2018年4月5日 星期四

Go to the park

Today we went to a park, and we rode bicycle and ran, the park is near our house, so we can go to the park easily.

I don't know what the name of that park is, the park is very big, and there are lots of people running, so today we went to the park.

Yesterday we bought a new bicycle, this bicycle is for my sister, it is big, so I can't ride on it, but it doesn't have four wheels.

It has two wheels, one wheel is in the front, and the another wheel is behind the first wheel, but my bicycle is different.

My bicycle has one wheel in the front, but there are three wheels behind, I want to know which kind of bicycle is yours.

Some baby has a kind of bicycle, this kind of bicycle is you need to use your feet to move, you don't need to step on the thing.

Now I will start to talk about what happened today, today I rode my bicycle, and my sister rode her bicycle to the park.

When I was riding the bicycle, my mom walked next to me, and when I rode very fast, my Mom needs to run very fast, so we can be the same.

After that my Dad walked with me, because my Mom needed to teach my sister how to ride big bicycle, this is important to my sister.

I think today is happy, because today I rode bicycle for five circles, and I ran one time, when we are tired, we go home.