Chen-Yu Tsai (Yu)
Nov 11, 2010 / Email / Blog / Jobo's Daily (Facebook Page) / Scratch / YouTube
Current Position
7th grade / Homeschooling since 2nd grade (First year summary / visit)
- Homeschool Review 2018-2019 (Review / Video)
- Homeschool Review 2019-2020 (Review 1 / Review 2)
- Homeschool Review 2020-2021
- Homeschool Review 2021-2022
- Homeschool Review 2022-2023
- Homeschool Review 2023-2024
Favorite Subjects
Geography / Politics / Robot / Coding / Math / English / Blog / YouTube
Favorite Pokemon
Worldwide Math Awards
2020/10 Gold Medal, Grade 4, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament, Autumn.
2020/11 Gold Medal, Grade 3, World Mathematics Invitational.
2020/11 Gold Medal, Grade 3, World Mathematics Invitational.
2021/8 Diamond Medal, Grade 4 group, World Mathematics Invitational.
2022/8 Gold Medal, Grade 5, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Summer.
2022/9 Diamond Medal, Grade 5 group, World Mathematics Invitational.
2022/9 Legend Award, Grade 5 group, World Mathematics Invitational.
2022/12 1st Place Award, Grade 6, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Autumn.
2023/4 Silver Award, Grade 6, Global Junior Math Online Competition.
2023/4 1st Place Award, Grade 6, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Spring.
2023/7 Diamond Medal, Grade 6 group, World Mathematics Invitational.
2023/7 2nd Place Award, Grade 6, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Summer.
2023/7 3rd Place Award, Grade 6, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Finals.
2024/3 Gold Medal (12/1765), Grade 7 group, Math Kangaroo.
2024/4 Gold Award, Grade 7, Global Junior Math Aptitude Test.
2024/4 Global 1st Place, Grade 7, Global Junior Math Aptitude Test.2024/4 1st Place Award, Grade 7, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Semi-Finals.
2024/6 Global 1st Place, Grade 7, Global Junior Math Online Competition.2024/7 1st Place Award, Grade 7, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Finals.
2024/10 1st Place Award, Grade 8, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Autumn.
Worldwide Robotics Awards
2021/3 World Skills Standings 2nd Place, VEX IQ 2020-2021 World Skills Standings, Elementary.
2021/5 World Champion: VEX IQ 2020-2021 Rise Above Design Award.
2022/2 World LRT Ranking 1st Place, VEX IQ 2021-2022 LRT Standings, Middle School.
2022/3 World Skills Standings 1st Place, VEX IQ 2021-2022 World Skills Standings, Middle School.
2022/5 Divisional Champion, VEX IQ 2021-2022 World Championship, Middle School.
2022/5 Think Award, VEX IQ 2021-2022 World Championship, Middle School.
2022/12 Bronze Medal, World Ranking 11, Elementary School, World Robot Olympiad 2022.2023/2 Qualified for VEX Worlds, VEX IQ 2022-2023 Taiwan Open, Middle School.
2023/3 World Skills Standings 1st Place, VEX IQ 2022-2023 World Skills Standings, Middle School.
2025/1 World Skills Standings 2nd Place, VEX IQ 2024-2025 World Skills Standings, Middle School.
National Math Awards
2017/11 Top 5% (33/2639), Grade 1 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)
2018/4 Gold Medal (2/385), 1st in Mid-Taiwan, Grade 1 group, OLPC Math Competition.(奧林匹克數理競試)
2018/11 Gold Medal (12/4028), Grade 2 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)
2018/11 Championship (1/1024), Full marks, Grade 2 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2018/12 Gold Medal, Grade 2 group, World Mathematics International Taiwan round(世界數學邀請賽臺灣初選通過)
Gold Medal (10/391), 1st in Mid-Taiwan, Grade 2 group, OLPC Math
2019/11 Gold Medal (6/269), 1st in Mid-Taiwan, Grade 3 group, OLPC Math Competition.(奧林匹克數理競試)
2019/11 Gold Medal (85/3255), Top 2.6%, Grade 3 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)
2019/11 Elite Award (5/981), Top 0.5%, Grade 3 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2019/12 Gold Medal (16/311), Grade 3 group, World Mathematics International Taiwan round(世界數學邀請賽臺灣初選通過)
2021/1 Design Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Elementary.
2024/12 Design Award, TAI-VEX IQ Rapid Relay, VEX IQ 2024-2025.
