2019年5月31日 星期五

《我們班最爆笑》第二集 抽屜裡有情書 第一章:最喜歡的人

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一個在「我們班最爆笑」第二集裡面的第一個章節,叫做「最喜歡的人」,我希望你會喜歡我們班最爆笑系列。


劉農說:「我真的沒看。」「真的嗎?」「當然,我 100% 確定我真的沒有看。」甄芳芳說:「我想你也不敢,我可以告訴牛媽媽,你體育課的時候就慘了。」甄芳芳又說:「我在背稿子。」「稿子?」「等一下就知道了。」






2019年5月30日 星期四

Jim's magical story 1 / The first monster

"I want to get my first Cutonster (Cute Monster) with my box." said Jim. Jim dressed up and rushed to the woods. It's a Sleeppo. Jim thinks it really likes to sleep. Jim took out his book and said,"Sleeppo is a hippo Cutonster. It is fire type. It's power is amazing when it wakes up." Jim threw a rock to the Sleeppo. Sleeppo woke up and dropped a card. Jim took the card and said, "Yeah! I got my first Cutonster."

He put it in the box and said I want to catch another Cutonster. I want a really rare one. "Do you want to have a battle with me?" said Charlie. "Sure! I will see what is your Cutonster" said Jim. "Go! Treeking!" said Charlie. Jim opened his book and said,"Treeking is a grass type Cutonster. Its speed is amazing!" "Go! Sleeppo!" "Use Flame Snore!" said Jim. Sleeppo snored. Treeking shouted, "Treeking." "Use Treeplanter" said Charlie. Treeking planted a tree under Sleeppo. "Po po" said Sleeppo.

"Use flame explosion" said Jim. Sleeppo made some fire and it defeated Treeking. Jim was so happy. Jim wants to tell her mom. He used telephone to tell her mom that he won the battle.

Jim went to the Cutonster center. Professor Map gave Jim some rainbow food. Professor Map said, "You can let you Cutonster eat them. You Sleeppo will evolve into Sleepy." Jim fed Sleeppo some rainbow food and it really evolved into Sleepy. Everybody was so happy.


What is Treeking's main skill?

A. Tree and Flowers  B. Treeplanter   C. Three trees

The answer is B.

I think today I felt happy because today I created a magical story, and I think this story is nice. I hope you really enjoy this magical story. If you like it, please tell me under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一個故事叫做「不多也不少」,我也覺得這個故事很有道理,希望你喜歡,喜歡的話可以買書。



小松鼠說他要捐他的玩具火車,小猴子說他要捐彈弓,綿綿也想要捐一些二手物品,但是他有什麼可以捐呢?回家後,他就在尋找他可以捐的東西,他說:「我只有一張床、一條小被子和一個小枕頭,不多也不少,剛剛好。」接著綿綿又打開衣櫃,裡面有 7 套衣服,每個禮拜有 7 天,一天穿一套,不多也不少,剛剛好。他發現衣櫃裡還有兩頂帽子,一頂是草帽,一頂是毛線帽,剛好在冬天跟夏天的時候戴。






2019年5月28日 星期二


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一個故事叫做《紫松鼠》,我相信大家在聽我說故事之前都會有一個疑問,那就是「為什麼松鼠會有紫色的呢?」雖然說這是幾乎不可能的事情,但是這就是在這個故事裡的主角。




回家後,松鼠媽媽跟他說了很多松鼠國的規定,並且還跟紫松鼠說他要認真學習,隔天他在教室裡努力讀書,大家要一週才能學會的東西,紫松鼠只要一天就學會了,摘松果的時候,大家都只能搬一小塊,但紫松鼠可以搬要 20 隻松鼠才能搬的松果,可是大家都說紫松鼠只是愛現。






2019年5月27日 星期一


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一個故事,叫做「壞脾氣的星星」,他是在《壞脾氣的星星》裡的其中一個故事。我覺得這一個故事還滿有意思的,我現在就來描述一下這個故事吧。








2019年5月26日 星期日

Jim's story 4 / The woodchuck

"Wow! It is a woodchuck" said Jim, "It is chucking the wood! I have a very funny question to ask." "What is the question?" asked Mom. Jim asked, "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?" "It is a pretty hard question. I want to make it harder. The woodchuck's name is Chuck!"

It is now a lot harder. Jim asked, "How much wood would a woodchuck named Chuck chuck if a wood chuck named chuck could chuck wood?" Jim said, "I think it is not hard enough!"

"Look! The woodchuck named chuck is driving a truck" said Jim, "How much wood would a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck chuck if a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck could chuck wood?"

The duck is also in the truck. This will be very hard. Jim said, "How much wood would a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck with a duck chuck if a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck with a duck could chuck wood?"

His mom answered, "A woodchuck named Chuck in a truck with a duck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck with a duck could chuck if a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck with a duck could chuck wood. The answer is pretty long."

-The End-

How much wood would a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck with a duck chuck if a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck with a duck could chuck wood?

A . a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck with a duck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck with a duck could chuck if a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck with a duck could chuck wood.
B. a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck could chuck if a woodchuck named Chuck in a truck could chuck wood.
C. a woodchuck named Chuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck named Chuck could chuck if a woodchuck named Chuck could chuck wood.

The answer is A.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a Jim story, and it is about the woodchuck tongue twister. I think this song is very good. I like this song. I hope you like it. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~

2019年5月25日 星期六

Jim's story 3 / The race car

"I want that red toy race car." said Jim. His dad said, "OK! I can buy it for you." Jim was so happy because it can run really fast. "Jim! Look at this competition." said Mom. "Wow! A car race! I will get number one."

