2018年5月4日 星期五

I can't play with my Dad

Today I want to tell everybody about that I can't play with my Dad, because my Dad went to Taipei in the afternoon.

My Dad went to Taipei, before that my Dad ate lunch, he ate in the restaurant that is in Taichung, then he needed to go to Taipei.

The bad part of it, is I can't play with my Dad, and the good part is my Dad can work to earn money, and then we can play more.

If you want to play more, you need to get some money, because when you are eating meal, you will need to give some money.

If you don't get money, you just use your money to buy the meal, your money will be gone, because you need to give money to the boss.

Money is not easy to get, because you get some money, and you used to buy something, I think this is not very good.

Sometimes you have lots of money, but you just use it to buy some clothes or bags, you will see how much coins you have.

You will see your money is not many, because you just use it to buy something you don't need to use, and the money will be fewer.

If you are still doing that, it is very bad, you will think why you do that, you can see you buy something that is not useful,

I think today I felt a little bit sad, because Saturday and Sunday I can't see my Dad, and I can't play with my Dad, this is very sad.