2018年5月31日 星期四
Today I had a sports class in my school
Today I want to tell everybody that today I had a sports class in my school, and I felt scared, and I think I was lucky.
We still need to go to sports class, but now we don't need to have a rope jumping quiz, and boys have a soccer contest.
The girl was practicing rope jumping, so next time they need to have this, too. And that was very easy to get one hundred, but sometimes they just miss.
Miss is OK, but I can get one hundred, so I did it very well, then I would like to tell you about the rules that in this contest.
The first rule is, you need to kick five times, and one ball is twenty points, so that is very bad if you miss, and I said that is OK.
When you are kicking, another person that needs to kick the ball next needs to take soccer, so you can kick again and again.
If you finish, you can go to practice rope jumping, and the next time is the girl's soccer contest, so maybe they will practice.
If they have no time to practice that is very unfortunate, because you need to make the soccer go inside the soccer gate.
If you don't do that you will have zero points, so that is not very good, everyone wants to get high score, so we need to practice.
I think today I felt happy, because today I am lucky, and I am not very good at rope jumping, I can jump 33 times.
2018年5月30日 星期三
How to protect yourself when someone wants to bully you
Today I want to tell everybody about that how to protect yourself when someone wants to bully you, so this is very important if you have been bullied many times.
Yesterday I can't tell you, so I am going to tell you this, maybe you thought bully is bad, so you need to protect yourself.
Like someone hits you, but you didn't do anything, and this is a kind of bully.
One of the bully is tell you something bad. And the speaking bully is like they said fat pig or stupid or something bad to you, that is bad, too, you need to tell the teacher.
And one of them is very bad, they steal something out, which they shouldn't touch, and the teacher will think that is bad.
If you do something bad to anyone they'll just think you are very bad, and they will not think you are good, so you can't get friends.
If you are nice, you can have many friends, and they can help you, like my friend always makes some boats with me.
The things make you unhappy, that is a kind of bully, but if mom and dad said you need to take a bath, but you will feel unhappy, that is not bully.
So now that everyone knows how to protect when someone wanted to hit you or bully you, and this is what today I need to say.
I think today I felt happy, because today I told you everything about bully, and you can protect, this is good for you and me.
2018年5月29日 星期二
Today I watched a video about bully
Today I want to tell everybody about that today I watched a video about bully, and I already know bully is bad, so everybody shouldn't do this.
You can't do this even the person is bad, you can tell your teacher, and I will tell you about what I saw in the video.
In the first part in this video is talking about there are three schools, and they need to answer the question about bully, and see which team has the most points, and they can get money.
The first place can get 10000 money, and if two teams have the same points, they can get 5000 each, and if they are all the same, they can get 500 money each.
So if they have all same points, and they all only can get 1500 though this is not very good, maybe they can try the first one or second one.
And then I saw three videos, and the people are always bully others, so we have some questions about the video, and you need to answer, they are all about bully.
And the blue team wins very many times, and they got 47 points, and that is amazing, that is not easy to do.
And other team got more than 40, but not more than their points, so 45 and 43, they got 10000 money, that is many.
So tomorrow I'll tell you how to protect somebody from bullying you, and now I can't tell you anymore, so you need to wait for tomorrow.
I think today I felt happy, because I watched a video, and sorry about I can't tell you about how to protect you when you have been bullied.
2018年5月28日 星期一
I made a rocket for my sister
Today I am going to tell you about I made a rocket for my sister, because Wednesday is her speaking contest and today is my speaking contest.
When I know that today is my speaking contest, I felt very excited, because maybe I can't be very good and everyone will think I am not good.
I wanted to have a good time, and not being scared, just do the best I can do, so everyone will think I prepare lots and lots.
And now I just get two reward cards, and max is four cards, and in our school, there is one person got four cards, that is amazing.
I only got two reward cards, I didn't get many, so I want to help my sister, my sister can get cards, I can't get it, but I can know that is my help.
First, my sister and me took a piece of bottle, then we put some paper on the bottle, then we paste on it, so it can be white rocket.
