2023年5月18日 星期四

Flag Guessing Game - My first Chrome Extension Game

Hello. Today I want to talk about a Chrome Extension that I developed recently. It's a flag-guessing game. And I made this game using ChatGPT's help. It taught me exactly how to write the code, including HTML, CSS, Javascript, and JSON. It also gave me a step-by-step guide on publishing the extension.

Before I start coding using ChatGPT, I only knew a little bit of Python and HTML. But ChatGPT just made coding much easier. I just need to give it what I want to accomplish using English, and it can do what I want.

My first version was version 1.0. It was an infinite game where there was no end and you just keep answering the questions. But that would make people get really bored really quickly. So I made version 1.1, where the player has 249 flags to guess. The flags don't repeat and it shows the progress of the game, which would make players less bored. Also, it saves progress so there is no pressure.

Then comes version 1.2 with a brand new feature, where you can choose the continent you want to play. I made this feature because I thought that 249 flags might be too much for people. And some people just want to complete the game fast. I also fixed a bug that breaks the game if you close the extension while in the end-game scene.

The game has been published for over 1 month already. And recently, this game is played by around 40 people per day. The number is also still growing. Although it's not really a ton of people, I am pretty happy to see this result. By the way, the country that played my game the most is surprisingly Australia!

I think I will keep developing and improving this game by making more updates. You can also download the Chrome extension right now and enjoy it! See you next time, bye!

Flag Guessing Game