2019年3月5日 星期二

Minecraft: Playing with TNT!

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that today I made two very cool things that will blow your mind. The first thing is a very fast TNT cannon. You can place some TNTs around the target. In the video, it makes a very big hole. I think that is cool. The second thing is a command block. It will summon lots of TNTs. The TNT made a big hole.

I think that is incredible. You can even see Bedrocks. It is very hard to see Bedrocks in Survival mode. In Creative mode. You just need a command block. You need to write like this: /summon TNT ( your position ). Then change Impulse to Repeat. Change Need Redstone to Always Active. It must be great. You can create your own big hole with that. Do you think that is easy?

I think today I felt happy because today I made a very cool hole. It is very big and deep. I think TNT is very cool. I like to play with it in Creative mode. It can destroy things. I don't want it to hurt animals. I think animals are cute. I will never hurt them. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. See you in next blog. Goodbye!