Lots of rockets are white, so we did it, then I cut some triangles, then stick on the box, then I color them all red, I made four of them.
I stick them all on the rocket, so they can be very good, so when my sister is speaking, she can put the rocket on her shoulder.
Before this, my Dad and my sister made some cards, and she needs to hold them, so the judge can know about Jupiter more.
I think today I felt happy, because I made a rocket with my sister, and I thought that looks good, but maybe you will not think that is good, so see you tomorrow.
2018年5月27日 星期日
I went to grandmother's house
Today I want to tell everybody about that yesterday I went to my grandmother's house. And let me tell you what I did in my grandmother's house.
Yesterday my Mom took me to my grandmother's house, and I wanted to go home soon, but I need to wait for a long time to go home.
Yesterday when I was sleeping at night, I can't sleep very well, because I really want to see my Mom and now I can't see my Mom.
So you can know I really love my Mom, so let's wait for night time, and I can see my Mom, and this is why I don't want to go to my school.
In my school, I can't see my Mom and I can't talk to my Mom, so I will feel scared, and I don't know how to solve this.
And I think about if I can bring a telephone card to my school, so I can talk to my Mom, but my Mom just don't have any telephone card.
And I thought everybody just want to stay at home, why everybody doesn't like to go outside, and I think that, too.
And I can't even go to listen to my Dad's speech, and I don't know why I can't listen, and I told you I really want to listen.
I hope I can get to my home faster, so I can wait for next weekend, and stay at home, don't need to go to my grandmother's house, and I can see my Mom.
I think today I felt happy, because I almost can go home, but I still love my grandmother, that mean I love my family.
2018年5月26日 星期六
Tomorrow I can't listen to my Dad's speech and homeschooling
Today I want to tell everybody about that tomorrow I can't listen to my Dad's speech and homeschooling, and I think I am unlucky, because I can't see my Dad.
And I will go to my grandmother's house, then the night of Sunday, my Mom will get me back to my home, then I need to go to school.
I thought everyone doesn't like to go to school, but if you don't do that, you need to do homeschooling, lots of people don't like homeschooling, and I don't know why.
Maybe it is because their Mom and Dad need to go to their office, and they have no time to speak to their children, then their children will feel boring.
If the children have nothing to do, and just read some books, maybe they don't really know the things inside the book.
There are lots of things inside the book, but maybe you need to teach them, so they know what does that mean, this is the better way you can do if you do homeschooling.
And maybe when I am grade two, I will not go to my school, I will go homeschooling, and I still need to go to my English class to practice English.
And if you want to be homeschooling, it is not very easy, you need to do the best, so you can learn more than the children that in school.
I will learn things that I don't know now, then I can win lots of people, but you need to do, if you just think about that, you can't do it, so I will try my best.
I think today I felt a little bit unfortunately, because I can't see my Dad this weekend, and I need to wait for another weekend.
2018年5月25日 星期五
I got the second place in Taiwan(OLPC 奧林匹克數理競賽)
Today I am going to tell everybody about what did I do, so I can get the second place in Taiwan, and I feel very surprised.
And I thought maybe it is just because there are only 385 people in the competition, and the quiz is very hard, so everyone can't get very high score.
And I just got 230 points, and the max is 250 points, the first place is 234 points. And let me tell you what did I do so I can do that.
Now I am little, so I have more time to practice, then I use the time to practice. And sometimes I just wrote lots and lots, so I can practice more.
And grade one Math is very easy, so I can easily know what is the quiz talking about, and I read lots of book, so I can know the words.
And that is not just because of me, that is because I have my sister to teach me about lots of Math things, and my Mom taught me like a teacher.
My family are all teaching me, so I have a trophy for my Dad, and my Mom is very good at teaching me, so I love all of them.
Everyone likes their family, and not just love them, you are the best friends, I can did that, it is just because my family taught me, so I just know more, than I can do it.
If you want to do like me, you can tell your Mom to teach you about Math things, that is what my family did.
I think today I felt surprised, because yesterday my Mom told me I am the second place, and I know why I can do that, because my mom taught me.
