2018年11月28日 星期三

Minecraft: I made a subway in The End

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a subway in The End. I think that is really good. You can see the video to know why it is funny. You can know the story. If you don't really know what I am doing. Now I will tell you the whole story.

First, I caught an Enderman. I think one is not enough, so I caught two more Endermans. I used TNT to explode them. Then the ground breaks. There was a huge hole on the ground. I don't want to fix it, so I just build a bridge. I don't want to walk, so I made a trail on the bridge. I used about ten minute to make it. I think this island will be really good. I will let it be a really good place. I love The End really much. Do you think the same as me?

I will make some really cool things like houses or something really cool. I love The End. I think after I finish making a beautiful The End. I will make a beautiful Nether. I think Nether will be a really good place, because there are lots of monsters or some really scary things. Do you think it is easy to let The End to be beautiful?

I think today I felt happy because today I made a really cool subway in The End. Do you think it is a good idea if I make lots of things in The End? I think it will be really good. Remember to subscribe me in YouTube. See you in next blog. Goodbye.