2018年2月23日 星期五

Today is so cold

Today when I am going to my classroom, I and my sister feel very cold, and when I go into my classroom, I feel very cold, I want to be warm.

After morning we need to go to a playground, because we have sports class in the school. And today is a time to have sports class.

Our teacher said we need to run two time playground. First time I am not very fast, when I am in second time, I feel bad, because I had a lot of cold air inside my body, and that let me be slower, so I cannot run very fast, but some people can.

After that we think this is too cold, but our teacher said we need to jump rope together, but I don't want to do this, because if I do that, I will feel very cold. And maybe I will be sick, but I need to do it, so I feel very bad.

When I am running in the playground, if it is sunny today, we can run faster, but today weather is cloudy, windy and very big rain, when I am running, my hand is very cold and hurt, but I still need to run, if you put your hand in the pocket, you will fall down.

Today I am not very happy, because today I feel very cold, so I will feel sad.