2017/12 First Place, 2017 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2018/5 Second Place, 2018 Speaking Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2018/12 Second Place, 2018 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2019/5 First Place, 2019 Speaking Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2019/12 First Place, 2019 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2019/11 Gold Medal (6/269), 1st in Mid-Taiwan, Grade 3 group, OLPC Math Competition.(奧林匹克數理競試)
2019/11 Gold Medal (85/3255), Top 2.6%, Grade 3 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)
2019/11 Elite Award (5/981), Top 0.5%, Grade 3 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2019/12 Gold Medal (16/311), Grade 3 group, World Mathematics International Taiwan round(世界數學邀請賽臺灣初選通過)
2020/11 Gold Medal (18/3327), Top 0.54%, Grade 4 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)
Elite Award (5/1325), Top 0.37%, Grade 4 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2021/4 Gold Medal (3/368),
Grade 4 group, OLPC Math Competition.(奧林匹克數理競試)
2021/11 Gold Medal (23/2479), Top 0.92%, Grade 5 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)
2021/11 Elite Award (4/910), Top 0.43%, Grade 5 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2021/12 Gold Medal (1/316), Grade 5 group, World Mathematics International Taiwan round(世界數學邀請賽臺灣初選通過)
2021/12 Group 4th Place, High Elementary Group. OLPC Math Group Competition. (奧林匹克團體賽)
2021/12 Individual 10th Place, High Elementary Group. OLPC Math Group Competition. (奧林匹克團體賽)
2022/4 Gold Medal (39/486), Grade 5 group, OLPC Math Competition Basic.(奧林匹克數理競試 金卓越數學王)
2022/4 Gold Medal (2/486), Grade 5 group, OLPC Math Competition Advanced.(奧林匹克數理競試 奧數挑戰王)
2022/12 Individual Gold Medal, High Elementary Group. OLPC Math Group Competition.(奧林匹克團體賽)
2022/12 Group 2nd Place, High Elementary Group. OLPC Math Group Competition.(奧林匹克團體賽)
2022/12 1st Place (1/2062), Top 0.04%, Grade 6 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2023/4 Gold Medal (1/341), Grade 6 group, OPLC Math Competition Basic.(奧林匹克數理競試 金卓越數學王)
2023/4 Gold Medal, Grade 6 group, OLPC Math Competition Science.(奧林匹克數理競試 自然科學王)
2023/12 Individual Gold Medal, Junior High group, OLPC Math Group Competition. (奧林匹克團體賽)
2023/12 Group 18th Place, Junior High group, OLPC Math Group Competition. (奧林匹克團體賽)
2023/12 Elite Award, Grade 7 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2023/12 Group 1st Place, Grade 7 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2024/4 Gold Medal, Grade 7 group, OLPC Math Competition Basic.(奧林匹克數理競試 金卓越數學王)
2024/4 Gold Medal , Grade 7 group, OLPC Math Competition Advanced.(奧林匹克數理競試 奧數挑戰王)
2024/4 Gold Medal, Grade 7 group, OLPC Math Competition Science.(奧林匹克數理競試 自然科學王)
2024/6 Excellent Award, Grade 7 group, Taiwan Mathematics Test.(臺灣中小學數學能力檢定考試)
2024/11 Individual 8th Place, Junior High Group. OLPC Math Group Competition.(奧林匹克團體賽)
2024/11 Group 7th Place, Junior High Group. OLPC Math Group Competition.(奧林匹克團體賽)
2025/1 Silver Award, Grade 8 group, World Mathematics International Taiwan round(世界數學邀請賽臺灣初選通過)
National Robotics and Informatics Awards
First Prize, Elementary School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot
Olympiad 2020.(WRO2020 國際奧林匹亞 智能機器人 聯盟賽 臺灣中南區
國小組 冠軍 / 雖可晉級,但因疫情,無全國賽與世界賽。)
Championship (Teamwork Champion Award), Elementary School Group, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Preliminaries, Group
2021/1 Design Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Elementary.
2021/1 Teamwork 2nd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Elementary.
2021/8 Fifth Prize,
Elementary School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad
Championship (Teamwork Champion Award), Middle School Group, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Preliminaries, Group B.
2021/12 PR 99, 300/300, Grade 5-6, International Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking
2022/2 Excellence Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Middle School.
2022/2 Teamwork Champion Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Middle School.
2022/3 Robot Skills Champion Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open (Skills-only), Middle School.
2022/7 First Prize, Elementary School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2022.
2022/8 Fourth Prize, Elementary School, Taiwan Championship, World Robot Olympiad 2022.
2022/12 Skills 4th Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open, Middle School.
2022/12 Qualification 1st place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open, Middle School.
