2018年3月31日 星期六

Martis / Mobile Legends

Today we played many times, but first time we lose to AI, computers are stronger than before, so it is hard.

I bought Martis the day before yesterday, I love Martis, because he is a good fighter, he uses his first skill and second skill and then use physical attack.

If you see lots of enemies, you can use your first skill, and then you use your ultimate, if you do that, maybe enemies will be dead.

Martis is a good hero to jungle, I like to use him to jungle, so maybe you can bring retribution, you can use him to slay turtle.

When Martis is coming, everyone said "Martis is not good to use", but I bought it, and now everyone says he is a good hero.

Maybe you think Martis is the worst hero, but I don't think so, I think he is the best to use, and the second is Lesley.

She can use her first skill, and then use physical attack, you will be hurt, because when she used her first skill, and then use attack, you will be hurt.

And today I used Moskov, he is a good hero, he can use his second skill, and then use the physical attack, you will be dead.

And today my sister used Johnson lots of time, she can use Johnson very well, she can use his ultimate to fight with enemies.

I think today is happy, because today I used Martis well, I can fight with lots of people, Maybe you can fight with me with Martis.

2018年3月30日 星期五

Spring holiday mode in Mobile Legends

Today when I was playing Mobile Legends, I saw a new mode called Spring Holiday Mode, when you are playing, you'll think it is strange.

There are many things that is hard to remember, you can see many eggs on the ground, if you get the egg you will be stronger.

I know one egg is if you has been slain, enemies will be very hurt, if you get this egg, you can beat a lot of enemies, I love it.

And I got a thing, I think it is strange, its shape is not like egg, it is a meat, if you get it you can be very big, so your attack will be strong.

When you are in the battle, everyone can get it, this will make you be faster, when it is beginning for the game you are level four.

You can use the ultimate at the beginning of the game, Pharsa is strong, so she can use her ultimate, but last time she lose, we think we will lose, but we win.

And then I will tell you about one thing, if you want to buy Martis, you don't need to buy, you can just buy gift pack, this is better.

Lots of people are saying Martis is bad, but I don't think so, because I think Martis can be a good hero to use. I like him.

The last egg in the Spring Holiday Mode is rabbit paw, if you get it, you can revive all your HP and mana, this is good, too.

I think this mode is not very good and not bad, so I think I like it, I use Martis, he is a hero, lots of people think he is bad.

2018年3月29日 星期四

Environment / 漫畫大英百科

I read a book about environment at Britannica Learning Library, inside this book, there are many things you need to know.

The first thing you need to know is that some animals are becoming extinct, so everybody can't chop the tree, if you do it, animals will be dead.

The first part of this book is you can't chop the tree. The main characters saw somebody chopping trees, so they call police officer.

And they saw a river, but some water is not clean and is dirty, so that means you can't drink the water in that river, so you can't put trash in the river.

Somebody washes clothes in the river, if you do that, river will be very dirty, and fish will be dead, and the river will be red.

If you smoke or do something bad in the sky, the air will be dirty, so you will be sick, and we need to plant lots of trees.

If you use insecticide, the air will be dirty, maybe you can open the window, so the air will not be dirty, later I will tell you more.

You can use environment-friendly paint to color your house, if you do that, the air will be clean, I will tell you two more ways to clean the air.

You can use wet towel to clean your room or you can turn on humidifier, if you want to clean the air.

I think this book is good, because you can learn about how to clean and plant trees, these are the ways to make you stronger.

2018年3月28日 星期三

Plant / 漫畫大英百科

Today when I am reading Britannica Learning Library, I learned many things about plants, and now I will read this story, this book is interesting.

There are two people want to make plants stronger, so they want to teach main characters, later I will tell you about this story.

The first part of this story is the girl kicked the ball, so the plant was hurt, the girl wanted to pull the flower down, and two people came.

They saw the little girl pulling the flower, so they taught main characters, these two people made the flowers stronger because they have magic.

First, they asked main characters "what's the difference between plants and animals", the little girl said "rice and water?", but she got it wrong.

