2019年6月30日 星期日

Yu's London diary 4: Wellcome Collection

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I am going to tell everybody about that today we've been to the Wellcome Collection. There are lots of parts. My favorite part is the magic part. There are lots of kinds of magic.

In the morning, we ate breakfast and drank milk. Next, I shook my tablet again. I earned some steps. Guess how many steps I earned in the morning. This time I didn't earn a lot of steps.

A. 100 steps.  B. 2222 steps.  C. 2000 steps.

The answer is C. I didn't get so many steps like yesterday. I just get 2000 steps which is not really a lot.

Then we went to the Wellcome Collection. There are different parts. My favorite one is the magic part called Smoke and Mirror. There are some really cool magic. There is one that will let you choose a card in a deck. The card will change every moment, but it goes to a special card, it will stop for a while. Then you need to choose one card. Most of the people would choose the card that stops.

After that, we went to a restaurant called Leon in the Euston Station. That is a huge station. There are lots of kinds of trains in it. I think the chicken nuggets are really good. I hope you would like it.

I think today I felt happy because today we went to Wellcome Collection. There are lots of things in it. I like the Magics. I think it is really cool. I think that is really mysterious. I want to learn a lot of kinds of magic. I want to let things disappear. Do you think magic is cool? See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

2019年6月29日 星期六

Yu's London diary 3: I walked a lot! XD

Hi! Everybody my name is Yu. And today I am going to tell everybody about that I walked a lot today. I got a lot of steps, but some of the steps are not true. I shook my tablet so it can make some steps. Let's get started.

In the morning, Dad woke me up. Then Dad and I woke my sister and Mom up. We ate breakfast and drank lots of milk.

There is a really funny thing. After eating the breakfast, I started to shake my tablet to make steps. When we were going to leave, I got lots of steps. Can you guess how many steps did I guess before leaving the room?

A. 5000 steps.  B. 7500 steps.   C. 10000 steps.

The answer is C. I know it is unbelievable but it is true. I am not lying and I am not kidding anyone. I achieved the 10000 goal in the morning.

Then we went to Imperial War Museum. There were lots of things about the world war 1 and 2.

After that, we went to eat our dinner. It is a steak restaurant. I think it was yummy.

When we went home, I got lots and lots of steps. That is a really incredible number. I think most of the people will think that is impossible to happen, but that really happened. Guess how many steps.

A. 20202.  B. 22222.   C. 23456.

The answer is B. That is really incredible. I had a photo of it.

I think today I felt happy because today I walked a lot. I hope you can walk a lot, too. I used an app called Pacer. You can download it. See you guys in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年6月28日 星期五

Yu's diary 2: I got a notebook

Hi! Everybody, my name is Yu. I want to tell everybody about that today we went to Sea Life aquarium and Coca Cola London Eye. The really good thing is I got a new notebook when we were in the London Eye gift shop. Plus, it is pretty cheap with only 2.50 £ and the notebook is very thick.

Today we woke up at 10 o'clock and then we ate breakfast in the hotel. After that, we went to the Sea Life aquarium. We went to the Nagoya Sea Life before. There are lots of sharks, turtles, sting rays, and fish. I think it is amazing.

Then we went to a shop near Sea Life called Shippo. I ate 4 chicken nuggets. After that we went to the gift shop. There isn't any notebooks so we went out, but we bought a box of Lego. There are some famous London places in the box.

After shopping we went to the Coca Cola London Eye. There are lots of people in the line so we waited for a really long time to go in the London Eye. The capsule is very big. There are so many people in it.

London Eye is very big. It takes 30 minutes to make a turn. You could see lots of things on the London Eye.

When I got the notebook, I was really happy. I can now write diary in London. I love it. That is really good.

I think today I felt happy because today we went to the Sea Life aquarium and Coca Cola London Eye. The most important thing is I got a new notebook. I will keep writing diary in London. See you in the next blog. Bye Bye~~~

2019年6月27日 星期四

Yu's London diary 1: Go to London!

Hi everyone! My name is Yu and today I am going to tell everyone that today we went to London and I think it is pretty cool. So let me tell you about what happened today. I think today is really a slow day. Let's get started!

Today we woke up really early. Everybody can guess when did we get up. I will give you some options. You guys need to choose one.

When did we wake up?

