2018年4月30日 星期一

Yesterday I made a car with blocks

Today I want to tell everybody about that I made a car with blocks, later I will tell you why I think it is funny, it is really funny.

I think it is funny, because when I finished, the book says, if you pull it, the car can run, but I didn't succeed, so I think about it.

My father told me where I did it wrong, I didn't put rubber band on the gearwheel, if you don't do that, if you pull, it will go backwards.

I did it, so we fixed it, but my sister needed to make a motorcycle, and we had no blocks anymore, so we need to remake the car.

Before that we need to take a picture, but I forgot, so I don't have picture, I needed to wait for my sister, she can take a picture or video with motorcycle.

Now my sister finished the motorcycle in 30 minutes, when I saw that, I felt very surprised, because when I am making the car, I used a long time.

The motorcycle needs to use 84 blocks, but the car need 89 blocks, these two are very hard to make, I don't think this is easy, you need to use a least 10 minutes.

I think 10 minutes is long, but if you are playing, you will think 10 minutes is not long, so this is what different with do happy things or hard things.

When I forgot, I need to wait, but I don't know what I can do, so I just write blogger, and this is about the car, and maybe tomorrow I will tell you about the book.

I think today I am happy, because yesterday I make a car, and I destroyed it, but we had a motorcycle, so this is not bad.

2018年4月29日 星期日

I went to a Math exam

Today I want to tell everybody about that I went to a Math exam, and we ate McDonald's for breakfast, it is delicious to eat. This is my favorite breakfast.

I ate on the car and we went to a place that we need to have a Math exam. There are two parts we need to have the exam, and we had a break time, my Mom told me when it is break time, I need to go to the restroom.

When the teacher gave us exam paper, I felt very scared, because maybe I can get high score, I will feel very happy, this is why I felt very scared.

If I can get high score, I can tell my Mom, if my Mom hears that. She will think good at it, maybe my Mom can give me some present.

My Mom is a good person, so I think maybe my Mom can give me a surprise, if she can give me this, it is very good.

I think maybe I can't get high score, I think this is not too easy, so I need to try very hard, I can say this is not easy, because when I am writing simulation test, it is not easy.

When I am writing simulation test, lots of times I need to talk with my Mom, so you can know how hard it is, it is not very hard, but you don't think that is easy.

If you want to practice Math, you can bought the simulation tests, and you can do like me, go to the exam, so I think you can get high score when you need to have a math exam.

I think today I felt scared, because I had a math exam, when I had the exam, I think that is harder than lots of things.

2018年4月28日 星期六

I am now Grandmaster

Today I want to tell everybody about that I upgraded from Master to Grandmaster, when I see that, I felt very happy, now I will tell you why I can do it.

Before that I will tell you what we go out in the morning, we went to a family day of my school, we do lots of things and I felt happy.

I can be Grandmaster, it is because yesterday I am Master one, and I had four stars, I thought I can be Grandmaster, everyone wants it to happen.

I played with my Dad, first time we played Rank game, and this time I can get one more star, but now I am Grandmaster, because I already have four stars.

When I was playing, I saw everyone was Grandmaster, so the enemies are too, now they don't need to have any Master people, they are Grandmasters.

When I was Grandmaster, my Dad wants me to fight with him again, but I am scared if I lose, so I just don't want to play Rank mode again.

We won lots of times, when we are playing, maybe computer will choose the person that is stronger than us to defeat us.

This is why I don't want to play rank anymore till I think I can do it. This is hard to think about, because if you think you will lose, maybe you can win.

If you think you will win, maybe you will lose, I think I wanted to play classic, you can do like me, but I think I did it wrong, because maybe I will also win in Ranked game.

I think today I am happy, because today we went to a family day, and I upgraded to Grandmaster, this makes me feel very happy.

2018年4月27日 星期五

I can jump rope very well now

Today I want to tell everybody about that I felt I did good job at jump, before I am not good at jump rope, but now I feel different.

