2019年1月11日 星期五

Minecraft: Skeleton VS Iron Golem

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a place where the animals fight. Skeletons are the bad guys. The Iron Golem wants to protect us. Then the battle starts. I think this story is good. I don't know how to say the story in the video. I can only say it to you right now. The Iron Golem is very strong. They can defeat all of the monsters. The Iron Golem is called Nick. Nick have some friends. They also helped Nick. Let's see who wins!

First, Skeletons are in the left cage. Iron Golems are in the right cage. When the doors opened. Nick said,"Let's attack!". Every Iron Golem rushes to the battlefield. They threw the Skeletons and hit them. The Skeletons tried to use Bows to hit Iron Golems. Nick called,"We almost win!". Every Iron Golem was happy. They are more powerful. They kick and hit. The Skeletons are weak. Nick is strong, so he threw them on the top of the wall of the battlefield.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a very cool battlefield. I summoned Skeletons and Iron Golems. I also told a story. I think the story is good. If you love my battlefield. Please subscribe me. See you in next blog. Goodbye!