A. 2:30  B. 2:50   C. 3:10

The answer is B. We didn't sleep for a really long time. We slept for a few hours. Then we woke up and put the things we might need in some bags and luggage. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring the most important thing which is the diary. I was very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sad. After that, we went downstairs and went in a black taxi. The taxi had driven about 410 thousand kilometers. That is a really amazing number. I don't even know how long is that.

We ate some food in Taoyuan International Airport. I ate 9 chicken nuggets and drank mango juice. It used the real mango. I loved it.

First, we went to Suvarnabhumi International Airport at Bangkok. Then we went to Heathrow International Airport at London. The flight from Bangkok to London is 12 hours but I think it is a few days. We ate 2 meals on the flight. The two meals are really yummy. I want to eat the meals again.

I think today I felt happy because today we went to London and I think this trip is going to be really good. The milk at London is yummy and really cheap so I love it. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye~~~

2019年6月25日 星期二

We are going to London and the quizzes

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I am going to tell everybody about that we are going to London tomorrow. I am so excited. I love it. We will go to lots of places. We are going to wake up at 2:50. It is pretty early. I hope I can fall asleep because I don't want to be tired. We will go to the London Eye and the aquarium in the first day. I think it will be very fun.

We will first go from Taipei (Taoyuan International Airport) to Bangkok. Then we are going from Bangkok to London. It will be at night. I want to go to lots of places so I have things to write in my notebook. I think writing diary like Greg is a really cool thing. So this is the reason why I did that. There is another reason. If I don't remember what happened, I can just read the diary.

Today I had an Oral Exam in my English class. I already had the Written Exam yesterday. I also had a Jump Test. I can skip 2 grades. I am happy because that means I am smarter than before, but there will be lots of people I don't know and I need to say good bye to my classmates. Do you think it is good? Or maybe you think jumping grades are not good. Please tell me if you can.

I think today I felt happy because I am going to London. I hope it can be a really fun trip. I will write my diary. I will also write blog. Remember to tell everybody that there will be a new series of blog called "My London Trip". Then see you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye~~~

2019年6月24日 星期一

Jim's story 15: Uncle Wang

One day Jim and Jin were playing Uncle Wang. Jim got lots of money. Jim got more money than the bank. Jin got lots of places. Jin also built some houses and hotels on her places. They were really happy. "I think Squirtle and Jigglypuff can also play with us. That will be really fun." said Jim. "That is a great idea." said Jin. "I'll take them here. Wait a minute." said Jim.

Jim took Squirtle and Jigglypuff to the living room. Jim said, "Here we go!" "Let's restart the game and pass out all the money!" shouted Jin. Everybody would get 17720 dollars. That is a lot of money.

Jin and Jim's mom said, "If you guys want to take a break. You can eat these cookies and candies!" "Wow! There are so many kinds of cookies. I love them" shouted Jin and Jim. They were happy.

After two hours the game ended. They were calculating their points. The person who had the most points is the winner, but there is a problem. Everybody's points were the same. They don't know who should be the winner. Then mom said, "If you guys don't know who is the winner, then everyone can be the winner." "I like this idea. Everybody is winner!" shouted Jin and Jim.

"I made some prizes for you guys!" said dad. "What is it?" asked Jim. Then dad gave Jin and Jim some candies. Everybody was happy.

Who was the winner?

A. Jim   B. Jin   C. Squirtle   D. Jigglypuff   E. Everybody

The answer is E.


I think today I felt happy because today I made a story about Jim and Jin playing Uncle Wang. It is a really good game. I hope everybody like this story. You can buy it. There are lots of kind of Uncle Wang.

2019年6月23日 星期日

Shell Shockers 8: My KDR really increased

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody about my KDR. I remember that I had a video about my KDR, but today is different. My KDR really increased. I am really happy. It came from 1.4 to 1.41. I love it. There is a Youtuber that has a KDR higher than 5. I think that is really crazy. He must kill lots of people. I want to be really strong that has a 50 streak.

I think today I felt happy because today I played Shell Shockers with my sister and my KDR really increased. I think KDR is really important. I hope everybody likes to play this game.If you like this Shell Shockers video, please give it a like and share it. Remember to subscribe my channel. Tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in next blog. Bye Bye~~~

Yu's diary 1:姊姊的同學來我們家玩!