I wanted to learn how to do well at running jump, I can do very fast, but when I am and dumping number nine time I can’t jump anytime.

This make me think about I need to practice more, when I go home, I asked my Mom to buy a jump rope when it is Saturday.

I wanted to jump in the park that’s near to my home, this is good, because if I don’t know what can I do, I can jump rope, and I will get some fun.

This is the best, because I can get fun, and I can practice about how to jump rope. I can do two things, this is a good choice.

If you want to practice you can do like me, this is very good, if you give me some choices, I choose this, because you can get fun and you can practice.

This is what Saturday I want to do, but before that we need to do something first, tomorrow I can tell you the answer, do you want to listen?

There are lots of way to do with your jump rope, you can have running jump, this is what I wanted to practice, you can have normal jump, I think everyone know how to do.

Now everyone long watch tomorrow I need to do? The morning I need to do something, but now I can't tell, you because this is a secret.

I think today I felt happy, because I thought I am better than before, I practice more, I want it to be faster and many times.

2018年4月26日 星期四

I saw a video about Martis getting savage

Today I want to tell everybody about that yesterday I watched a video, it is about how you use Martis to get savage, and what items you need.

When I was watching, I thought the player is so good at playing Martis, because I don't see who can use Martis to get savage, this is impossible.

If you can do it, I will watch your life stream, and maybe I will give you some diamonds, and I will give you lots of likes. This is what you can get, if you get savage with Martis.

Maybe I can get those things and get savage with Martis, and now my favorite hero is not Lesley, my favorite hero is Martis, I like to use him.

The first part of this video is the player always farming and the player didn't use the time to walk, the player used the time to farm.

The second part is they started to gank, Martis is a good hero at ganking, because his skills are special, is not only one person, you can defeat lots of people.

The third part is enemies all go to mid lane, and then Martis hides in the bush, then he used first skill, and then he used all of the skills.

This is why the player can get savage with Martis, if you give me some fighter that is good at ganking, I will choose Martis.

If there are lots of people fighting, you use his first skill, if you catch two people or more, this time your team can be winner team, if your teammates know how to play, but maybe you will lose.

I think today I felt happy, because yesterday I watched this video, and I told you about this video, I felt happy, and I can learn from this video.

2018年4月25日 星期三

I learned about Martis

Today when I went to my home, I watched a video, and the video is about how you can use Martis well, this is very cool.

The video is about how you can use Martis properly, if Martis uses his second skill or the first skill, Martis can have fast basic attacks.

If you use his first skill, your attack can be faster for four seconds, and then if you use your second skill, you can have four more seconds.

Then you use the second part of the second skill, you can get even four more seconds, so this is why sometimes your basic attack can be faster when there is no fire.

Then the video is about skills, when you used his first skill, maybe you know what will happen, you can stun enemies, and you will go front a little bit.

If there are a lot of people, you can use first skill to stun all the people, and you can defeat them, this is how you can use first skill to play well.

The second skill can stop Pharsa, you can push enemies, when you are in the third part of the attack, you can choose where you want to go.

When the mark is under the enemy, that means you can use your ultimate to defeat enemy, and you can get lots of kills, if you use these things.

I think today is happy, because today I watched the video, so tomorrow I will write another video about Martis, do you liked him ?

2018年4月24日 星期二

Today we had jump rope race

Today when it is morning and I am in school, my teacher said 'later we need to have a jump rope race in the playground, everyone needs to practice.'

When I heard that, I felt very excited and I hoped I can get 30, if I get high score, my Mom and Dad will feel happy, and then they will think I am good at this.

Our class went outside, and we want to practice, but I think maybe I can get high score, so when I went to line up, I just wanted to get high score.

We have nine classes, and we need to go to a place with judge, and the person needs to count how many times did we jump.

When I was jumping, I wanted to get high score, and I need to try my best, I really wanted to get 30, nobody wanted to get low points.

