2017年9月20日 星期三


There was an earthquake in the evening at 10:30p.

I felt scared, because this earthquake has a magnitude of 5.7. And in Taichung, the intensity is 2. The earthquake center located in Hualien, outside the land and in Pacific ocean.
(我覺得很可怕,因為這個地震芮氏規模 5.7,台中震度 2。震央在花蓮外海的太平洋。)

The earthquake depth is 15.3 km below the sea level. Dad searched the internet and found it is a very shallow earthquake. And Dad said, shallow earthquake is more dangerous because it can shake strongly.
(這個地震的深度為海平面下 15.3 公里,爸爸查資料找到這個叫做非常淺層地震,而且爸爸說,淺層地震很可怕,因為他會搖很大力。)

I think it is a little bit scared today because there is an earthquake. And it is a very shallow earthquake. However, I am also happy that I learned about how to find information online.