2018年4月20日 星期五

Ready Player One / Part 2

Today I want to tell everybody about Ready Player One, yesterday I told you about that they found two keys, they need to find the third key.

If you get three keys, you can get the Easter egg, so you can control this game, the bad guy wanted to get three keys, so they wanted to make good guy get the third key.

And now I will tell you how can you get the key from this game, you need to go to a place to play a game, if you win, you will go into a hole, so you will be dead.

What you need to do is when you are playing, you need to say 'I just hope I can do it, but I don't really care this' when you win, you can get the key.

Lots of people didn't say anything, so they went into a hole, and they died, this makes lots of people think you don't need to play the game, this is not real.

The bad guy saw the main character got the key, so they went there and then they fought, bad guy had a special thing, but if you read something, that will be broken.

The girl saw a paper, she read that, so that special thing broken, and all the people that playing this game, go to defeat bad guy.

The bad guy becomes a Godzilla, the good guy wanted to defeat the thing, after that they tried everything, and the bad guy's thing was broken, they felt happy.

They got three keys, so the main character got the egg, then he could control the game, when you are playing, Tuesday and Thursday you can't play this game.

I think this movie is good to watch, because I think the main characters are very smart and they got three keys, they defeated the bad guy.