2019年4月21日 星期日

Speaking Gobo on Scratch

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a new game called Speaking Gobo. I think this is a very cool game. I will show you a translator in next blog. I think it is very cool.I think it is 100 % right. I think that is pretty amazing but the robot that can speak is still very cool. I think both of them are cool. I want to use more blocks.

I think AI is not easy to make, because it needs to know what are you talking about. I think Siri is silly but I think that is very cool. That is like a personn. I don't know what will happen if I put two Ipads together, and I opened Siri. I think they can talk to each others. That will be fun.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a very cool project that can speak. I think that is cool. It is just like a parrot. It will copy what you said, and say it. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. See you in next blog. Goodbye!