2018年5月24日 星期四
I played a game with my Mom and my sister
Today I want to tell everybody about that today I have played a Math game with my Mom and my sister, and this game is very fun.
And now I would like to tell you about what is the rule of this game, and this game has a map, there are 40 rocks, and you can know who is luckier.
The first time my Mom almost won, but my mom is not lucky anymore, she went to number seven, so my sister is the first place, I am the second place.
My Mom is the third place, now I want to tell the second rule of the game, you can make two dices and one special dice.
On the special dice, there are two plus, two minus, one star and one bomb, if you roll to the star, you can choose plus or minus.
If you throw bomb, you can't play one time, this is not just because you almost go to the bottom of the map. You can skip it.
When I am playing, I am not lucky, because I always throw to the bomb but not always good, sometimes I just miss some good things.
Sometimes I can win, but I didn't threw minus, so I can't be the winner, everytime I just think I am now very lucky, when I am playing Paper Scissors Stone, I always lose.
Last time, I won very fast, so that is the luckiest time, you can't choose you win or lose, because this is see who is luckier.
I think today I felt happy, because today I played a game and I won two times, but I want to be luckier, so I can be very good at it.
2018年5月23日 星期三
I learned math today
Today I want to tell everybody about that I learned Math with my Mom, and we look at the book that we got yesterday.
And they are all Chinese, but I can use English to tell you, so you don't need to know what is in Chinese, so now I will start to tell you.
And the first part I learned how to know which time you can get the thing you want, but that I already know, the hardest one is the division.
Grade one only taught the plus and minus, but I still want to know how to do the hard things, and now I have the best score in my class.
I am not learning plus and minus, I am learning division and I always forget how to do that, so I need to remember the formula.
If I can remember it, and I can try the harder one and then try the harder one, and then do the best I can, to learn the things people don't know.
I want to have a contest, but there are no math contest in my school, and let people know how can I do, they will think they want to defeat me.
If everyone is clever, and we can have a contest, but I think I can't do very good, because I have wrong answer when I don't check again.
Check your work is the best way to get high score, but sometimes when you are checking, you don't see a thing, so that is very unfortunate.
I think today I felt happy, I don't really know, but I know how to do the easy one, so I will do my best and learn more.
2018年5月22日 星期二
Art class is fun
Today I want to tell everybody about that today I have class in my school, and my teacher said we need to paint a picture.
When I know that, I told my Mom and my sister, but the watercolor apparatus is in my sister's classroom, so when it is break time, my sister took it to me yesterday.
When I am painting, I used my watercolor apparatus, but sometimes I use my classmate's watercolor apparatus, let me tell you why I thought that was fun.
When we are changing the water, we did that, because we make the water dirty, so if we don't change the water, when we are painting the picture, it will be very dirty.
We put the water in the gutter, and that can be used to water flowers, the water is blue and some of them are red, so we thought they are fighting.
Blue water VS red water, and then they are all lose, the winner is the purple water, because blue and red make the water become purple.
Everyone try to make the gutter to be very colorful, if you put the colorful water on the flower, the flower will be very strange.
I thought that, because if you put the colorful water onto the flower or different plants, I think that is not very good, they just funny.
Everyone thinks water has no color, but the gutter water is black. If that can be not like that, I will think that is better, because black water is not true.
I think today I felt happy, because I poured some colorful water in the gutter, so we can see the different color.
2018年5月21日 星期一
I nosebleeds in my school
Today I want to tell everybody about that I nosebled in my school. When it is in the morning, I thought my nose has water, lots and lots.
I don't know I nosebled, I saw my hand has some red things, and another one have it,too. Then I thought that may be nosebleeds.
When I know that is because I nosebled, I took some tissue papers, then I put it into my nose, so the blood would stop going out.
If the blood still going out, you need to put more tissue papers, because if you don't have any blood, you will die, so this is very dangerous, but your body has lots of blood, so don't need to be scared.
Everyone could nosebleed, when I was little, I always nosebleed, everyday I just take out tissue, then I can do the things I want to do.
If you nosebleed, you just do like this, so don't need to be scared, this is easy to solve, and now I am going to tell you about what will happen next.