接著姊姊和媽媽下去一樓接姊姊的同學,上來後我們就開始玩了,我、姊姊和她的同學憶起玩抽鬼牌,我覺得那超好玩的,然後我們玩撿紅點,這個遊戲非常的刺激,我一開始的點書非常的少,但是後來我連續得到 2 個 K,所以我逆轉勝,我真的不敢相信,最後我們玩的是抽鬼牌。

後來我們發現 21 點非常好玩,我們玩了一陣子,我們甚至發揮創意製造了一個新遊戲叫做 41 點,後來我們發現其實 21 點比 41 點簡單,點數越多反而越來越難。

玩完 21 點後,我們玩了柯南圖案的 UNO,這個遊戲非常的刺激,我們不用寶可夢 UNO,主要是因為姊姊的同學對寶可夢不太熟。

後來我們玩的是大富翁,我覺得大富翁很好玩,姊姊跟她的同學說如果經過對方的土地可以打折,當然,我也有加入這個「打折協會」,有一次我到了姐姐的樂園,但因為姊姊有四家連鎖樂園,於是路過費變 3000 元,這個很貴,我當時連 1000 元都沒有了,我更不可能付出 3000 元,幸好我有加入「打折協會」,於是姊姊說我只要付 10 塊錢,我喜歡這一種玩法,我也好感動。

我們沉迷於大富翁,我們玩了差不多 90 分鐘,但是姊姊的同學竟然要回家了,我們就心不甘情不願地停下來了,我希望姊姊的同學可以再來我們家玩,姊姊的同學說下一次我們要先萬大富翁。


2019年6月21日 星期五

Shell Shockers 7: I got 6 kills

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu. Today I am going to tell everybody about that today I got a 6 kills streak. I think it is pretty hard to get. The best streak I've ever got in my whole life was 26. It is a lot more than 6, but 6 is also hard to get. I think getting a really good streak is not easy. You need to have really sharp ears and a really good weapon that can kill a person with only one shot.

I think today I felt happy because today I use Crackshot and get a 6 kills streak. That is pretty rare. I like it. I hope I can have a good KDR. It is hard to raise the KDR really quickly, but it will still go up. If you like this Shell Shockers video, please give it a like and share it. Remember to subscribe my channel. Tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in next blog. Bye Bye~~~

2019年6月20日 星期四

Shell Shockers 6: Map is important

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu and today I am going to tell you a secret that you can kill people easily in Shell Shockers. You need to choose a right map. You need to choose the map that you really like. I love the Dirt map. I also really like the Blue map. Sometimes your favorite map will give you lots of kills. I got 12 kills streak in the Blue map. I got 19 and 26 kills in Shellville map.

I think today I felt happy because today I played Shell Shockers with a Crackshot. I think playing with a Crackshot is a nice thing because I think Crackshot has long range and high damage. It is a good gun. I think Whipper is also a really good gun because there are lots of bullets in Whipper. If you like this Shell Shockers video, please give it a like and share it. Remember to subscribe my channel. Tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in next blog. Bye Bye~~~

2019年6月19日 星期三

Jim's story 14: Jim became invisible!

One day Jim walked down Taiwan Avenue. Suddenly a monster came out and block Jim's way to go to the school. The big monster is a magic monster. The monster said,"Abracadabra!" Jim became invisible. Jim can't see himself in the mirror, so he was so excited. He rushed home. He wanted to become a super hero that saves everybody. He found a very hard tree. When Jim touched the tree, the tree disappeared. Jim shouted,"The thing I touch will become invisible, too!"

Jim used a very sharp axe to cut the tree. He got some wood that looked like a wooden sword. He was so happy so he went home and used the paint to brush the sword. Now the sword became very beautiful (but no one can see it).

Jim rushed to the school and saw a thief trying to steal the important things that the teachers need. Jim took his wooden sword and hit the thief while he is calling the police. When the police came, they didn't see anyone but the thief. The thief tried to run away from the school but Jim would never forgive the bad guys so he blocked the thief's way.

The police officers caught the thief. Jim was so happy, but everyone doesn't know that Jim defeated the thief. Jim's classmates said Jim is like a snail because he is late, but they didn't know that Jim was fighting with a thief. When the class ended, everyone went home. Everyone turned on the TV and watched the news. Everyone saw a thief around the school, so they all screamed,"If the police officers didn't come, then the thief might steal all of the important things."

