2020年4月28日 星期二

學習單:蔡英文總統 TIME 投書

蔡英文總統投書 TIME 雜誌,向世界介紹臺灣應對這次疫情的背景、措施,以及成效。我們一起讀過全文並認識單字後,請試著用你自己的話,翻譯這篇英文稿件,從翻譯的過程中,複習單字,並思考其內容與意義。

Taiwan is an island of resilience. Centuries of hardship have compelled our society to cope, adapt, and survive trying circumstances. We have found ways to persevere through difficult times together as a nation, and the COVID-19 pandemic is no different. Despite the virus's highly infectious nature and our proximity to its source, we have prevented a major outbreak. As of April 14, we have had fewer than 400 confirmed cases.


This success is no coincidence. A combination of efforts by medical professionals, government, private sector and society at large have armored our country's defenses. The painful lessons of the 2003 SARS outbreak, which left Taiwan scarred with the loss of dozens of lives, put our government and people on high alert early on. Last December, when indications of a contagious new respiratory illness began to appear in China, we began monitoring incoming passengers from Wuhan. In January, we established the Central Epidemic Command Center to handle prevention measures. We introduced travel restrictions and established quarantine protocols for high-risk travelers.

台灣的成功不是偶然,在醫護人員、政府、以及私人企業的合作下,我們準備好對抗疫情了,我們在 2003 年的嚴重呼吸道症候群疫情失去了幾打個生命,讓我們在很早的時候就提高警戒,去年十二月當中國有會傳染的呼吸道疾病的跡象時,我們開始監控從武漢返台的旅客,今年一月,我們成立了中央流行疫情指揮中心,我們還做了旅遊的限制和制定對高風險的旅客的隔離規則。

Upon the discovery of the first infected person in Taiwan on Jan. 21, we undertook rigorous investigative efforts to track travel and contact history for every patient, helping to isolate and contain the contagion before a mass community outbreak was possible. In addition to the tireless efforts of our public-health professionals, spearheaded by Health Minister Chen Shih-chung, our informed citizens have done their part. Private businesses, franchises, and apartment communities have initiated body-temperature monitoring and disinfection steps that have supplemented government efforts in public spaces.


To prevent mass panic buying, at an early stage the government monitored market spikes in commodities and took over the production and distribution of medical-grade masks. With the cooperation of private machine-tool and medical-supply companies, the Ministry of Economic Affairs coordinated additional production lines for surgical masks, multiplying production capacity. Supported by technology experts, pharmacies and convenience stores, we devised a system for distributing rationed masks. Here, masks are available and affordable to both hospitals and the general public. The joint efforts of government and private companies—a partnership we have deemed "Team Taiwan"—have also enabled us to donate supplies to seriously affected countries.


Taiwan has one of the world's top health care systems, strong research capabilities and transparent information that we actively share with both the public and international bodies. Indeed, Taiwan has effectively managed the containment of the corona-virus within our borders. Yet on a global level, COVID-19 is a humanitarian disaster that requires the joint efforts of all countries. Although Taiwan has been unfairly excluded from the WHO and the U.N., we remain willing and able to utilize our strengths across manufacturing, medicine, and technology to work with the world.

台灣有世界頂尖的醫療系統、研究能力和分享給公共國際機構的透明的資料,確實台灣有效地管理了台灣境內的武漢肺炎,在國際社會中,武漢肺炎是一個需要各個國家一起努力的人道災難,雖然台灣被 WHO 和聯合國不公平地聚在門外,但是我們還是願意利用我們在製造業、藥品業和製造業的長處和全世界一起合作。

Global crises test the fabric of the inter-national community, stretching us at the seams and threatening to tear us apart. Now more than ever, every link in this global network must be accounted for. We must set aside our differences and work together for the benefit of humankind. The fight against COVID-19 will require the collective efforts of people around the world.


Taiwan is no stranger to hardship, and our resilience stems from our willingness to unite to surmount even the toughest obstacles. This, above all else, is what I hope Taiwan can share with the world: the human capacity to overcome challenges together is limitless. Taiwan can help.

台灣跟困難不是陌生人,我們的堅韌源於我們願意團結克服甚至最困難的障礙,最重要的是,我希望台灣可以分享給全世界:人類共同度過困難的能力是無限的,Taiwan can help.

Tsai is the President of Taiwan

2020年4月23日 星期四

我用 VEX-IQ 做了一個投籃機

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我用 VEX-IQ 做了一個投籃機,我前也有做出一個投籃機,但是那是用 EV3 做的。


我覺得我今天很開心,因為我今天用 VEX-IQ 做了一個投籃機,我覺得這個投籃機比我用 EV3 做的投籃機好,因為這個投籃機偵測球的準確率很高,EV3 的有時候會沒有偵測到。

2020年4月15日 星期三


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要和大家說為什麼疫情期間油價會跌。




2020年4月12日 星期日

Wuhan Virus Infection from Feb 1 to April 10

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that I updated my video about Wuhan Virus. I hope you can enjoy it. Please stay safe and try to wear a face mask when you are in a public place.

I think today I felt happy because today I updated the Wuhan Virus video. I will keep updating it. I hope everybody is safe. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye~~

2020年4月7日 星期二

I updated my Wuhan Virus video

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu. Today I want to tell everybody that I updated my Wuhan Virus video again. I hope you would enjoy it. Please keep healthy and always wear a mask when you are in a public place. Always wash your hands correctly.

I think today I felt happy because today I updated the Wuhan Virus video. I will keep updating it. I think France will have more cases than Germany soon. The bar of USA is still rushing like a cheetah. I hope everybody is safe. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye~~

2020年4月6日 星期一


大家好,我是 Yu,我今天做了一個影片,我就是想要說武漢肺炎,病毒的發源地是武漢,所以要叫做武漢肺炎,非常的正常。

我希望你會喜歡這一集的影片,如果您喜歡這個影片,請給影片按讚,訂閱我的頻道,分享影片,然後在 Facebook 上按讚跟追蹤 Jobo's Daily,那我們就在下一篇部落格中再見,掰掰~~

2020年4月4日 星期六

Top 10 countries by GDP from 1960 to 2018

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that I made another video. I will tell you how I made it.

First, we need to get the data. My data comes from World Bank. Download the data, then you can open it in Excel. You just need to delete some unimportant things. Now you can download or copy it.

Then, we need to go to a website called Flourish. Sign in and add a new visualization. Find Bar Chart Race. Now, you replace the data with the data from World Bank.

Lastly, you add flags to the countries that were once in the top 10. You might feel weird. Now go to the bar color section in preview. Change the color mode into by bar. Now you can discover the other cool things. Try to make your project cool!

I think today I felt happy because today I created a video about the top 10 countries by GDP from 1960 to 2018. I hope you can make one, too. See you guys in the next video. Bye Bye~

2020年4月2日 星期四

I made a cool video!

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I made a video that I always wanted to make. I will make the video better and better. There will be more countries so you can see the top rankings.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a crazy video. I think I can improve a lot. I can add more countries so it gets better. I will do that tomorrow. See you guys in the next video. Bye Bye~~