When I solve it, I saw my T-shirt having some blood, and now they are brown, so I don't know why the blood will become brown.
Maybe it just dried, and tomorrow my Mom can wash it, so it will not be brown anymore, brown blood and red blood are very different.
And I think everyone nosebled before, and don't need to be very scared, just do what I said, so you will not be hurt and scared anymore.
I think today I am not lucky, because today I nosebled, and when I saw it, I felt very surprised, so this is what I can tell you.
2018年5月20日 星期日
My sister and me slept in the living room
Today I want to tell everybody about that yesterday my sister and me slept in the living room, yesterday is a special day.
We slept on the floor, now I would like to tell you why, I did that, it is because my sister said 'maybe we can try to sleep on the floor'.
And I took my little bed, I put it on the floor, then I took my pillow out, my sister did that, too. We had a special night.
If you can do like this, and you have a special night, will you feel happy? Or you will feel very scary? I think this is fun.
If you can do that, I hope you can do that, because if you do that, you can know what will happen, so I like the way I did that.
And everytime I sleep on my bed, but now I sleep in sleeping bag, that was the first time I sleep in sleeping bag, I felt very excited.
This is very cool, if I can do that again, I will do that, because that is like camping, so this is the first time, I really like it.
I never camped any, but this is like camping, so I can know what will you do when you are camping, maybe you can BBQ.
I never BBQ, but I can't BBQ in my home, if I do that, my home will break, nobody did that, nobody wants their house to be broken.
I think today I felt happy, because today I know how much fun you can get when you sleep on the floor, so bye-bye.
2018年5月19日 星期六
My Dad said I use Martis very well
Today I want to tell everybody about that my Dad said I am good at using Martis, when I heard that, I felt very excited, because my Dad said I am good.
Lots of times my Dad said I need to improve my skills, but now my Dad says I am great, I thought that is impossible.
When I am playing Classic Mode, Hilda and Balmond are taking crab, and I am hiding in the bush, then I use the first skill.
When I caught crab, Hilda and Balmond, I used my second skill, so they have low HP, then I use the ultimate, when I kill Hilda, I can use the ultimate again, so I kill Balmond.
When I kill Hilda, I thought Hilda is very tanky, because Hilda is more like a tank, I thought Balmond is more like a fighter.
When I get double kill, I get the crab, and I have lots of money, so I have the most money, I thought their Hilda and Balmond are a family.
And my sister used Lesley, before my sister doesn't play with my Dad and me, and now my sister play with us, so we have more people.
And we are a group, I used 10,000 battle points to make a group, and I invited my sister and my Dad, but I think squad is better.
Squad is very cool, because lots of people have a squad, but I only have a group, squad is much better than group, this is why I thought group is not very good.
I think today I felt excited, because my Dad said I am very good, this is very hard to get, because my Dad usually said I can improve more.
2018年5月18日 星期五
My sister taught my Mom and me about nature
Today I want to tell everybody about that my sister taught my Mom and me about nature and now I would like to tell why.
My sister did that, it is because my sister needs to practice her nature, and then my Mom can learn about nature things.
It is about what the animals eat, and how they can escape from the big animals, this is important, because when you grow up, you may have a job about nature.
If you can be a nature people, that is very cool, because lots of people don't know animals, and they just work, they don't know about nature.
If you don't know about nature things, when you want to be a nature person, you can't be, because you don't know what can animals do.
And let me tell you about what my teacher said, the teacher is my sister, tell about their feet, some of them are very big.
And some of them have webs, and they can swim easily, so this is a different feet, and some of them have the same feet at all, and that mean they are crawling very well.
And she told us about herbivorous and carnivorous, they are different, because the herbivorous animals eat grass, and carnivorous animals eat meat.
And some of them eat meat and grass, the human is like that, we eat the vegetables and meat, and the pig, too. They eat grass and eat meat.
I think today I felt happy, because my sister told me about natural thing, and my Mom knows more, my sister practiced, this is great.
2018年5月17日 星期四
Sports class
Today I want to tell everybody about that today I had a sport class in my school, and I felt very excited, because I am not good at sports.