Jim went back home and made his own clothes. When Jim woke up, Jim thought the invisible power is so cool, so he wanted to defeat the bad guys again. When Jim is walking down Taiwan Avenue again, Jim saw the very big monster again, and the monster said,"Abracadabra." Now Jim can become visible if he wants. Jim got another superpower.

Jim took Jin to Taiwan Avenue. The monster gave Jin the same two strong superpowers. Jim and Jin made Jin's clothes and sword. They even made a shield for each people. They went to the school together. They saw another thief rubbing the bank. Jim and Jin were so angry. They used their sword and hit the thief. The thief shouted,"Ouch! What was that thing?"

The thief looked back but he couldn't see anything. Jim said,"Jin! You call the police and I fight with this terrible thief."Jin went to call the police and Jim tried to stop the thief. Suddenly the police officers came to the bank. Both Jim and Jin pulled the thief's hand so the thief couldn't run away. The police officers caught the thief. Then they saw Jim and Jin. The police officers said,"Little superheroes!"

The police officers were really kind. They gave Jin and Jim trophies. The trophies were really tall. The trophies were almost taller than Jim. Jin and Jim were so happy. They love the superpower, so they said thank you to the big monster. They were happy. Mom was really happy.

Jim told this thing to everyone, but everyone thought it is just a joke. They believed this is not true. So Jim and Jin showed the photo they took while battling. Everyone then thought Jin and Jim are a lot better than Superman or Batman. Jin and Jim got lots of prizes, and they even got some money. They gave it to poor people. Now everyone loves them.

I think today I felt happy because today I made another story about Jim and I wrote a lot. Maybe this is the longest blog I've ever wrote. I hope you like this wonderful story. I used a long time to think about the story and I like to use computer to write blog, I think using your hands to write is pretty good but it is tired. If you like it, please tell me under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~

2019年6月18日 星期二


大家好我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一本書叫做「五年級意見多」,裡面有很多故事,我今天會講一些,那我們就開始囉!













大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一本書叫做好想去月球,這本書的作者叫做松崗徹,是日文翻成中文的書,這本書是在講關於如何到月球以及火箭的構造,接著我就來簡單介紹這本書吧!



爬從月球垂下來的繩子,大約需要 120 年;如果用走樓梯的速度,慢慢爬,需要花 100 年;爬梯子大約要花 60 年;搭纜車的話,得花 2 年;開車的話要花 5 個月;如果用雲霄飛車的速度,大約要 3 個月;搭高鐵,也需要花 55 天;光只需要 1.3 秒就可以抵達月球。

奇怪了,為什麼飛機沒辦法離開地球?飛機不斷的繞著地球轉啊轉。很可惜,飛機不能到達月球,飛機只能在有氧氣的地方飛,所以才會繞著地球,飛離不了地球。飛機需要氧氣燃燒,而且機翼需要空氣才能往上飛。因此,飛機只能飛到離地表約 30 公里的高空。要登上月球,需要很特殊的交通工具,他要在沒有空氣的地方也能很快速,要有足夠的速度才能擺脫重力。

所以人類才會研發出火箭跟太空船,火箭可以以每秒 11.2 公里的速度往上飛,幫助太空船離開地球,火箭大部分都是燃料,跟燃燒需要的氧氣。燃燒所產生的氣體,會從火箭的尾巴快速的噴出,太空船用這股反作用力,在宇宙中衝刺。如果要在月球上住一天,坐火箭就只需要 8 天就能來回走一趟。火箭的重量大約是 2900 公噸,大概是 290 萬公斤,高度則是 110.6 公尺,就是 11060 公分,他的腰圍直徑則是 10.1 公尺。要載三個人到月亮,就需要差不多 36 層樓的巨大火箭。

發射架可以載著火箭移動,第一節火箭是擁有最強推進力的一節,他會帶火箭到地表 60 公里的高空,但是如果太快的話,可能會讓火箭燒起來。火箭都是用氫氣當燃料,還需要氧氣來燃燒,氫氣和氧氣都會佔空間,所以沒辦法很大量,要讓他們降溫到攝氏 -253 度和攝氏 -183 度,讓他們變液體後,再注入燃料箱裡。但是,在燃料箱裡面,溫度也會上升,有一部份會恢復成氣體。於是,在火箭發射前才會注入。燃料箱最重要的條件是要輕也要堅固,而且不怕熱,符合這些條件的,只有做易開罐的鋁,但他太薄了,如果空氣沒有填滿的話,會彎曲。

第二節火箭是讓火箭加入到每秒七公里的速度,而第三節火箭是幫忙加速到每秒 11.2 公里的速度。


月球的重力只有地球的 1/6,所以太空人會無法順利步行,於是會有登月探測車,讓他們不用走路。服務艙是提供電、水以及氧氣的艙,但裡面塞得滿滿的,無法載人。






2019年6月16日 星期日

Shell Shockers 5: KDR!

