2018年9月7日 星期五

How do the natural spring water form

Today I want to tell everybody about that how the natural spring water forms, and I think if you watch the video, you will know it, and it is because when it rains, the place that can let water be inside will have lots of water, and when the plates started to hit another plate, it will become an earthquake, and earthquake will let the ground be broken, and in the video, the hot thing started to go inside the water and because the ground is already broken, so the water will be on the ground and it becomes a natural spring water, now you know why, but because the time is not enough to make a video and lots of words, so maybe this blog will be shorter then the normal blog, and sorry about that, but I will try my best to make it be longer.

And do you know that you can't swim in the natural spring water? If you do that, it is very dangerous, because it is very hot, and maybe it will let you die, so don't put your head inside, I am not lying, some people put their head in the natural spring water, and then they die, don't think natural spring water can make your wound to heal, you need to be careful, and remember don't put head inside the spring water.

I think today I felt happy, because today I made a video, and it was great, if I think that is great, you don't need to think that is great, because maybe you think the things I draw is really ugly, but I think that is good, I won't think the thing that I made is bad, only one thing, and it is trash.