The little boy said "plants need water and air",The teacher said "you are right, plants need these to get stronger", and then what happened?

And then the teacher asked main characters "what's special for plant?", main characters said "this question is so difficult."

The little boy said the answer, the answer is animals can move, but plants cannot move, plants can't move, but plans is strong.

The teacher taught main characters how to see how old the tree is, if the tree have one circle, that means one year old, so if there are 10 circles, it is 10 years old.

I think this book is good to read, because you can learn about plants. I like this book, because I learned many things about plants.

2018年3月27日 星期二

北極與南極 / 漫畫大英百科







其實北極也有狼,他的名字就叫做北極狼,他的長度大概是 120 到 165 公分 ,他的食物是北極兔或者是一些馴鹿。

剛才說到北極兔,現在我剛好要介紹北極兔,他的體重很輕,大概 4 到 5 公斤而已,他會被北極狼吃掉,他們是灰色的,如果冬天來了,他們全部都會變成白色。


還有我現在要介紹的動物叫做北極狐,他的長度是 50 到 60 公分,他跟北極兔一樣冬天會變成白色,但其實他是灰色的。


2018年3月26日 星期一

Karrie VS Gord

Yesterday I used Scratch Junior to make a video, Karrie wants to defeat Gord, so Karrie use her shuriken, so Gord is dead.

When Gord wants to use his third skill, Karrie wins, so Karrie has slain Gord, but if Gord uses his third skill, Karrie will be dead, because his third skill is strong. Gord is not bad, but he loses, because Karrie is strong too, so he cannot defeat her, she can use her third skill.

Maybe Gord can win, but he needs to have his third skill, but I think it is strange, because why Karrie shoots one, and he dead.

Maybe it is because Gord only has a little bit HP, if he has many HP, maybe Gord will be the winner, so Gord will be stronger.

When I am using Gord, I think he is a good hero, but maybe you use third skill wrong, so then enemies will defeat you.

I didn't used Karrie, so I don't know how strong she is, when I watch YouTube, I saw many people stronger than me, so I want to learn.

I hope you guys can follow Bluepanda, he is a good youTuber, and I saw iflekzz, they both are good at playing Mobile Legends.

And if you didn't see their video, I didn't say you are not good, and I saw Demonal,  I like to see their video, maybe you can see.

I think today I am happy, because yesterday I made a video, and today I made a video, this video is talking about Mobile Legends, too.

2018年3月25日 星期日

Insects and spiders / 漫畫大英百科

Today I read a book called 'insects and spiders', and this book is for Britannica Learning Library, I like to read Britannica Learning Library.

Inside this book, there is a bee, and the main character used insecticide, and another main character went inside his room.

She took him to her uncle's house, because her uncle knew everything about insects, and then they used a machine like a ladybug.

This machine can fly everywhere, and the machine can make the things that inside the machine to be smaller, so you can see insects.

They saw bees are going to absorb the flowers, lots of insects can use their body to make enemies go away, because they are scared.

Every insect has six legs, the fastest insect is called dragonfly, it can fly very fast, I love it,  I will tell you about insect's weapons.

First, bee's weapon is their little nail, it is sharp and maybe you will be dead, so you need to be careful, if you hit bees you will be hurt.

And grasshopper has sharp legs, it can skip many things, if you hit grasshopper, you will be hurt, because your hand will go on grasshopper's legs.

Maybe tomorrow I will write another blog about Britannica Learning Library, if somebody thinks this is interesting, so I will write it.

I think today I am happy, because today I read the book and I like to read about insects, this is fun, and you can learn, I think this is good.

2018年3月24日 星期六

My picture

Yesterday I drew a picture, I think it is beautiful, but maybe you will think this picture is bad and not beautiful, my picture is about new year.

When I am drawing, I think I cannot draw a good picture, but when I finished, I think this is not bad, so my mom put it in the room.

When I want to see it, I can go to take it, and then I can see my picture, I want to see my picture, because it is beautiful.