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu. And today I want to tell everybody about that today I played Shell Shockers with my sister, and I think it is fun. I used my favorite gun which is Crackshot to raise my KDR.

I love Crackshot because it has a really long range like a Free Ranger, and the damage is also really high. I love it. If you like Crackshot.

I think today I felt happy because today I played Shell Shockers with my sister. I think playing with my sister will have more fun. I want to always play with my sister. I will also use Crackshot. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. I hope the video can get at least one like. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年6月15日 星期六

Shell Shockers 4: Crackshot is amazing!

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that today I played a really fun game called shell Shockers. I love this game because there are lots of people shooting each others, and I think it is pretty cool. I killed lots of people with Crackshot. I think Crachshot is the best weapon in the whole Shell Shockers game. I love this amazing weapon in Shell Shockers. I bought a bear skin for my Crackshot. I love it. Do you like the game?

I think today I felt happy because today I played Shell Shockers, and I think it is interesting. I love to play Shell Shockers. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. I hope the video can get at least one like. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年6月14日 星期五

Shell Shocker 3: The best weapon

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that today I played shell Shockers. I think it is a great game. I killed lots of people with Crackshot. I only killed 3 people while recording, but I killed 19 people streak after recording the video. I think Crackshot is the best weapon in the whole Shell Shockers game. I love it. Do you like the game.

I think today I felt happy because today I played Shell Shockers, and I think it is interesting. I love to play Shell Shockers. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. I hope the video can get at least one like. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年6月13日 星期四


Hi!大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家說一件很棒的事情,我去年的暑假作業(一幅畫)竟然上兒童天地了,我好開心,我本來不知道我會上的,昨天我的補習班同學跟我說這件事,我當下驚訝極了,我得到了一張證書、300 元獎金以及第 622 期兒童天地。




2019年6月12日 星期三

Minecraft: Minigames fight!

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, today I am going to tell everybody about that today I played a game called Minigames Fight. There are lots of mini games inside the server, and they are all very fun. Of course they are really hard, and I can only earn a few points per time. I think it is pretty hard. I hope I can get better and better at this game. I hope I can earn at least 5 points per round. There are 15 games, so I need to get 1 points if there are 3 mini games.

I think today I felt happy because today I played some mini games. I think they are really fun, some of them are really hard, like the Knight Fight because you need to defeat other people using your diamond sword. There are also some really easy games like shearing the sheep. I think this game is quite interesting. I love it. I recommend it to you. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. I hope the video can get at least one like. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年6月11日 星期二

Shell Shockers 2: Revenge

Hi! Everyone. My name is Yu, today I am going to tell everybody about that I played Shell Shockers with my sister. I am happy. I finally play with my sister, and we had fun. I can shoot enemies. I think shooting enemies is very fun. Sometimes the enemies might shoot you, but you can skip. The Eggsploder bullets' speed are really slow. I recommend this game to you.

I think today I felt happy because today I played Shell Shockers, and I think it is interesting. I love to play Shell Shockers. I finally play Shell Shockers with my sister. I like to play this game with my sister, and I think it is fun. I hope everyone can play it if you have time. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. I hope the video can get at least one like. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年6月10日 星期一

Shell Shockers 1 Shoot!

Hi! Everyone. My name is Yu, today I am going to introduce a game called Shell Shockers. It is a pretty fun game, because I can shoot enemies. I think shooting enemies is very fun. Sometimes the enemies might shoot you, but you can skip. You can also press Q to throw a bomb. The bomb could deal a lot of damage. It might hurt yourself and the enemies, but it will not hurt your teammates. I think it is special. I recommend this game to you.

I think today I felt happy because today I played Shell Shockers, and I think it is interesting. I love to play Shell Shockers. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. I hope the video can get at least one like. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年6月9日 星期日

Jim's story 13: Jim's difficult riddles

"I am always in front of you, and you will never see me. What am I?" asked Jim. "It is your future!" shouted Jin.