The only part I am not bad at sport is jump rope, but I am not pro, I am not very good at it, lots of people are better than me.
When teacher saw I am rope jumping, my teacher counted how many times I can jump, I jump running jump, because this is what my teacher wanted us to do.
When I am learning running jump, I couldn't jump any, then I jump 11 times, then now I can jump 29 times, I think I need to practice more.
Some people can jump 40 and one person can jump 50, they are very good at running jump, but why I can't do that, I just don't know.
If I can practice, I would like to practice, and I want to be the pro, but I think that is very hard, I need to do lots of times.
Practice is the way you can be pro, if you don't practice like my classmates, some of them are eating cookies, and some of them just walking.
They didn't do anything, when I am playing soccer, I run very fast, but I can't catch the ball, because I am not good at catching.
The best is when I am playing soccer, enemies can't defeat me, because I can run very fast, so the ball will stop, this is the good things.
I think today I felt happy, because today I have sports class, maybe I just think that is scared, but I try to do my best.
2018年5月16日 星期三
Dragon boat
Today I want to tell everybody that I drew a picture in winter vacation, that is my winter vacation work, I want to draw very good.
When my teacher is saying the winter vacation work, my teacher said maybe we can draw dragon boats or Mother's Day.
I choose dragon boats, because I don't know how to draw Mother's Day, I just know I can draw my Mom, and I am hugging my Mom.
If I draw dragon boat, I can draw lots of people are watching, and I can draw more dragon boats, so it will be prettier.
If you just draw one dragon boat, and everyone just think you are lazy, and I think you can draw some houses, next to the dragon boats.
I drew two people are saying 'go', because the dragon boats that is prettier is faster than another one,they want the pretty one to win.
The ugly one have nobody on it, but maybe they are on the back of the dragon boat, the pretty one is almost winning.
And I wish the pretty one can win, they have a person that use drum, and lots of people are rowing the dragon boat.
If you want to see my picture, at the top of this blog has a picture, everytime I will give you a picture or a video.
I think today I felt happy, because today I tell you about the dragon boat I drew, but I think today is too late, so next time if I have a picture, I will be very fast to tell you.
2018年5月15日 星期二
The next hero I want to use
Today I want to tell everybody about that the next hero I want to use, so you need to listen carefully, now my favorite is Martis.
Martis is a fighter, so my Dad said maybe I can play fighter, he said the top tier fighters now are Jawhead, Ruby, Chou or Balmond.
Chou, Balmond and Jawhead are like a tank, so I would like to choose Ruby to be the hero I want to use, my Martis is pretty strong.
In the past few days, when I am playing with my Dad, I got five MVPs in Classic Mode, and I've got many victories, this is how strong I am.
If I can use Ruby very strong, and like my Martis, and try to be stronger than Martis, this is what I wish I can do.
Ruby is very strong when there is a team fight, because Ruby can do many crowd control things, she can catch all of the enemies.
When Ruby catches them, then Aurora use her ultimate, after that Johnson uses its ultimate, and then Odette uses her ultimate, so enemies will be dead soon.
But I think that is hard to do, because your teammates will not do like this, they'll just use the heroes they want to use, so you need to invite your friends.
If there is no team fight, Ruby is not strong, Ruby needs to catch lots of enemies, if you catch two or more, this team fight is easy to win.
I think I can use Ruby well, but I need to practice a lot, because when I want to use Martis, I practiced lots of times.
2018年5月14日 星期一
2018年5月13日 星期日
2018年5月11日 星期五
I can use Martis very well with my Dad
Today I want to tell everyone about that I can use Martis super strong with my Dad, today when me and Dad are playing ML.
We get maniac, because we win four times in classic, now I will tell you a thing about my Balmond, one time I use Balmond to get savage.
When I am learning how to use Martis, I tried very hard, now I can use his first skill to kill people or let my teammates to kill enemies.
Martis is a good hero when enemies have low HP, and when they want to escape, you use your first skill, and then your teammate can kill them.