When I was drawing, I was thinking about how can I make this picture to be beautiful, I used 30 minutes to finish this picture.

And when I finished this picture, I asked my Mom and Dad to see, and they said "your picture is beautiful, I like it", so I am happy.

I wanted to draw this picture because I watched a movie called The Dull Ice Flower(魯冰花), inside this movie, the main character likes to draw pictures.

I drew a monster who wants to eat people, so people go up to the mountains, my father thought its head is like Pikachu, and its body is like Snorlax.

I drew a little house, and then I am thinking what can I draw next, and then I think I can draw 'New Year is coming', so I drew a monster.

When you are drawing pictures, you can use it to make the picture beautiful, this is a good way to do if you want to make these pictures beautifully.

I think you can make picture beautifully, if you want, you can see my blogger, so you will know how to make your pictures be beautifully.

2018年3月23日 星期五

Listen to my Dad's speech

Today when I go home, we ate dinner. And then my Dad told us "we can listen to his speech", because he wants to share with us and I like to listen.

When my Dad is speaking, I think my Dad is good at speaking, so that's why I like to listen to my Dad, but sometimes I feel bored.

In the computer, we watched a movie that I am writing blogger, and I am cute, because I am not sitting on the chair, I just lean on the chair.

Then I saw many videos and photos that can help you to learn many things, like reading a book and go to travel, many things.

Sometimes maybe people think playing video game is not very good to learn, but I think lots of people don't think this is a good way to do.

My Dad told us three things to do, first, you need to write down the things, and remember it, second, you need to use these things, third, you can forget something that you don't need.

I think today I am happy, because today I listen to my Dad, so I feel happy, I learned many things, and I will remember it.

2018年3月22日 星期四

I watched a movie

Today when I am in the school, we saw a movie, but this movie is in Chinese, so maybe you will not know what is this movie about.

This movie is talking about one little boy and his sister in their school, the little boy is good at painting pictures.

He went to art class, and his teacher thought he is the best child in painting picture. Other children cannot draw like that beautiful.

He draw a flying dog eats the moon, and people scared about the flying dog, so the moon come out again, and then he took this picture to a competition.

When he finished the competition, he got first place, but he has been sick, and then he died, so his father throws his certificate in the fire.

His teacher went to his house, and he said he got first place in an international competition, when this movie is finished, I saw his father is easy to be angry, so I scared.

I think this movie is good to watch, because this movie is funny, and he got first place, but I think I am sad, because he died.

2018年3月21日 星期三






我總共答了四次,可是只有兩個成功,其他的就失敗了,所以我現在的積分是 6,現在我還是要很努力的去讓我的閱讀鳥變得更好看。

現在我要跟大家介紹的是關於閱讀鳥等級的事情,一開始你進去的時候,只要成功了,你就可以變成另外一種鳥,你可以慢慢地升級現在我還是最低級的那一種鳥,因為我的積分才 6 ,所以我就沒辦法升級到第二種鳥。






2018年3月20日 星期二

漫畫大英百科:宗教 / 第二次介紹



當他們在拍照的時候,其中一個主角的朋友就來了,他說了一句話 : 「Shalom」這時,其中一個主角說 : 「Shalom 是代表平安的意思」。










2018年3月19日 星期一

漫畫大英百科:宗教 / 第一次介紹












Enemies are better than us, but we still win

Today when I am playing with my father and my sister, we think they are better than us, but we didn't lose.

First time when we are fighting Alpha, we win, and then other three enemies comes here to gank us, but their Pharsa died.

And then their Harley died, when they grow up, they destroyed our many turrets, and they slew the Lord, but when they called out the Lord, we slew it, too.

When their Lord has been slain, we slew second Lord. Second Lord will be stronger than the Lord, when the Lord is fighting the base, the Lord died, so we cannot destroy their base.

When their base only have a little bit HP, my dad's Zilong died, and then mid Lane super millions wants to destroy enemy's base, so we win.

And my dad played another time, when his base is under attack, my father ran to enemies' base to destroy it. So my dad won, with their base only with a little bit HP left.