When I was jumping, I felt very scared, if I missed, I can't get 30 , if I can't do that, I will think I am very bad, and I don't like it.

When the judge said I can stop, I felt very happy, and my friend said her judge count to 70, so she jumped 70 times, and I felt very excited.

I asked her 'is it real?', 'this is real' my friend said, so I really don't know why the judge counted to 70, maybe the judge forgot what they need to do.

When we finished this race, we went back to our class, and then my sister needed to do this, so not just 9 classes needed to do this.

I think today I felt excited, because today we had a race in school, and I got high score, I felt really happy, this is not easy, this is not very easy.

2018年4月23日 星期一

Tomorrow we have jump rope race

Today I want to tell you about tomorrow in my school there will be a jump rope race. Later I will tell you about what is the rule of the race.

Tomorrow I will feel excited, because maybe I just jump a little bit, so our class can't get high score in this race.

Everyone has two chances and the higher one is your score, the best score is 30 if you jump 30 times, you can get the highest score.

I think everyone can do it, but one my classmate just can jump 3, so maybe our class can't be better than other class.

If we can get the score that higher than other class, and we are the first place, I will feel very happy, but I think we need to practice more about this.

When it is break time, sometimes I and my friends, will go to practice jump rope, now I can jump many, so 30 is easy for me to jump.

If it is easy to jump 30, I still need to practice this, because maybe you can't jump 30 you just get 20, so I need to practice.

If you get wrong, you can have second chance, but you can only have one more chance, if the second time you missed, you can't go again.

This is why I wanted to finish this the first time, I don't want to use my chance, I can't miss, I need to try very hard to jump 30 .

I think today is excited, because tomorrow there is a race, and I want to have good score so today I practice, now I know how to get high score.

2018年4月22日 星期日




我媽媽與姊姊一起去,因為姐姐也要跟我一樣去考試, 唯一不同的地方就是他要多考閱讀的部分,所以花的時間比較久。











這就是為什麼你要好好的檢查考卷,後來我得到了全國前 5% 以內,也就是 33/2639,我得到了奬杯,但等了好幾個禮拜都沒有送到,後來才知道不知道寄到哪裡去,申請重新寄送的時候,獎盃竟然把我寫成六年級組。


2018年4月21日 星期六

We feel tired today

Today I and my family went to lots of places, so my family all felt tired, and now I want to tell everybody about what did we do.

In the morning, we went to a museum to get something for my sister, because my sister is the first place of science, and now we need to get a thing that certify my sister's first place.

My sister needed to take a picture, when we were waiting for everybody, we felt very angry, because we need to wait for a long time.

When we were waiting, we waited 3 hour and 30 minutes, and we can't go inside the room that my sister needed to get the reward.

When I was waiting, I played a little bit, because my father's new account needs to buy Cyclops, my father uses Cyclops very well if he plays with me.

When we need to go home, we went to some places to see what my sister did, after that we need to go home, later we need to listen to my father.

When it is in the afternoon, we go home and we bought lunch, so we need to go to a bookstore, and my father needs to speak to everybody.

My father is talking about VOC, and my father told us about the Netherlands, my father told us Japan VS the Netherlands, this is fun to listen.

We went home again, and then we need to go restaurant to eat Mother's day dinner, and I ate lots of fruit and drank lots of water.

After that we went to a store, I bought another Squirtle, so now I had two Squirtles, then we went home, and started to write blog.

I think today I felt tired and a little bit happy, because today I and my family went to three places and we had some fun.

2018年4月20日 星期五

Ready Player One / Part 2

Today I want to tell everybody about Ready Player One, yesterday I told you about that they found two keys, they need to find the third key.

If you get three keys, you can get the Easter egg, so you can control this game, the bad guy wanted to get three keys, so they wanted to make good guy get the third key.

And now I will tell you how can you get the key from this game, you need to go to a place to play a game, if you win, you will go into a hole, so you will be dead.