"There are two brothers. No matter how much they run, they don't meet each other. What are them?" asked Jim."I think it is impossible. Wait! They are the wheels!" shouted Jin.

"I sounds like a color, but now I am not. I am what you are doing now. What am I?" asked Jim."Read!" shouted Jin.

"I can come in a can. I can come as a punch. I can come as a win. I can also be your meal! What am I?" asked Jim."Beat/Beet!" said Jin.

"Their is a supermarket. A pen costs 3 dollars. The telephone costs 9 dollars. The robot costs 5 dollars. How much does a plane costs?" asked Jim. "I know. There are 5 letters in a plane, and each of the letter costs 1 dollar, so a plane costs 5 dollars. The plane is cheap!" shouted Jin.

"What number will become 0 when it divided by 2?" asked Jim. "I know! It is 8. There are two zeroes in the number eight!" shouted Jin.


What eight letters word can have a letter taken away and still make a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word?

A. Sting   B. Startling   C. Starting.

The answer is B.

I think today I felt happy because today I created a story, and I think this story is nice, because it is about hard riddles. Do you like interesting riddles? I hope you really enjoyed this story. If you like it, please tell me under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~

Jim's story 12: Jim's cool riddles

"1728=2, 2879=3, 6842=3. 5363=?" asked Jim. "I think this is a hard riddle. This is a math riddle." said Jin. "I give up!" shouted Jin. "This is a hard riddle. There are two circles in 1728. There are three circles in 2879, and there are 3 circles in 6842. There is one circle in 5363, so the answer is 1." said Jim.

"What part of your body is pronounced as one letter, but there are three letters in the word. It only used two different letters to make the word. What is it?" asked Jim. "I know it is an eye!" shouted Jin.

"A man was killed in a Sunday afternoon. His wife was reading a book. His butler is taking a shower, and his chef is making breakfast. Who killed the man?" asked Jim. "The chef. It is impossible to make breakfast in the afternoon. I am the smartest!" shouted Jin.

"A blue house has blue bricks; a yellow house has a yellow bricks. What is a green house made of?" asked Jim. "A green house is made of glass! This one is tricky!" shouted Jin.


John bought a cute little mouse. The mouse can breed per month. 7 mice each time. How many mice will John own in one year?

A. 1   B. 8   C. 50

The answer is A, because John needs two mice to breed.

I think today I felt happy because today I created a story, and I think this story is nice, because it is about hard riddles. Do you like interesting riddles? I hope you really enjoyed this story. If you like it, please tell me under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~

2019年6月7日 星期五

Jim's story 11: Jim's hard riddle

"John bets Tom that he can say the score of the football race before it starts. John won the bet. How could that happened?" asked Jim. "I think John is very lucky." said Jin."No! John says 0-0. The score will always be 0-0 before the race starts." shouted Jim. "OK. This is tricky, but next time I'll have the right answer. Even though it is a hard riddle!" shouted Jin.

"There is a six letters word. If you take one letter from it. It will be twelve. What is the six letters word?" asked Jim. "What equals twelve. A dozen equals twelve, so I think the answer will be dozens!" said Jin.

"An old man wants to give all of his money to one of the three sons, but he didn't know which one to give. So he gave all of the three sons some money to buy things. If anyone can field the room, then the person gets money. The first son bought lots of straws, but they can't field the room. The second son bought son bought some sticks, but it can't field the room. The third son bought two things and gets money. What did he do?" asked Jim. "He bought a candle and a box of match. The lights field the room." said Jin.


What is the smallest sentence with all alphabets in it?

A. The smallest sentence with all letters in it.
B. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
C. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The answer is C.

2019年6月6日 星期四

Jim's story 10: Jim's riddle!

"The person who makes the thing doesn't tell anyone. The person who takes it doesn't know what happened. Everyone doesn't like it. What is it?" asked Jim. "I think it is a counterfeit money!" shouted Jin.

"Which house in the world weights the least?" asked Jim. "What is the lightest house? I think it is a lighthouse!" shouted Jin.

"How can you drop an egg to the concrete floor without cracking it?" asked Jim. "The concrete floor will not crack if an get dropped on it." shouted Jin. "I think this is funny." shouted Jin.