I think today I am happy, because today we played a game, and we think they are better than us, but we still win, so I think we are lucky.

2018年3月17日 星期六

Travel frog

Today my frog go outside to play, but the frog is not good, because it takes long time to play outside, when it is evening, it comes back.

When it is not in the home, I feel bad, so I put lots of food on its table, because I want it come back soon, so I need to put some food.

If you put some food on its table, you can make it come back later, but if you put nothing, maybe it will not come back.

And today I only get one picture, because it only come back one time, so I cannot get many pictures, today I want to get many pictures, but I didn't do it.

Today when it come back, it takes many things to my home, but I didn't feel happy, because I think it is not very good to me.

I will give it many things to eat, so it will go away and take some pictures, I think it is good, today my snail come to my house, and give me some tickets.

I love animals to give me some tickets, the snail is a good animal, I like all animals, but other animals don't come to my house, so I think they are bad to me.

I think today is happy, because today I feed the snail, and I get some tickets, I like my frog, because it give me some pictures.

2018年3月16日 星期五

Robots / 機器人格鬥王

Today I want to tell everybody about robots, because today I read a book is talking about robots, this book is new, so I don't think now this book is in the shop.

When the book is in bookstore, and you buy it, you'll get a package with items which can make robot, so maybe you will like to make robot, and you can read a book, this is very good.

And this book is talking about the little boy like to kick soccer, so he always goes to playground to play soccer, but his mom said you need to go to another school.

When he go to another school, he wants to go to play soccer, but there are no people likes to play soccer, he saw a club called robot soccer.

When he joins the club, he needs to go to a place to do a competition. The first thing to do is you need to use blocks to make something, the boy makes a soccer, so he can go to another competition, later I will say what next competition will do.

This competition is about that you need to make a ball, but he doesn't know how to make it, this ball is hard to make, you need to learn it.

I think this is good to read, because I think robots are cool, so when I am reading, I think I love this book, maybe if the book is in the bookstore, you will think it is interesting.

2018年3月15日 星期四

Yi Sun-Shin / 漫畫大英百科

Today when I am reading Britannica Learning Library. I read about Asia. When I am reading about Korea. I saw Yi Sun-Shin.

And this hero is in Mobile Legends, too. He is good to use in Mobile Legends if you use him very well, you can get many MVP.

If your HP is not many, he can use his third skill to make you be hurt, so you will be dead, but if you use it not good, maybe you can not be MVP every times.

When you get MVP you will feel happy, but if you didn't get MVP, maybe you will be unhappy, but I will not be unhappy.

Before today, Yi Sun-Shin is the best hero with high win rate, but now the best hero is Johnson, now the second hero good to fight is Yi Sun-Shin.

If you are using Yi Sun-Shin you can go on to the boat, so you will feel very fun, because the boats can let you go everywhere.

I think this hero is so so, because I never use this hero, I think when I am using, I will feel fun, maybe you guys will think he is good.

2018年3月14日 星期三

Travel Frog

Today I want to tell everyone about one game, this game is called Travel Frog, inside the game you will get a frog and you can name it.

I called my frog 吉吉 , but this is Chinese name, so I only can write Chinese. If you get this game maybe you can try if you can play in English.

If your frog go outside, you don't need to be scared, because it will go another place, if it come back, you can get a photo and you can get some special food.

If your frog go outside, you can put some food on the table, it will come back later. However, sometimes your frog just don't come back.

Your frog will read a book or eat food, if some animals is coming to your house maybe they will give you something.

And maybe snail will give you a ticket, if you want to get something, you need to get some tickets, if you get five tickets, you can play gashapon machine one time, if you buy something which is different, maybe you will get a ticket, so you can play many times.

I think this game is fun, but I think Mobile Legends and Arena of Valor is better, I have some photos, some photos are easy to get, but some photos are very hard to get.

