2018年12月18日 星期二

Minecraft: I made two more stations!

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made two more stations. I think that is pretty a lot. There are four stations now. I will let the little neighborhood be a city. Then be a country. I need my sister to help. We can build buildings together, and we can make more stations. I love to have a really cool thing like a city. This is my biggest hope. I hope I can play with my sister.

I think making two stations are not easy. I used a lots of times to make them. Do you know why? I think it is because I wasted too much time to think what to make. If you want to do something really cool. You will use lots of times to think about it. My two stations are not cool, but I still used a lots of times to do it because I think that is a really important thing in a city.

Do you think I can build a country with my sister? I think that is hard, but I didn't give up. It is OK to use one year to do it. The only thing that I want is a country with lots of buildings.

I think today I felt happy because today I made two more stations. I want to make one hundred more stations in the future. See you in next blog. Goodbye!