"Which seven letter word is heavy. If you took away two letters. It will leave eight. What is the word?" asked Jim. "It is weights" shouted Jin.

"What three letters can change a girl into a woman?" asked Jim."Age!" shouted Jin."It's funny!" shouted Jin.

"What does this mean? Wondealicerland?" asked Jim. "This is super easy. Alice in Wonderland!" shouted Jin.


What has 26 letters but only three syllables?

A. 26 letters   B. Alphabet(Google)   C. Alphabet

The answer is C.

I think today I felt happy because today I created a story, and I think this story is nice, because it is about hard riddles. Do you like interesting riddles? I hope you really enjoyed this story. If you like it, please tell me under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~

2019年6月5日 星期三

Jim's story 9: Jin's interesting riddle

"I have a riddle!" said Jin. "If a person can make a toy per hour. Then how many toys can the man make in 72 hours?" asked Jin. "He can make 72 toys. This is very easy!" shouted Jim.

"No! You are wrong. Everyone needs to sleep. He sleeps 8 hours per day, so he can make 48 toys" shouted Jin.

"How long is the sentence to this question." said Jin. "Why it ends in period? It should end in question mark." said Jim. "This is the trick of the riddle!" shouted Jin. "So that means the answer is how long." said Jim.

"What is the end of everything?" asked Jin. "I think it is the letter g." said Jim. "This is a really interesting riddle." said Jim.

"What can travel around the world, but stay in one corner?" asked Jin. "I think it is an alphabet, but which alphabet?" said Jim. "Maybe it is a real thing. Oh! It is a stamp." shouted Jim.

"What is the password. The password equals _ _. OTTFFSSENTETT?" asked Jin. "I think it must be FF. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen." said Jim.

"What is as big as elephant, but it is 0 kg, and no one can take it?" asked Jin. "I know! It is elephants shadow!" shouted Jim.

"What is the fastest way to have lots of money?" asked Jin. "Put two mirrors beside the money!" shouted Jim.


A man born in 1900, but he dies in 1901, and He is 99 years old. How could that be possible?

A. He born in room 1900 and died in 1901.   B. It is impossible.   C. I don't know!

The answer is A.

I think today I felt happy because today I created a story, and I think this story is nice, because it is about hard riddles. Do you like interesting riddles? I hope you really enjoyed this story. If you like it, please tell me under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~

2019年6月4日 星期二

Jim's story 8: Jin's riddles

"I have a riddle!" said Jin. "That will be fun. What is the riddle?" asked Jim. "An electric train is traveling south. Where are the smoke going?" asked Jin. Jim said,"If a train is traveling south, then the smoke might be traveling south, too. Oh! wait. Maybe the wind is blowing from south to north, but it is an electric train, so it will not make any smoke. This riddle is tricky!" said Jim.

"I have another question!" said Jin. "There are three houses. Reddy lives in the red house. Bluedy lives in the blue house. Who lives in white house right now?" asked Jin. "This one is super easy. The president lives in the white house. This one is funny!" said Jim.

"I begins with T and ends with T. There is T in me. What am I" asked Jin. "What thing would have T in it? Oh! I know. It is a teapot. It really begins with T and ends with T. we can put tea in it." said Jim.

"I am a seed. If you take away two letters from me. I will sound quite the same. What am I?" asked Jin. "You are a pea." said Jim.

"A king, a queen and two twins lay in a big room, but there isn't any adults and children. How is it possible?" asked Jin. "Oh! I know. They are beds!" shouted Jim.


I am first on earth, second on heaven. I appear twice in a week, never in a month, but once in a year. What am I?

A. E   B. C   C. D

The answer is A.

I think today I felt happy because today I created a story, and I think this story is nice, because it is about hard riddles. Do you like riddles? I hope you really enjoyed this story. If you like it, please tell me under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~ 

2019年6月3日 星期一

Jim's story 7: lots of riddles

"I want one more riddle that makes sense!" said Jin. "Ok! I will ask you another one." said Jim. Jim asked, "A man went to a trip with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. There is a very wide river, but there is only one boat. The boat is small. Each time, he can just take himself and another thing, but he couldn't leave the fox with the goose. The fox will eat the goose. He also couldn't leave the goose with the sack of corn. The goose might eat it. How can they go to the next side of the river?" "This is pretty hard. I must think for a while!" said Jin.

