2017年10月30日 星期一

Ugly duck

Today  I want to tell you about ugly duck, today I read this book, this book is talking about one mommy duck has many eggs, among them there is one duck is ugly, other ducks don't like this duck, so this duck doesn't have a friend.


Therefore, this duck went away, this duck saw one house, and this duck went into the house. This duck saw one grandmother. She wanted to raise this duck in her house. However, the cat and the chicken don't like this duck, so this duck went away again.


When it is winter, the duck went inside the cave, because the duck doesn't want to be cold. When it is spring, the duck can fly, because the duck changed into a swan.


I think this story is good, because the big duck is swan, so this duck can fly, and it is beautiful. It is not ugly.
