2018年3月2日 星期五

Play Arena of Valor

Today I and my schoolmate said Saturday we need to play Arena of Valor. And I am excited, because I want to play with my schoolmate.

And I think he is good at playing, and we need to play with his big brother, and I will use my hero called Lubu. And he can use many things, so you will be dead.

Before I used Fennik, And now I want to start to use many heros, next hero I want to buy is Tulen, because his skill is electric, so you will feel bad.

So I think tomorrow I can play with my friend to play many games, and fight with his big brother. I want to win this time.

And we can fight, so we will play two times. I think when I am playing the games I will feel excited, so we will get more fun.

And now I want to say something about Yorn. This hero is a marksman, if you are playing Chinese Arena of Valor, you can guess what is his Chinese name. Sometimes I will use this hero, when my opponent wants to flee. I can use the third skill to let them die.

I am happy today, because tomorrow I can fight with my friend's big brother, and I think we can get a lot of fun from these things.