When a place have a team fight, you need to go there quickly, because you can use your first skill to stun enemies.
One time there is team fight I go there, and I used my first skill, then we win this team flight, because I used it to catch lots of people.
When I did that, my Dad said I used Martis well, so now I can use Martis or Balmond, and maybe Lesley, these are my favorite heroes.
I use Martis well, nobody can use Martis when I am using Martis, Martis is my favorite, win rate is 76%, I think that is high.
My Dad always says I am better than before, before I don't know how to use the first skill, now I can use it to do many things, and that is very good to use.
I think today I felt happy, because today I played Martis, and the best is I got four victories with my Dad, this is very hard to get.
2018年5月10日 星期四
My English school will have a speaking contest
The rule is if you don't bring your reward passport, you can't get 50 points, and all the point that you can get in this contest.
When the teacher sees you not bringing it, you can't do this contest, this is like a ticket, you need to have a ticket, so you can go to this contest.
The another rule is if you are little, you need to speak for more than 30 seconds, but you can't say beyond two minutes, so you need to practice.
If you didn't do that, you will minus lots of points, maybe -10 points, so you need to be careful, don't do this, this is very silly.
If you are older, you need to say more than 90 seconds, but you can't speak beyond 5 minutes, 5 minutes is very long, so this is hard to say more than 5 minutes.
You can take the poem to say, but your points will be lower than the people that know how to say, because you don't know, and you can get high points, this is very strange.
If you prepare some items, you can get some points, so I will try to make some items, and give the teachers to see me.
If you do some action, you can get more points, and if you speak properly, you didn't speak like robot, you can get more points, but I think you need to do lots of things, this is very hard.
I think today I felt excited, because this competition, will be in 5/28, I need to practice action, and learn how to speak properly, and make some items.
2018年5月9日 星期三
Playing Balmond
Today I want to tell everybody about that my Dad said I can try to play Balmond, and let me tell you about Balmond and his skills.
Now I will tell you about his first skill, his first skill is run to the front. And if there is something, the thing will minus some HP.
If you want to use the first skill to defeat people, you need to remember you have your all skills, so you can easily to defeat enemies.
And I thought that skill is good when you need to escape from enemies, that skill is bad, when you use it to go into enemy's tower.
One time when I am using Balmond, and we are all level one, Zilong run into the tower, then he dead, when I saw that, I felt very surprised.
No one is silly like that, there are no minions, and he just wanted to push the tower, if I am Zilong, I will not do that, that is so silly.
When my Dad is using Zilong, he never do that, but the person just wanted to win, and don't know if you go in you will be dead.
The second skill is you can have high damage to the enemy, when Balmond is level 15, and you have very strong items, enemy can die very fast.
And his ultimate is very powerful, when you use it, Balmond get high damage, and if enemy have low HP, it will be stronger than before.
I think today I felt happy, but sometimes I cried, because I thought I am not good at playing Balmond, I need to practice more.
2018年5月8日 星期二
Today is my mom's birthday
Today I want to tell everybody about that today is my Mom's birthday, when we went home I told my Mom that I love her.
When I need to go to school, I will feel sad, but when I can go home I will feel very happy, because I can see my family, my family is my favorite people in this world.
Everybody likes their family, but sometimes they will fight, and when I feel sad in my home, I will just run into my bedroom.
I will cry in my bedroom, then my Mom and Dad will call me to go out, when I go out, I will feel very angry, because I felt bad.
If you feel not good, when you see, and you will just don't talk to them, everytime I do like that, but I don't know why.
I know today is my Mom's birthday, I don't have time to write something to my Mom, because I need to read books.
I can give my Mom a card, I will do it, but now it is my Mom's birthday, I need to give her, if I can do that, maybe tomorrow I can do it.
I think the card is not very good, so maybe I can do something good to my Mom, and maybe I can give her present.
Everytime my Mom say I need to be nice, I need to be very nice, and my mom will feel happy, this is what I think my Mom needs.
I think today I felt happy, because today is my Mom's birthday, I didn't do anything to my mom, but now I will try to do it.
