2018年11月2日 星期五

My project: A little car

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a little car. You can use it to move and you can also use it to go with your friend. You only need a few things to make it. First you need 2 chairs and one Long thing. The thing I use is my Mom's jacket because there is a button so you can have a better car. You can also use a really long scarf, and then tie it.

I made it when I finished eating lunch, everybody is going to take a nap. I didn't take a nap, because I want to make something really cool. First I didn't know what should I make. Then I push my sister's chair to my seat. Then I think about train. I think train has many parts, so I think chairs can be the parts that is in the train. I didn't think about how to make them be together, so I think a few minute. Then I know that I can use something really long to let the chairs go together.

I looked around but I didn't find anything that can help me. I thought it will be better to take a nap, but I still want to finish it as fast as I can. I tried everything then I tried the best thing and it is the jacket. I used jacket and try lots of ways. I was a little bit tired, but finally I finished it! I was really happy, and always play with it. Then my Mom helped me to take a beautiful picture with my little car.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a little car. This is the best thing made by me. This is the biggest thing I make and it is also the most useful thing that I made. It is the coolest thing that I made. I said that if I finish something I will be happy. Do you think it is a good thing?