use many times, it can use many things to hit many people. It can use a thing, you can choose your friends, and Rafaela can heal your friends so you can plus HP. After that it will come to your lane, and will help you to fight enemy.

And I played Brawl and Classic. Brawl is difficult, because this thing is the computer will give you two heroes and you need to choose one.

And if you want to play classic, you can choose your favorite hero and you can hit many people, so your win rate will go up.

I don't know whether Angela or Rafaela is better. I think both are good because Angela can hit many people and another one can let your friend plus HP. Last time my father used that hero, and I think it is a person to give everyone HP.

I am happy today, because I played mobile legends, and I use Angela. I hit many people, so I think today I am happy.

2018年2月18日 星期日

Eat hot pot

Yesterday I went to my grandmother’s house to eat breakfast and lunch. My breakfast is two bread and inside have chocolate sauce.

You can eat it in many breakfast store, because this thing is yummy and it is easy to make. So if you want to eat breakfast, you can go to eat this thing in many breakfast stores, but if you want to make you need to wait for the bread.

When it is afternoon, we cook hot pot in grandmother’s house. We eat corn and many vegetables, and then we ate many things in there.

When we finish lunch, we played with Beyblade.  I fight with my sister my sister’s top is good! and then we change top, I win, but if  my sister use that top I will’t lose.

After that we need to go home, so I take my things, and we can go home now. When we go home we read the book and have some fun.

And then it is evening, we eat dinner, and then we play a game called Mobile Legends.  So now it is 10 o’clock.

When it is night we take a bath and we sleep in the bed. When we are sleeping, we are waiting for tomorrow, because one day is very fast.

I am happy yesterday, because I ate yummy breakfast, and I eat yummy corn. These are my favorite food, because I eat many time and I love it.

2018年2月17日 星期六

Mobile Legends

Today I want to tell everybody about a game called Mobile Legends, because before we play a game called Arena of Valor, but that game is in Chinese, so we turn to this game. When I am playing this game, I buy a hero called Angela but it's defense and attack is not very good.

I use Angela a lot of time and it can hit many people. If a hero want to hit, it can use many things to hit you, so you will be dead.

And I know a hero called Layla, everyone has this hero, because this hero is the first hero everybody gets. So you can use it, if you think it is good.

When you get Layla you can also get a hero called Zilong, so you have two heroes. And now you can fight with many people.

If your attack is very fast, hero will be dead very fast, because you can get power from hero, and hero cannot fight with you.

If you want to play you can play with many people, because many people from Philippines play this game.

I think Arena of Valor is better than this game a little bit, because I think Arena of Valor hero is cool and they can use many things to fight with people.

2018年2月15日 星期四

Go back to my grandgrandmother's house

Today I go back to my grandgrandmother's house. When I was there, I feel very hot, and I don't know what is the weather today.

And then we want to play with the ball, so we went to the shop, and buy one ball to play. I feel happy, because this game is very fun.

When we finish this. We go home and we read a book and make a robot, after that we went back to my grandgrandmother's house again.

If you want to go to your grandgrandma's house. Need to wait for this time, because today is Chinese new year so we need to go to grandgrandmother's house.

When it is night, we eat in a restaurant and we eat with many people. When we go home. We brought ball home.

Sometimes you can go back again, like when it is April, we need to go back to our grandgrandmother's house for tomb sweeping.

I am happy today, because today I go back to my grandgrandmother's house, and I play ball game. After that we go to a restaurant, and there are many people there, because today is Chinese new year.

2018年2月14日 星期三


Today I want to tell everyone about robots, because today evening I made two robots, one robot is called bulldozer, another robot I don't know what name is it?

If you can tell me what is it, I will think you are very good for robot. And your brain is very good for it, if you know what name is it.

I fight with my sister, my sister used her robot called people robot, because it looks like a person, so its name is people robot.

If you want to know more. You can buy one book, but that book is in Chinese, and  I don't know if there are more books for you. So you need to find in book store.

I am happy today, because today I fight with my sister. And her robot is good, but my robot is better than hers.

2018年2月13日 星期二




在一半如果你按暫停的話,你可以離開遊戲也可以繼續遊戲,而且不同題目的不同單字都有不同的卡片,所以大部分的加起來總共會是 24 張卡片,只不過有一個關卡是只有 21 張。




2018年2月12日 星期一



當我們買票時,賣我們票的小姐說:「未滿 12 歲的小朋友不需要買票,如果身分證字號最後一個字是九的話可以來領一個紅包袋。」剛好我的身分證字號最後一個數字是九,所以我就可以領一個紅包袋。


一開始我們先去體驗館,然後那邊的幾個小姐說 12 歲以上可以玩虛擬實景的眼鏡,讓你看到海底世界。

當爸爸媽媽看完海底世界,結束了以後,我們就要去 2 樓的展覽區看十三行文化留下來的物品,說不定你會喜歡喔。




2018年2月11日 星期日

Go to Tamsui Customs Officers' Residence

Today I went to Tamsui Customs Officers’ Residence, because this is in our trip plan, so we need to go to Tamsui Customs Officers’ Residence.

When we go into Customs Officers’ Residence. We saw many things inside this building. And it is very old.

I took many pictures, it is very big but it is not new. And then we finish this part, so we go to another place, it is a university.

And then we finished this university called Aletheia University. After we went to Fort San Domingo. So today is finished.

Today I am happy, because today I went to many places, and I saw many things inside the buildings. And I think if you can come here, it is very good.

2018年2月10日 星期六

Go to Taipei

Today morning we went to grandmother house, because we need to eat lunch. After that we went to Taipei, because we need to go to Tamsui.