What you need to do is when you are playing, you need to say 'I just hope I can do it, but I don't really care this' when you win, you can get the key.

Lots of people didn't say anything, so they went into a hole, and they died, this makes lots of people think you don't need to play the game, this is not real.

The bad guy saw the main character got the key, so they went there and then they fought, bad guy had a special thing, but if you read something, that will be broken.

The girl saw a paper, she read that, so that special thing broken, and all the people that playing this game, go to defeat bad guy.

The bad guy becomes a Godzilla, the good guy wanted to defeat the thing, after that they tried everything, and the bad guy's thing was broken, they felt happy.

They got three keys, so the main character got the egg, then he could control the game, when you are playing, Tuesday and Thursday you can't play this game.

I think this movie is good to watch, because I think the main characters are very smart and they got three keys, they defeated the bad guy.

2018年4月19日 星期四

Ready Player One

Today I want to tell everybody about yesterday I watched movie called Ready Player One in movie theater, I think this movie is good to watch.

When I finished my class, we went to movie theater, and we watched this movie, this movie is about a man playing his game and he saw a girl, he loves the girl.

When they are playing the game, what you need to do is you need to use three keys to open a thing, and you can get an egg, but you need to get keys first.

When they want to get the first key, they need to use their cars to race, the boy's friend use big jeep, so lots of cars are broken, because the Jeep broke them.

If you go to the end of the race, you can get the first key from the person, and the boy bought something, he bought a cube that you can go back to one minute before.

If you are in trouble, you can use this cube to go to one minute ago, and go away, this is why I love this cube when they are in trouble.

After that they need to do the second test, the second key is in the ghost house, but inside the ghost house, there are lots of scary things.

The first part is a person go into a room, and inside the room, there is a ghost, so the person went away from that scary room.

Then they found a place, the girl said 'can I dance with you?', and then the other girl changed to a person that you can get the key from, tomorrow I will tell you more.

I think today I am happy, because today I tell everybody about what yesterday I watched, maybe you can watch this movie in movie theater.

2018年4月18日 星期三

I felt super happy

Today when it is morning, I was sleeping, and then I waked up, my Mom took me to my school, and today there is Math exam in the school.

Yesterday I got 100 at Mandarin exam, I was thinking about how can I get high score this time, and I was very excited, because if I got a bad score, I will feel sad.

After that our teacher gave us Math exam, when I am writing, I want my family to be happy, so I try very hard to write carefully.

When I finished the exam, I checked lots of times, I corrected all the answer, when the time is up, we need to gave our exam to the teacher.

When I give my exam to teacher, I felt very excited, when it is break time, I went away class, because I want to jump rope.

After that it is class time, I sat on my chair, the person that sitting next to me said "you are 100, teacher used your exam to check".

When I heard that, I think the person that sitting next to me is lying to me, so I don't think so, because I think I will get something wrong in the exam.

When my teacher give us our exam, I don't want to see my score, so I turned to next page, when I turned back, I saw my score.

And my score is 100, so the people sitting next to me is not lying, there are four people got 100 this time, but teachers said "our result is not good".

I think today I am happy because today I got 100 in the Math exam, and at the night we saw a movie in movie theater, tomorrow I will tell you about that.

2018年4月17日 星期二

I felt happy today

Today I want to tell everybody about I got 100 in my Mandarin exam, and yesterday I hope I can get high score, so today I did it.

When I saw my exam is 100 , I felt very happy, when I go home, I told my Mom, my Mom said I am good, so I felt more happy.

After that I told my Dad, my Dad said I am good, so I felt very happy, and tomorrow is the Math exam, I want to get high score, too.

If I get wrong, I will feel very sad, maybe I will cry, so I need to have a high score in the Math exam tomorrow, I hope I can do it.

If I get high score tomorrow, my Mom and Dad will say I am good at Math, so I can feel very happy, and maybe I can get more happy than today.

