2018年9月29日 星期六

Got some Pokemon toys from my reader, thank you!

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I got some toys from my Dad's friend and my Dad said he is my reader, too. Because I said that I want all of the Pokemon toy of McDonald happy meal, and the reader has a set of toys, and he gave them to us, so I think he is a nice person, and thank you to the reader, and you makes me happy, because this is the only chance that I can get them all.

And now I will introduce these Pokemons, they are not normal, they have some really special skills, and first I will introduce the one that I love the most, and it is Squirtle, and when you put it under the water, press the button that is on its back, so it will get some water in its tummy, and then take it out from the water, press the button again, then the water will come out from its mouth, and I love this toy, it is really fun.

Now I will introduce the Pokemon that everybody knows, and it is Pikachu, when you press its tail, its ear will shake a little bit, and it is still really good, but I think Squirtle is still better.

And now I will introduce the toy that I think the best, and that is Totodile, if you push the thorn on its back, its mouth will open and bite something, and one time, my little silly Squirtle wants to defeat Totodile, but it bites Squirtle's hand, and then Squirtle lost, my silly Squirtle lost. Within these three Pokemons, which one do you think is the strongest? This is today's question, remember to answer the question.

I think today I felt happy, because today I got lots of toys from my reader, and thank you, if you don't give us this chance to get all of the toys, I will not be happy like now, and that is it, thank you for reading my blog, and remember to answer the question, see you in next blog, goodbye.