And we go to a book fair called TIBE. And we find a place and there are many English books. So I read a little bit.

And then we go to another place of TIBE too, which is mostly kid's book, but this place is another place, so it is not same place. There are Chinese book, it is not English book. And I read a lot.

Today I am happy, because today I went to Taipei. And I saw Taipei 101, and I went to TIBE. So I think today I am happy.

2018年2月8日 星期四


Today I want to tell everybody about balloons, because yesterday I brought two balloons to my home.  And I like to play balloons.

If you want to buy balloons, it is ok. You can go to some shops to buy, because balloons is in many shops.

I think you guys like to play this game. This game rule is you cannot let balloons fall on the floor. So you need to think about how to do it.

Now I want my home to have a lot of balloons, because if I do that. So I can play a lot. Maybe you can buy many, I think you will be very fun.

Today I am happy, because today I play a very fun game.

Six degrees of space

Today when I am in my English class. Our teacher said we can go to six degrees of space. So I am very happy.

And this time is my first time to go to six degrees of space. So I am excited, because I think I will not win.

Number five time. I am number one. So I am happy, because when there are only three people I and one person shoots one person, and that person dead, so I shoot another person. And I won.

If you want to fight, you need two or more people, because if you don't have two or more people. You cannot play, if you only have one person. You only can shoot you. You cannot shoot anyone.

I am happy today, because today I play a very fun game. And the game is about you need to shoot people. See who can shoot everyone. And now I know how to shoot.

2018年2月6日 星期二

Super hero

Today I want to tell everybody about my favorite hero in Arena of Valor. My superhero is Zier. It is very strong.

I use it, because I use my cards to buy a box. And inside the box there is Zier's costume. So I think I can use it.

If you are hit many times, it will die easily, because it doesn't have a lot of HP, but it can hit you many times.

If you like it you are same as me. And one time when I am hitting Joker, I use Zier. And it died in one second.

I am happy today, because today I use Zier very well. And I think there are many people like to play this game.

2018年2月5日 星期一




接下來我要介紹的英雄是技能效果很好的齊爾,雖然很多英雄的技能效果很不錯,但是他的招術都很厲害,尤其是第一招,他會把兩把刀丟出去之後會接回來,而且只需要 3 秒就可以恢復了。



Salt water robot

Today I want tell everybody about salt water robot, because today when I was in English class I made one salt water robot. If you put salt water on it, it can move.

I think you guys will like to play. And I like to play salt water robot too. But it is very cool, because it can move.

Some robot can move fast. Some robot cannot move very fast. If you make one, you can see which robot is faster.

If you want to make, I think it is not easy, because there are many things, if you lost one part, you cannot make.

I think saltwater robot is cool, because it can move. And I think salt water robot can move very fast, but mine is so so.

2018年2月3日 星期六


Today I want to tell everybody about Mewtwo. Today afternoon my grandmother let me catch Mewtwo.

First I and my grandmother went to the park and find the gym, but I cannot log into my mother's Pokémon go.

And many people go away.  So now I cannot fight Mewtwo, but we need to go away. So I didn't catch Mewtwo.

When I going home, I feel very sad and angry, because I didn't catch the legend Pokémon. If I catch it I will feel happy.

Today I am not very happy, because today I didn't catch Mewtwo. I want to catch it because it is good, but I didn't do that.

2018年2月2日 星期五

Alpha go

Today I want to tell everybody about AlphaGO, because I saw AlphaGO video. And it was a good movie.

If you want to see, you can just search AlphaGO on Netflix. In the trial period, everybody can watch AlphaGO movie. I think everyone will like.

In the movie there are many people are try to make AlphaGO. And they find a person to fight, but AlphaGO won.

And then they found a professional go chess person. AlphaGO won four time, and that person only win one time.

I am happy today, because yesterday I watch a movie about AlphaGO. And they are very good, because now only person win one time, and other person did not win.

2018年2月1日 星期四

Spaghetti tower

Today when I am in English class. My teacher told me we can make a tower with spaghetti. If you want to win, you need to put marshmallow on the tower.

Our team is the first team to finish the tower. But our tower is not the highest tower. Our tower is number two.

But the highest tower is not good, because their tower broke two times.  So they throw it into the trash can.

And we can eat one marshmallow, so I think it is delicious, I want to eat a lot of marshmallows. I don't know if others like marshmallow or other cookies.

I am happy today, because I made amazing tower. I think our tower is good, because our tower can stand nicely.


Today I want to tell everybody about parachute. Today in my English class we have made a parachute. My teacher said we need to try to throw into the big hole.

I know how to make parachute now. You need to take one bag and cut it into a circle. After that we need to put four strings on the four corners.

And attach a pen on the four strings. Now I think everyone knows how to make parachute. I think if you watch a video, you will know how to make one.

We have made parachutes, because we know a person called Sir Isaac Newton. He found gravity. So that's why we made parachute.

I think today I am happy, because today I have made one parachute, and I have successfully thrown into the big hole. So I am happy.


Today I want to tell everybody about catapult. Today when I am in the English class, I make one catapult. And it is very good. My catapult can let many things fly far. If you want to make catapult, it is not very easy.

Catapult is very cool, because if one person wants to fight you, you can use catapult hit that person. Maybe there are some people pronounce it as caterpillar. So it is hard to say. Maybe your teacher can teach you how to make catapult.

My English class has many pieces of catapult. So now every person has one catapult in the class. I think that is not easy.

I am happy today, because today I have made catapult and my catapult is very good because it can throw anything.