2018年3月12日 星期一








2018年3月11日 星期日






如果你訓練很多技能的話,你就可以拿到很多的能量點數, 或者是如果你看影片的話,你也可以得到能量點數,所以快得到能量點數的方法,就是練習新的技能,所以我通常都會練習很多技能,然後把它全部都練到很熟。







2018年3月10日 星期六

Play with my friend

Today when I am playing Arena of Valor, I saw my friend online, I asked him: can I play with you. So we played together.

First time we played 3 VS 3 , but we lose, I used Lubu. And the enemy has Superman, but Superman is strong, so we lose.

When we played second time, and we played 5 VS 5, but we lose again. So we don't want to play anymore, because we didn't win.

When we played second time I used a Fox hero called Fennik. I can use first skill, so if I use physical attack four times, you will be hurt.

And its second skill is good to clean the minions. So if there are many minions, you can use second skill and your physical attack, so they will be dead.

And its third skill is a crowd control technique, if you go inside the area, you will be very hurt. And if there are many enemies, you can use third skill.

I think today I am happy, because today I played with my friend, but we lose every time, so I feel a little bit sad.

2018年3月9日 星期五

Sausage McMuffin with egg

Today I want to tell everybody about Sausage McMuffin with egg. This is a hamburger's name, if you go to McDonald's, you can eat this kind of hamburger and 7-Eleven has this hamburger, too. This hamburger is yummy.

Inside the hamburger there is an egg and a piece of hamburger meat, some will have cheese. If you eat this hamburger, I think you will think this hamburger is delicious. Maybe you will think Sausage McMuffin with egg is not yummy, you can eat many time, maybe you will think it's good.

So I like to eat Sausage McMuffin with egg. And I will drink hot chocolate and hash brown with Sausage McMuffin with egg.

This is what I like to eat, I like to eat cookies or candy, too. I like to eat something sweet, but I don't want to wait. I only need a little bit sweet. If you tell me I need to eat lemon, I will not eat, because lemon is not very good to eat.

So now I think everybody likes to eat Sausage McMuffin with egg. If I can eat McDonald's breakfast I want to eat Sausage McMuffin with egg.

I think this hamburger is better than some cookies, but I know some cookies or candies are delicious than Sausage McMuffin with egg.

2018年3月8日 星期四













2018年3月7日 星期三














2018年3月6日 星期二

New hero Valir

Today when we logged in to Mobile Legends, we saw a new hero called Valir. And my sister bought this hero, this hero is a Mage, he is strong, because when my sister is using, she used him very well, and she bought his skin.

If you buy any skin, that hero will be stronger, my Lesley got physical attack +8. And every user can have a free skin, it is Zilong's skin.

And if you go to play Brawl or Classic, you can get Oddette puzzle, if you get seven, you can have Oddette, so you can get a new hero.

If you don't like to use Marksman, you can buy another hero, because Valir is strong too, so maybe you can buy Valir.

When I am using Gord, I think he is good too, so maybe you can use Mages, And my sister bought Zhask before, and it has four skills.

So if you don't want to use Marksman, I hope you can use Mage, because Mage can use many skills to make enemies be dead.

I think I am happy today, because today I played Mobile Legends, maybe I can fight many Classic so maybe I will have Oddette.

2018年3月5日 星期一

Only nine minutes, we win | Mobile Legends

Today when I am playing Mobile Legends, I played with my father and her sister, I used Lesley,  and we played Ranked mode, I see we only use nine minutes and we win, so I am surprised. When Alucard is fighting Lord, I go to fight Lord, too, so the Lord has been slain, and I am only level eight.

Once upon a time, I have been slain, because Layla used her gun. And another time, Roger wants to defeat me, but I went away so I win.

When the turret only has a little bit HP left, I go inside and I destroyed the turret, and another turret, too. I go inside and I destroyed the turret.

Once Tigreal got a little bit HP, and I am, too. I want to recall, but I shoot one, and after that, Tigreal has been slain.

When I am fighting Lancelot, I shoot one, and Lancelot's HP is not much, so I shoot another one, and Lancelot has been slain.

When we are fighting base, I have been slain, so I changed to Layla's view, but Layla is enemy. In the last part, it shows we are defeated, but actually not. We won. However I forgot to change back.

