2018年7月15日 星期日

The second happy day in America

Today I want to tell everybody about that today is the second happy day in Boston, and today we are going to a museum with lots of animals that lives in ocean, they are very good at swimming in the water.

The animal that I want to see is the turtle. Squirtle is a turtle, and I think that is very cute, so I want to see it and use my Squirtle to see the turtles I want, I think that will be very fun if I use my Squirtle to stick on the glass.

There is a thing we went to before we went to the aquarium, we went to the whale watch ship, we can see whales in the ocean, and there are lots of people in the ship, there are only some whales, there are not too many whales.

I like the time when the boat speeds up, because the wind will be very very strong and the wind will make you feel cold, but I like it. Sometimes the wind can blow me away a little bit, we stay on the boat for 3 hours.

Then we went to the aquarium, we felt happy there, I like the turtles there,and I love the Squirtle in my bag, I don't know why I love turtles, and I think they are cute, do you think they are cute, you can tell me.

I think today I felt happy, because today I went to see my favorite animal, turtle, so I feel very good and that is the best museum I went, I really love it, it will be very good to see my favorite animal, it is a great chance.