2019年2月17日 星期日

Minecraft: playing a cool mod!

Hi! everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about today we played a cool MOD. I love to play in other world. Do you like it? We played in Adventure mode. Every time you are in other world. People will recommend you to be in Adventure mode. In this mode, you can't place blocks and destroy blocks. I think this mode is very cool.

I think the missions are very hard. You need to take the Pandas back to the zoo. There are lots of Pandas. You also need to tame the cats. There are 75 Cats. You need to tame all of the cats. I think this is very hard. This MOD is free in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. You can get it when it is 1.9. I think this MOD is very fun. I like to see lots of new things in other world. 

I think today I felt happy because today I played MOD with my sister. I like my sister. She is funny. I like to play with her. We can talk together. We played a lot together before. We had Building Competition and lots of cool things. I think we will keep finding the Pandas. We want to save them. If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe my channel and share my video. See you in next blog. Goodbye!