I think today I am happy, because today I played Mobile Legends, and we finish this game in nine minutes, so I think our team is good.

2018年3月4日 星期日

Turn defeat into victory

Today when I am playing Mobile Legends we played one time, and that time we turned defeat into victory, because we defeated all enemies, so we can push the tower and then we win, but their Bruno is good, because he can kick many soccers, so I will be dead, and I add him as friend.

When I am playing, I used Lesley, I think their Fanny is good, but my father thinks she is bad, because I have been defeated, when she hits me.

When we are hitting Lord, Bruno has stolen the Lord, because he goes here, and Bruno kick some soccer, so enemies have slain Lord.

When I saw him slain Lord, I am not happy, but there are nobody to protect Lord, so I have defeated the Lord, and I am happy.

When their Lord has been slain, we go top lane, and we destroyed many turret, and then we go to mid lane, and destroyed the turret, so there base is under attack.

This is how we turned defeat into victory. And we destroyed many turrets, when Fanny wants to defeat me, their base is broken, so we win.

I think today I am happy, because today when I am playing Mobile Legends, we turned defeat into victory, initially we didn't do well initially, but we still win.

My Lesley steady victory with sister and Dad @Mobile Legends

I want to tell everybody about what happened when I am playing Mobile Legends, today when I am playing Mobile Legends, our team is good, so our enemy thinks they cannot win so they surrender. And we win very fast, but they are also not bad.

When our coins is more than enemies, our money is no less than enemies anymore, so we want to slay the Lord, then they think we will win.

Maybe they can win, but they surrendered, we win and they know how strong we are, this game is amazing, so I think it is an amazing victory.

When the enemy turret only have a little bit HP, I go into the turret, and I destroyed the turret, when we are fighting Lord, enemies surrendered.

I think when I am fighting Lord, enemies want to surrender, it is because they think if we slew the Lord, the Lord will destroyed the base.

Maybe when you are fighting with enemies, you can tell your friends, so you can defeat them, but if you don't call your friend, you cannot win, because you only have one person.

I think I am happy, because today when I am playing Mobile Legends, I have amazing victory, and I think our team is better than theirs.

2018年3月2日 星期五


Today I want to tell everybody about Tulen, because I think next hero I want to buy is Tulen. So later I will tell everybody about his skills.

His first skill is three electric flows will come out, so you will be hurt, and this skill is called Ion Blasts, but if you want to go away, I can use third skill to let you die.

His second skill is that he will be surrounded by electricity, if you want to come and fight, you will be hurt, because electricity will hit you, this skill is called Lightning Strike.

His third skill is you will have one yellow line behind you. And there is a thunderbird, when the bird comes, you will be hurt, this skill is called Thunderbird.

I see many people played him well, so I want to use but I need to use my coins, so I need to fight many times, I hope I can get him.

And he only have one skin. Maybe I will buy this skin, and I think this skin is beautiful, because I think it is handsome.

I think today I am happy, because today I see how to use the Tulen, and I want to buy it, maybe I will think he is good to use.

Play Arena of Valor

Today I and my schoolmate said Saturday we need to play Arena of Valor. And I am excited, because I want to play with my schoolmate.

And I think he is good at playing, and we need to play with his big brother, and I will use my hero called Lubu. And he can use many things, so you will be dead.

Before I used Fennik, And now I want to start to use many heros, next hero I want to buy is Tulen, because his skill is electric, so you will feel bad.

So I think tomorrow I can play with my friend to play many games, and fight with his big brother. I want to win this time.

And we can fight, so we will play two times. I think when I am playing the games I will feel excited, so we will get more fun.

And now I want to say something about Yorn. This hero is a marksman, if you are playing Chinese Arena of Valor, you can guess what is his Chinese name. Sometimes I will use this hero, when my opponent wants to flee. I can use the third skill to let them die.

I am happy today, because tomorrow I can fight with my friend's big brother, and I think we can get a lot of fun from these things.