2018年5月7日 星期一
How to improve your skills
Today I want to tell everybody about how to improve your skill, so you can easily defeat enemies, and that is good to learn.
When I am playing Joker, I will hide in the bushes, and I will think about where the enemies will go, so when they go there, I can hit them.
When they see I am in the bush, I can use ultimate, ultimates are all very powerful, so they will be dead, and I can get some kills.
Sometimes I use the first skill, and then run into the bush, when you can use again, you use it, so they will be dead.
His first skill can be very hurt, maybe the enemies have a tank, when you use the first skill, they just think that is not very powerful.
If you want to use tank, maybe you can be very strong, just like Grakk in AOV, he is very hard to defeat if you want to defeat Grakk, you can ask top global.
Sometimes when my Dad is using marksman, and he just shoot and shoot, then lots of tank dead, so I think that is amazing.
When you are fighting with tank, you will win, but if there is a marksman or a mage, you will lose, because when you are fighting, mage will defeat you.
If you have any question, you can tell me in the game, but you need to know my name, maybe someday I will tell you my nickname.
I think today I felt happy, because today I tell everybody how to use skills properly, maybe you can come from this. I use lots of times to practice.
2018年5月6日 星期日
Now I like to play Arena of Valor
Today I want to tell everybody about that I play Arena of Valor, if you want to use DC hero right now, it is free to use these heroes.
Or you can use AIC hero, but I don't know what is AIC, there are 5 AIC heroes, and there are five DC hero, so we can use 10 free heroes.
I checked the internet, now I know AIC stands for Arena of Valor International Championship.
Yesterday I used Tulen, when I am using, I thought that is strong, yesterday I use Joker, Joker is marksman, his first skill is very powerful.
When everyone is level 15, the Joker use his first skill then he use ultimate, one second you will be dead, so you don't need to fight with Joker.
Joker is very strong, if you can use, you need to use, when you are using Joker, you will know how strong Joker is.
When you use ultimate, enemies will be slower, you can be -50 HP from enemies, when you use the first skill, enemies will be dead.
His first skill is the Joker throws a thing to the front, when you hit enemies, they will be hurt, if you throw two , they will be dead.
His second skill is when you used it, you can speed up, but you can't use it to fight, so I think that is very bad, I want to use it, and you can attack.
His ultimate is Joker will put a bomb on your head, then Joker came back, wait for one second, it will broke, and that is hurt.
I think today I felt happy, because today I used Joker, and I think that is very strong, everyone wants to use him, nobody hates him.
2018年5月5日 星期六
How to get credit points in ML
Today I want to tell everybody about that how you can get credit points in Mobile Legends, because today I missed some, but now I am 100.
When I am playing VS AI, I need to throw the trash to landfill, computer thinks I AFK, computer minus two credit points.
I used Lancelot, now I have three heroes that is strong, if I use, but I am not like the top global, top globals are very strong, I can't defeat them.
When we are watching TV, my Dad used Messenger to talk with us, my Dad said I need to find how to get credit points.
I opened Mobile Legends, I saw the rules of credit points. The way to do is to log-in Mobile Legends every day or finished one game.
My Dad said maybe I can play Brawl, because if you play Brawl, you can take shorter time than other games in Mobile Legends.
We lose, but I still can get credit point from that game, so you don't need to win, you just need to finish that game, so this is easy.
I don't know if you play custom, can you get create point? If you try this, you can tell me in Mobile Legends.
If you can get create points from playing custom, you can get lots of credit points, because you can leave the match, so you will win.
I think today I have a little bit surprised, because if you can finish one match, you can get one credit point, this is very easy to get.
2018年5月4日 星期五
I can't play with my Dad
Today I want to tell everybody about that I can't play with my Dad, because my Dad went to Taipei in the afternoon.
My Dad went to Taipei, before that my Dad ate lunch, he ate in the restaurant that is in Taichung, then he needed to go to Taipei.
The bad part of it, is I can't play with my Dad, and the good part is my Dad can work to earn money, and then we can play more.
If you want to play more, you need to get some money, because when you are eating meal, you will need to give some money.