2023/1 Create Award, TAI-VEX IQ Slapshot, VEX IQ 2022-2023.
2023/2 Think Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2022-2023, Middle School.
2023/2 Skills 2nd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2022-2023, Middle School.
2023/4 Honorable Mention, Middle School, WRO Online Competition, World Robot Olympiad 2023.
2023/7 Second Place, Middle School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2023.
2023/8 Fourth Place, Middle School, Taiwan Championship, World Robot Olympiad 2023.
2023/9 Teamwork Champion Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024 Warm-Up, Middle School.
2023/9 Skills 1st Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024 Warm-Up, Middle School.
2023/9 Teamwork 2nd Place, VEX IQ Dr.Player Robotics Lab 2023-2024 Warm-Up, Middle School.
2023/9 Skills 3rd Place, VEX IQ Dr.Player Robotics Lab 2023-2024 Warm-Up, Middle School.
2023/10 Teamwork 2nd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, Southern Taiwan Competition, Middle School.
2023/10 Skills 3rd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, Southern Taiwan Competition, Middle School.
2023/11 Teamwork 5th Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, Central Taiwan Competition, Middle School.
2024/1 Teamwork Champion Award, TAI-VEX IQ Full Volume, VEX IQ 2023-2024.
2024/1 Think Award, TAI-VEX IQ Full-Volume, VEX IQ 2023-2024.
2024/1 Teamwork 3rd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, National Championship, Middle School.
2024/1 Skills 3rd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, National Championship, Middle School.
2024/1 Build Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, National Championship, Middle School.
2024/4 Honorable Mention, Middle School, WRO Online Competition, World Robot Olympiad 2024.
2024/7 First Place, Middle School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2024.
2024/8 Eighth Place, Middle School, National Championship, World Robot Olympiad 2024.
2024/12 Teamwork Champion Award, TAI-VEX IQ Rapid Relay, VEX IQ 2024-2025.
2024/12 Skills Champion Award, TAI-VEX IQ Rapid Relay, VEX IQ 2024-2025.
2024/12 Design Award, TAI-VEX IQ Rapid Relay, VEX IQ 2024-2025.
2025/1 Teamwork 4th Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2024-2025, National Championship, Middle School.
2025/1 Skills 2nd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2024-2025, National Championship, Middle School.
2025/1 Amaze Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2024-2025, National Championship, Middle School.
English Certificates and Awards
2017/12 First Place, 2017 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2018/5 Second Place, 2018 Speaking Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2018/12 Second Place, 2018 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2019/5 First Place, 2019 Speaking Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2019/12 First Place, 2019 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2020/12 First Place, 2020 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2024/3 GEPT Elementary Level Passed.
2024/5 GEPT High-Intermediate Level Passed.
2018/1 Academic Excellence (Top 1), 1st Semester, 1st Grade.
2018/1 Lunch Service Volunteer, 1st Grade.
2018/1 Recycling Pioneer, 1st Grade.
2018/3 Best Works in Winter Vacation, 1st Grade.
2018/3 Certificate of Merit, Essay Contest, 1st and 2nd Grade.
2018/4 Best Taichung Student Award, Taichung city government.
2018/6 Academic Excellence (Top 1), 2nd Semester, 1st Grade.
2024/7 JLPT N4 Passed.
2024/12 JLPT N3 Passed.
In-school Awards (Grade 1 only, then homeschooling)
2018/1 Academic Excellence (Top 1), 1st Semester, 1st Grade.
2018/1 Lunch Service Volunteer, 1st Grade.
2018/1 Recycling Pioneer, 1st Grade.
2018/3 Best Works in Winter Vacation, 1st Grade.
2018/3 Certificate of Merit, Essay Contest, 1st and 2nd Grade.
2018/4 Best Taichung Student Award, Taichung city government.
2018/6 Academic Excellence (Top 1), 2nd Semester, 1st Grade.
Software Developing Projects
2022/12 SDG 8 Trivia Game, Scratch Project
2023/3 Tank War Game, Scratch Project
2023/4 Flag Guessing Game, Chrome Extension
2023/4 WRO Question System, Website
Volunteer / Community Service
2022/6 Experience Sharing and Speaker, 8 hours, VEX Taiwan, CACET.
2024/1 Field Reset Volunteer, 16 hours, 2023-2024 VEX V5 Taiwan Open Middle School Championship, CACET
2024/2 Field Reset Volunteer, 16 hours, 2023-2024 VEX IQ Taiwan Open Elementary School Championship, CACET
2025/1 Field Assistance Volunteer, 16 hours, 2024-2025 VEX IQ Taiwan Open Elementary School Championship, CACET