Today I feel happy, and today I got 100, so if tomorrow I want to be happy, I need to try my best to get 90 or more, maybe I can get 100 .

Today in my school, only I get 100 , so I am the first place in this exam, I want to get first place in Math exam, so I will try it.

Maybe today I can practice about this a little bit, so tomorrow I will not be very tired, and I can write it well, so I will not get wrong.

If I can get 100, I want to do it, but I think that is not easy, because today only I am 100 , that means this is very hard to get high score.

I think today I am very happy, because today I get 100 in my Mandarin exam, I want to get 100 in my Math exam, I really want to get high score.

2018年4月16日 星期一

A big exam in our school tomorrow

Today I want to tell everyone about tomorrow there is an exam in my school, I was very excited, I want to get high score, and Wednesday there is a math exam.

If I can get 100 in my exam, I will feel very happy, and my family will feel happy, too, but if I didn't get 100, I will feel sad.

When I am in my home, I tried to read some books and practice about math, and when I am in my school, I try to practice my Mandarin.

I know sometimes when I am answering the questions, I know answer, but I choose another answer, so this time I can't do it.

I practice about lots of things, but sometimes I will forget, so I need to practice more, if I do something silly, I will think I am not smart.

I  will try my best and do it well, because I want to have good score for this exam, I think everyone wants to get good score, so you need to read lots of books.

If you don't want to read the book, you can still be smart, but you need to listen to your teacher, and when your teacher is speaking, you can't talk.

If you talk when your teacher is talking, maybe your teacher will not talk anymore, so you can't learn about what your teacher said.

I want to have a good score for this exam, I really want to get 100, if I try very hard, I can get it, but now I feel excited, I want to get high score in this exam.

I think today I am excited, because tomorrow there is an exam, and I think maybe I can't get high score, so I need to practice about this.

2018年4月15日 星期日

My sister goes to math competition

Today my sister went to a math competition in university, because my sister passed the first competition in a junior high school.

When she is in junior high school to do competition, there are only five people in that classroom, she got a high score in that competition.

If you get high score in the first competition, you can go to this competition, this is the second competition, I felt excited.

If you get high score in this competition, you can get some money, so I hope my sister can get money, there are only two people is grade five.

When we are going to where she does competition, I saw a paper, and on the paper there is something, later I will tell you.

It writes tomorrow is Arena of Valor day in that university, but tomorrow I can't go there because tomorrow is Monday, I need to go to my school.

If I can go there, I can play with them, but tomorrow is Monday, this makes me very sad, I hope tomorrow can stay in home.

When my sister is doing competition, she only know 2 questions, and there are 16 questions, so she doesn't know 14 questions.

I hope she can correctly guess lots of questions, because last time my sister correctly guessed lots of questions, and she had a good score.

I think today is excited, because today my sister went to the competition, and I hope she can have a good score in this competition.

2018年4月14日 星期六

This month has lots of quizzes in elementary school

Today I want to tell you about why this month has lots of quizzes in school, if you read my blog, I will tell you in this blog.

If you listen to your teacher, maybe your teacher said about this month have midterm exam, and you need to practice about this.

Maybe your school has lots of quizzes, and you don't like it, but if you do that, your score can be better, so this is why your school has lots of quizzes.

After this exam, when it is June, you need to do final exam, and June has lots of quizzes, so you will feel sad, but the reward is you can be smart.

When I go home, I read lots of book, and sometimes I will answer some questions, so this is how can you be smarter, you can do it.

You can try your best, and read lots of book, maybe you can write blog, so in one day your teacher said you need to write something, you can be quickly to finish it.

When I need to go to school, I felt very sad, but if I cry, I still need to go to my school, and if I go to school, I can learn about lots of things.

If you stay at home, you can read textbook, but you can't play with your friend, if you want to play with your friend, maybe you can ask them to go to your home and play.