If you don't get money, you just use your money to buy the meal, your money will be gone, because you need to give money to the boss.
Money is not easy to get, because you get some money, and you used to buy something, I think this is not very good.
Sometimes you have lots of money, but you just use it to buy some clothes or bags, you will see how much coins you have.
You will see your money is not many, because you just use it to buy something you don't need to use, and the money will be fewer.
If you are still doing that, it is very bad, you will think why you do that, you can see you buy something that is not useful,
I think today I felt a little bit sad, because Saturday and Sunday I can't see my Dad, and I can't play with my Dad, this is very sad.
2018年5月3日 星期四
I felt sad today
Today I want to tell everybody about that I felt sad, because my sister lost this time. I thought it is because another team are heavy.
If you are heavy, you can have more power, you can pull lots of things, and my sister lost tug-of-war. When I saw that, I felt sad.
If they can win, I will feel happy, but another team is very strong, and they have lots of fat people, I don't know why fat people is stronger than thin people.
If the enemies don't have heavy people, I know my sister's team can win, but this is not lucky for my sister, and I felt sad.
I don't know why my sister's class don't have any strong people, if they have, my sister can win, but I don't know why they can't have.
Maybe some teachers think the fat people need to be in one class, fat people can't be the same class with the thin people.
If I can help my sister, I will help her. I am not strong, but if I can help, I will feel much happier, this is what I am thinking.
If you want to win, you just need to practice and practice, that is like jump rope, if I wanted to jump 30 times, I just need to practice.
This is very easy to practice, but they don't have times to practice, I think if they have time to practice, they will practice a lot.
I think today I felt sad, but is not really sad, just think this is very unfortunate, I want to have fat people in my sister's class.
2018年5月2日 星期三
Tomorrow my sister will have tug-of-war
Today I want to tell everybody about that tomorrow my sister will have a tug-of-war. Her classmates are good, and she is good, too.
When they are pulling, her class defeated the class in one second, her class is amazing, because tug-of-war is hard but she is good at it.
Now her class have got double kill, and I hope my sister's class can get another two victories, then they will be the champion. She said the class that she needs to fight have many heavy people.
Heavy people can easily defeat the person that is very thin. I don't know which team can win, this is very hard to think about.
One team has lots of heavy people, and there is a team that can defeat other team in one second, both teams are strong, so this is not easy to do.
Now my sister's team is the top 4 teams, if they win, they can be top 2, and if they win again, they can be the first place this time.
This is not easy to defeat other teams, I didn't do it, but I know what my sister felt, when I am little, I played it, and I think that is difficult.
When you are playing, you can feel that, I really hope her team can defeat the team, and he can defeat more teams. This is what I wanted to happen.
If her team can defeat the team, her team needs to defeat the strong team, because if they are not strong, they can't get top 2.
I think today I felt happy, because today I listened to my sister, and my sister said she wanted to win, and I can know what she is thinking.
2018年5月1日 星期二
Our classroom got second place in rope-jumping race
I want to tell you that our classroom got second place in rope-jumping race. If your class can get top 3, your class will having extra one more watermelon.
When we heard that, we felt very surprised, because our class's rope-jumping is not better than lots of classes, but we still can get second place.
If we didn't practice lots of times, we just play play play, we can't get this award, but something is not lucky, because I don't like to eat watermelons.
We can't take watermelons home, I can't give it to my family to eat, if my family can eat watermelon, they'll feel happy.
My sister liked to eat watermelons, now I will tell you why, because sister said 'if I can eat watermelon, I'll feel good'.
Now I will tell you why I don't want to eat watermelon, because you can see lots of seeds, and I think that is yucky, so I don't want to eat.
If you want to eat, I can't do it, because I can't bring it to the place, but maybe your school has this race, so maybe you can get watermelons.
I don't know I want lots of people say watermelon is very yummy, but if I eat it, I'll think it is so so, and sometimes that is not really yummy.
I thought this is special, because if you can get top 3, you can get extra one more watermelon, but this is what I need to do.
I think today I felt happy, because our teacher said we got second place, and we practiced a lot, so today we got the award .