2018年11月1日 星期四

Minecraft: I am making Parthenon Temple

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I am building my Parthenon Temple. I think that is hard to build, but I am going to have a room inside this Parthenon Temple. Inside the room I will let everybody pass the challenge, and that will be really fun. When you pass this challenge. You will get some mysterious things like prizes. You can play it with your friend if I finish making this building.

Inside the room, the challenge will be parkour. You will run to the top of the room. Sometimes it will have Checkpoint. You can climb up to the top, but only if you go there. On the top of the room. There will be a box, inside the box, there will be the prize. That means you really win. I will make some tricks in this room. You must be careful.

Sometimes there will be a button but there is a TNT under the button, then you press the button so the TNT exploded. Then you will be dead. But it will not be really bad, because you will know that button will explode TNT, so you will not press the button again.

I think today I am happy, because today I was making my Parthenon Temple. Do you think my Parthenon Temple will be good? I think it will be really good. See you next blog, remember to subscribe me!