If you want to get 100 in your quiz, you can try it, and if you make it wrong, you can learn it, so next time you will not get wrong in the quiz.

I think today is happy, because I tell you about how can you get high score in your quiz, so if your classmates see my blog and try, they will be smarter.

2018年4月13日 星期五

I felt sad today

Today when I go home, I cried in my Mom's car, because my Dad went to Taipei, so he can't play with me, and I felt very sad.

My father will come home at Sunday, when I go home, I always think about my Dad, this makes me be very sad in Friday.

When it is morning today, I cried in my school, because I know today my Dad goes to Taipei, and he needs to speak to everyone in the room.

Today evening, my Dad called me to play Mobile Legends, so I and my sister are playing, and my Dad is playing, too. We spoke together.

We played three times, the first time I used Karina, and I got MVP. The second time I played, I didn't got MVP. I felt sad.

The third time we played, I used Martis, and I got MVP, because I defeated lots of heroes, but I just think today is the worst Friday in my life.

Every Friday, I felt happy, but today I felt really sad, I always play with my Dad, and he says I am good at playing Martis, so I love my father.

My father always helped me when I felt sad, he played with me. The first time I played Mobile Legends I am in Warrior rank, now I am Master.

I can do it, because my Dad always helped me, and we tried everything, we never give up, we just play rank, so now my reward is I am master, I am not warrior.

I think today is sad, because my father went to Taipei, and my father liked me, we go together, we try very hard, now we are friend, the best friend.

2018年4月12日 星期四

西班牙尋寶記 第二段





多瑞咪說難怪這個叫做太陽帝國,那你就說不是這樣啦。是跟歷史有關,因為西班牙最後變成了 16 世紀的強國所以才稱做太陽帝國。




那個人掉到地板上了,他流血了,麥可說要打 112 西班牙的緊急電話是 112 ,有一個壞人叫多瑞咪說出倒在地上的那個人說的話。







2018年4月11日 星期三




西元 711 年到 1492 年,都是伊斯蘭教最多人信,那時候到葡萄牙,幾乎都是信伊斯蘭教的,所以那個地方很少人信其他教。但是其他地方都很多別的宗教。













2018年4月10日 星期二

I played better now in Mobile Legends. Part 2

Today I want to tell everyone about another thing I played better now in Mobile Legends, and today I will talk to you about which one is the best road to walk.

If you are in top lane, but you want to go to mid lane, but you don't know which road to walk , so this is very important.

If you know this, you will not be dead lots of times, if you are on top lane, you want to go to mid lane, you can't go across the big road.

You can go to jungle place, so maybe you can defeat jungle monsters, and you don't need to be dead, because they are scared when you are in your jungle place.

If you want to defeat the enemy's jungle monster, you can't go with nobody, you need to have three people or more, so you will not be ganked.

If you want to defeat lord, you need to defeat all of the enemies, because if enemies are not dead, and you are fighting lord, and the enemies can get lord if they are good.

If they can defeat you guys, they called out lord, the lord helped them to destroy your turret, and then they can destroy your base.

This is why my Dad always tell me, this is really important, if you don't know this, maybe you will be dead lots of time, you can practice this.

When we are practicing, we use VS AI, but now the computer is better than before, so we can't easily defeat them.

I think today is happy, because my father told me about these, and my father said I am better than before, he say something good to me, so I love my father.

2018年4月9日 星期一

I played better now in Mobile Legends

Today I want to tell everyone about that I played better now, my Dad always tell me I need to farm, and when I clean up minions, I can go to jungle.

If you defeat the crab, you can get lots of coin, if you defeat some jungle monsters, but they are not strong, you can get HP.

If you defeat some monsters, and they are very strong and hard to defeat, so you can get power buff, if times up, you don't have that power.

If you want to fight, maybe you can defeat the jungle monster that is stronger, we called them purple buff, later I will tell you other thing.

If you get HP, we called that green buff, and if you defeat the crab, you can get coins, and we called that gold buff.

