2019年1月8日 星期二

Minecraft: I made a real elevator!

Today I made a really cool thing. Do you know what is it? It is Elevator. I really like the elevator that I made. I love them. If you think the same as me. You can subscribe me. You can also give my video a like. That will be good. I will be very happy. I am glad that now I have 70 subscribers. I want to have at least 100 subscribers in this year. The elevator I made is so simple. Everyone can make it. You don't need any Redstone. Easy but amazing. I think this is very good.

First, You need to get a Command block. You also need to make a little building. You will put the elevator inside. Then you need to get a button. Can you think about how to make it? You are smart. I can't tell you. You can watch my video. I didn't say how to make it, but you can see. There are two Command blocks. You need to use a word called teleport in these Command blocks.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a very cool elevator without Redstone. Maybe you will think Command blocks are a kind of Redstone. I don't think so. Maybe you think the button is a kind of Redstone. I think that is not wrong but only a little bit. Do you know what is the elevator using Redstone? That means you can go up with the pistons. My elevator is not. The thing that you can't forget is to subscribe. You must subscribe me. See you in next blog. Goodbye!