2018年8月21日 星期二

Today I made some animals with Lego before I write Blogger

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made some animals. And there are two flies, a dog, and a giraffe, and I love them all, they are great because they are made by me. Maybe you think they are not like the real animals, but I think so. And you will see a thing like a pig, it is made from yesterday, and I think that is very good, too, I love all things that I made from Lego.

Do you like building Lego? That is fun, you can try it. Maybe you will love it, I think the giraffe I made is not like the real giraffe. I can't do it, because I only have that piece of block can make the neck of giraffe, can you make a better animal than me? I think you can, because I only used a few minutes. Let's build up the Lego, I want to know what is your favorite animal, my favorite animal are turtles, because I think Squirtle is very cute, I love it, which Pokémon do you love?

I think Lego is fun, because you can use the same Lego to build up different things. Which toy is your favorite? Do you love the normal blocks, I don't play it, but maybe you think that is really fun. I don't know which block you play, but maybe you like to play Lego, too, if you do, that is good, I don't know which thing you love. I hope the thing you love is same with me, I love Lego.

I think today I felt happy, because today I made some animals with Lego, and l think building up Lego is fun, what do you think, if you love something I will try and do it, you can tell me. I want everybody have their things to be happy, and I think when I am building up the animals, I don't know what is the next step, and I just find the block that I need, then I succeed.