If you want to win enemies, you can defeat purple buff, but some buff can make you look inside the bushes, but I don't know which is it.

If your coins are not much, you can defeat gold buff, when you defeat it, you will get 150 coins, and then you can get 10 coin in one second, but there is a time limit.

When it is 10 seconds, you can't get any coins for gold buff, but if you want to get the gold buff, it is not easy to get.

This is my father told me before, tomorrow I will tell you more, if you are excited, you can wait for tomorrow, you don't need to wait for long time.

I think today is happy, because today I tell you guys about what my Dad told me, but I didn't say all of the things, I just say a little bit.

2018年4月8日 星期日

3 MVPs in 3 ranked games

Today when I and my father were playing Mobile Legends, we played lots of ranked mode, and now I and my Dad and my sister are in Master level.

If we want exclusive skin for free, you need to be Master, if you go to Master you can have fans and you can make a stream.

If you are higher than Master, you can do that too, and you can get more battle points, and you can get more tickets, this is very good.

Maybe you can try to be higher than Master like Grandmaster or Epic, and maybe you are Mythic or Mythical glory.

I don't know who is the first place in the rank, I think the first place is Mythical Glory and 1000 stars or more, this is hard.

If I can look at his stream, I will add friend, so maybe he can play with me, and then I can learn about how to win.

If you are my friend, maybe I can play with you, and we can say something, and we can gank enemies, so we can win.

If you think you can play with me, you can do what I say, I like to use Lesley and Martis, so you can play with me well.

If you want to use tank or fighter, I can use Lesley, if you want to use marksman or mage, I can use Martis.

I think today is happy, because today I am Master, and I've got three MVPs, this makes me like to fight with my Dad.

2018年4月7日 星期六

I drew Martis / Mobile Legends

Today I want to tell everyone about my picture, yesterday I drew a picture, the picture is about Martis, so I want to write this blog, and you can know about Martis.

Martis is a hero in Mobile Legends, he is a good fighter, let me tell you about his skills and how can you use his skills.

The first is you can make a clamp, and enemies will be stunned, you can use first skill to kill the enemy that is almost dead.

Now I can tell you about his second skill, his second skill is he will push anything that is in front of Martis, this is strong.

If there are lots of minions, you can use his second skill, so minions will be hurt and some minions will be dead.

If they didn't die, you can use his first skill, so they will be stun, and then you can defeat them, this is how can you defeat minions.

Martis is a good fighter to clear up lanes, and you can use Martis to gank enemies, because he is a good hero to do ganking.

He is special, because lots of fighter is not good at ganking, but he can do it very well, tell you how to use him to fight very well.

The first part is you need to use second skill, and then use first skill to make enemies stun, and then use second part of second skill.

I think Martis is a good hero, because if there are lots of enemies, you can defeat all of the enemies, this is very good.

2018年4月6日 星期五

I got two MVPs in two matches

Today when I was playing Mobile Legends, I played with my father. The first game, my father used Alucard, and I used Lesley.

We went to mid lane, when I and my father are stronger than everyone, we pushed the turrets, and then we went to destroy the base.

Then we won, we think we are strong, and I got MVP, so I got one MVP, I wanted to get two MVPs, so we fought again.

We played Classic mode, when we were fighting, I felt scared, because I thought I will lose, probably I can't get two MVPs.

Later I and my father wanted to kill lots of heros, so we went to gank lots of opponents, and we pushed lots of tower, this is fun.

If we didn't defeat lots of people, we can't destroy their turrets, because when we are fighting their turret, their hero can defeat us.

When we are fighting their base, you can guess what happen later, if you guess it, it mean you are good to guess question, I will say answer later.

Now I can say the answer, the answer is I and my father won, and I got MVP, because I said I got two MVPs, so that means I can get MVPs.

If you think I am good at playing this game, you can say it, maybe I can get another MVP later, so I can get three MVPs in three matches.