"I know! Take the goose over first and come back. Then take the fox over and bring the goose back. Now take the corn over and come back alone to get the goose. Take the goose over and the job is done!" said Jin.

Jim said, "I have another riddle!" "A man decides to buy a nice horse. He pays $600 for it and he takes care of this strong animal. After a year, the value of the horse has increased to $700 and he decides to sell the horse. But a few days later he regrets his decision so he buys back the horse again. Unfortunately he has to pay $800 to get it back so he loses $100. After another year of owning the horse he finally decides to sell the horse for $900. What is the overall profit the man makes?" asked Jim.

"Math is easy! He earned $200" shouted Jin. "Great! You got both right. You improved a lot. I will have more hard riddles for you." said Jim.

-The End-

He has one and a person has two, a citizen has three and a human being has four, a personality has five and an inhabitant of earth has six. What am I?

A. Syllables   B. Eyeballs   C. Volleyballs

The answer is A.

I think today I felt happy because today I created a story, and I think this story is nice, because it is about hard riddles. I hope you really enjoyed this story. If you like it, please tell me under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~

2019年6月2日 星期日

Jim's story 6: more riddles

"I want more riddles!" said Jin. Jim said, "Sure! I will think a hard one!" "When I add 5 and 6 together, I will get 11, but if I add 7 and 6 together, I will get 1. How could that be possible?" asked Jim. "I need to think for a while." said Jin. 2 minutes later. "I know! It is on the clock." shouted Jin.

"Great job" said Jim. "I have another riddle." said Jim. "There are 5 children in a classroom. Cony is painting. Jessica is playing with her toy. Brown is playing chess, and Moon is eating a hamburger. What is James doing?" asked Jim. "I don't know. This one is hard." said Jin. "Ha! Ha! James is playing with Brown. Brown can't play chess by himself!" said Jim.

"I want at least one more riddle!" said Jin. "I have lots of riddles." said Jim. "What is the end of a black hole?" asked Jim. "This is not a riddle!" shouted Jin. "I am not Einstein!" said Jin. "No! This is a hard riddle." said Jim. "Then I don't know. I give up." said Jin. "The answer is the letter e!" said Jim.

"There is one more!" said Jim. "I am a room, but no one can go in, and no one can go out. What am I?" asked Jim. "I know! I am a mushroom!" said Jin.

"I have another riddle." said Jim. "I have an eye but I am blind. I have a sea but no water. I have a bee but no honey. I have a tea but no coffee. What am I?" asked Jim. "I don't know. This is a hard riddle." said Jin. "I am alphabets!" shouted Jim.


I cover what's real; hide what is true, but sometimes bring out the courage in you. What am I?

A. make bed   B. make plane   C. make up

The answer is C.

I think today I felt happy because today I created a story, and I think this story is nice, because it is about hard riddles. I hope you really enjoyed this story. If you like it, please tell me under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~

2019年6月1日 星期六

Jim's story 5: Riddles

"I have a question!" said Jim. "What question?" asked Jin. "There is a house that just has one floor. All of the things inside are blue. There are blue tables. There is a blue pen and there is a blue TV. There is a blue computer and there are some blue dishes. There is a big blue sofa and there is a blue book. The lights are all blue and the clock is blue. What color is the stair?" asked Jim. Jin said, "of course blue!" "Ha! Ha! Ha! The house just has one floor. There isn't a stair."

Jin said, "Is there more riddles? I like riddles." "Ok! I will show you a really hard one." said Jim. "I will solve it this time" said Jin. "Peter went to city A on Sunday, but why Peter can come back next day on Sunday?" asked Jim. "I don't know" said Jin. "This one is really hard. Can you tell me the answer?" asked Jin. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Peter's horse is called Sunday so that could be possible."

"I want another one!" said Jin. "Sure! I have another pretty hard riddle to ask." "I think your riddles are too hard!" said Jin. "What thing will get more useful when you break it." asked Jim. "If a thing breaks, it can't be more useful. It can't use anymore!" said Jin. "Ha! The answer is an egg. If you didn't break it, you can't eat it, but if you break it, you can eat it."


A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agreed, thinking no matter what the carny wrote he would just say his weight more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

A. the man just guess   B. the man wrote "your exact weight"   C. the man is a god

The answer is B.

I think today I felt happy because today I created a story, and I think this story is nice. I hope you really enjoyed this story. If you like it, please tell me under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~