2018年7月19日 星期四

Duck Tour and Blue Man show

Today I want to tell everybody about that today we went to sit in duck tour and we went to see a show, the name of the show is Blue Man Show. They are all very fun, I love today, this is a fun day, I love it.

In the morning we went to eat Dunkin' Donuts, you can call it DD, that is a great restaurant in America, and other country doesn't have this restaurant, I don't know why, and Boston is a place that doesn't have lots of McDonald's.

There are lots of DD, you can find Dunkin' Donuts everytime everywhere, there are two Dunkin' Donuts in Back Bay station, Boston eats Dunkin' Donuts, and other city in America eat McDonald's, this is how you eat.

I don't know why America people love to eat the thing that is not healthy, but they are yummy, like hamburgers, Donuts, but salad is healthy, America people love to walk, sometimes they are very healthy, but sometimes not.

Blue Man Show is very good to see, they are very strong, they know how to be very funny, a Blue Man gets a phone, but he uses too much numbers at the password, so I think he will forget the password, I want it to happen.

I think today I feel happy, because today we went to watch Blue Man show, and that is a funny movie, and you must go to watch it.