2018年4月5日 星期四

Go to the park

Today we went to a park, and we rode bicycle and ran, the park is near our house, so we can go to the park easily.

I don't know what the name of that park is, the park is very big, and there are lots of people running, so today we went to the park.

Yesterday we bought a new bicycle, this bicycle is for my sister, it is big, so I can't ride on it, but it doesn't have four wheels.

It has two wheels, one wheel is in the front, and the another wheel is behind the first wheel, but my bicycle is different.

My bicycle has one wheel in the front, but there are three wheels behind, I want to know which kind of bicycle is yours.

Some baby has a kind of bicycle, this kind of bicycle is you need to use your feet to move, you don't need to step on the thing.

Now I will start to talk about what happened today, today I rode my bicycle, and my sister rode her bicycle to the park.

When I was riding the bicycle, my mom walked next to me, and when I rode very fast, my Mom needs to run very fast, so we can be the same.

After that my Dad walked with me, because my Mom needed to teach my sister how to ride big bicycle, this is important to my sister.

I think today is happy, because today I rode bicycle for five circles, and I ran one time, when we are tired, we go home.

2018年4月4日 星期三








只要蓋住頭的裝扮叫做希雅伯,蓋住臉的大塊黑色的叫做查爾達巾, 需要包住整個身體的叫做布卡。





如果要把它換成錢的話,你可以得到 300 多萬台幣,這樣你早就變成非常有錢人了,這是獨一無二的,不知道還在不在。




2018年4月3日 星期二

Kids' day party

Today our school has kids' day party, yesterday I hope today can come soon, so today is happy in the school, and I played air cushions.

Today I brought lots of toys to our school, my classmates bring lots of robots and tops, I want to play, but my home don't have it.

The morning we played air cushions, and I thought they are very fun to play, but today we just played a little bit, so I feel sad.

The outside one is the best air cushion, because we had lots of fun in that air cushion, we can play a lot, and we can have more fun.

I want to have lots of air cushions inside my house, so I can play with these, and I can have lots of fun, but today we didn't play a lot.

After that, somebody in school, and they teach us about how to protect mud and water, so we can protect everybody in this world.

We played a game, the rule of the game is every team has five lands, two people come out, see who can win, so you can pick up enemy's land.

First time our team lose, they pick our land, they pick up three, but we only pick up them one, so we lose, later I tell you after that what happened.

After that, we can see the girls race, one team is better than another team, one team picked up three land, but another team didn't pick.

I think today is happy, because today I played air cushions, and we played toys and games, this is a fun day in the school, this is the best day in the school.

2018年4月2日 星期一

Tomorrow is kids day party

Today our teacher said tomorrow is kids day party, so everyone can bring a toy to school, but I don't know which toy can I bring.

My home has lots of toys, but some toys are boring, I don't like to play these toys, I only like to play my fun toys, I like to play with Squirtle.

My classmates liked to play top, my classmates also like to play Lego, too. They don't like to play with boring toys, too.

They think top and Lego are best toys, my home has lots of Lego, but my home don't have top, so I can't play with them.

Tomorrow we will play three air cushions, today we played those air cushions, two air cushions are inside the room.

One air cushion is on the playground, and it is in front of the room, I think that air cushion has more fun than other two air cushions.

I hope I can play with these air cushions, I hope tomorrow can come soon, and we can watch the show in the room.

Tomorrow will be a good day, because tomorrow is kids day party, so we don't need to learn about math, the the math class is too boring.

Maybe tomorrow we can have more fun to play air cushions, when today I am playing air cushions, I really like it.

I think tomorrow will be very fun, because we can have lots of fun with air cushions, we can bring toys to school, and we can play.

2018年4月1日 星期日













還有一個故事,有一個人想要殺掉秦始皇,他丟了一個 60 公斤的東西可是秦始皇並沒有死,因為那個人並沒有丟中。這就是張良請人做的。