Jim signed up the car race and he was so happy. Jim used lots of small things to upgrade the race car. Jim worked really hard. "What is that little red car?" said Charlie, "The car is terrible! My car is the best in the universe. Do you want to have a car race with me? I'm gonna win."

When the race started. Charlie's car hit Jim's car. Jim was unhappy. He shouted, "Power on!" The red car pushed the blue car away. The blue car tried to hit the red car, but there are two hands behind the red car. It pushed the blue car away and rushed. Jim's car won the car race with Charlie.

Jim went to the race car competition. Jim met Charlie again. This is the real battle. There will be 128 people in the car race. The 128 people would start at the same time. First, Charlie's car blocked the red car's way. Then lots of people did that, too. "Supersonic" shouted Jim. The red car just hit other cars and Jim won.

Jim got a gold medal. Jim was so happy. Charlie is so angry. 

- The End -

Which one is Charlie's car?

A. orange car   B. red car   C. blue car

How many people are there in the competition?

A. 2*2*2*2*2*2*2   B.3*3*3*3*3   C. 4*4*4*4*4*4*4

The answers are B and A.

I think today I felt happy because I created a race car story. I think race car is a very fun word. When you spell it backward, it will still be race car. I hope you like this story. See you guys in next blog. Goodbye~~

2019年5月23日 星期四


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家講我的成績,我這一次考試沒有像上一次那麼好,我覺得如果我更細心的話,我可以得到很高分,我的成績從 230 分變成 220 分,雖然是一等獎的最低分,但我還是很開心,我比上次少 10 分,我的名次從 2 變成 10。

滿分是 250 分,我只有得到 220 分,這一次沒有獎盃,所以我很傷心,我想要蒐集很多獎盃,因為這樣才能有好大學,我希望我下一次可以細心一點,我覺得這一次的考題表面上看起來很簡單,但是有可能是因為有陷阱,所以才會有錯誤,爸爸、媽媽、姊姊都教我數學,所以我要感謝他們。




I got first place in the speaking contest

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, today I have a very good news. I got first place in the final Speaking Contest. I think I did well this time. My mom and dad helped me a lot. They helped me to practice and make props and costumes. My teachers also helped me a lot.

Now I will tell you the rule of the Speaking Contest. There is a first contest and the final contest. In the first contest, each class needs to select top 3. The top three will go to the final contest, and they can get a reward card. Each card costs 500 points. There are two people reading the story Meatloaf, and 1 person reading the story Reading In Bed. I am reading the story Meatloaf.

In the Final contest, there will be 4 grades. I am at grade 2. Each grade has 3 classes. We will have the contest with two other grade 2 classes. There are 9 people. Everybody did a great job. When the contest is finished we talked together. I think there is a funny joke. If bears don't have ears. Who are them. The answer is b because bears minus ears equals b.

After the first contest, I made some changes, because maybe some people will just be better than me, so I should power up. I added two very big letters on my mother's apron, and I decorated my oven.

I think the final contest is a lot harder then the first contest. In the final contest. Lots of moms and dads and judges are looking at you, but in the first contest, there are only some classmates and a few judges.

I think today I felt happy because today I got the first place on my speaking contest and I am very happy. Tomorrow is my sister's turn. I hope you want my sister to win. See you in next blog. Bye Bye~~~

2019年5月21日 星期二

Jim's Story 2: Cookie

Part 1 Reading

" Someone ate my cookie! " said Jim. He thought his brother ate it, but his brother said, "I don't even know where are your cookies."

Jim asked his sister, "Did you eat my cookies?"

"I hate strawberry cookies!" shouted Jenny.

He asked mom and dad. They both answered, "We will not eat your cookies."

"Then where are my cookies?" asked Jim. Then he saw some small pieces of cookies outside. He went to see. There are some footprints.

There were a lot of footprints. The footprints were going to the forest. Jim walked until the footprints ends. There was a small hole. Jim looked inside, but it was all dark. Jim spilled some water in it. Some ants walked out. Jim used a shovel to make the hole bigger. Jim used a paper to cover the hole. Then he turned back. He saw some worms carrying some strawberry cookies. The worms also went inside a hole. Now Jim knows it is a wormhole.

He went inside and went to another planet. He saw lots of big insects and big spiders. Jim thought this is impossible to happen but it is real. Jim used a insecticide to try kill the insects, but nothing happened.

Jim saw a car. he sat on the car. The car was as fast as light. The car hit a tree. Jim died in the dream so he woke up.

"Where are my cookies?" asked Jim. Then his mom said, "They are right here!". Jim laughed, "It is just a nightmare". Jim's cookies are on the table.


Part 2 Thinking

Where are the cookies?

A. on the table   B. on the desk   C. under the bed

How fast is the car?

A. as fast as a pig   B. 100 sextillion per hour   C. as fast as light

The answers are A and C. Did you get 100% right. Tell me under the blog.

I think today I felt happy because today I made another story about Jim. I think Jim is very funny. I will have the speaking contest tomorrow. I hope you want me to win. I will try my best. See you in next blog. Bye Bye~~

2019年5月20日 星期一

The story I made: A piece of cake

Jim is having a math competition tomorrow. He thinks the test will be very hard. He thinks about the competition while eating lunch. He thinks about the competition when he is eating a piece of cake. He even thinks about the competition when he's sleeping.

He woke up at 6 o'clock. He took his math book out and practiced. He practiced until 10 o'clock. His mom woke up. "Hello!"said Jim. His mom said,"I will give you a piece of cake to eat."

They went to the school at 1 o'clock. The competition would started at 2 o'clock. Jim waited for a few minutes. The bell rang. The teachers and the students went upstairs. When Jim saw the examination paper. He laughed because it was a piece of cake. No one practiced in the morning. He thinks he can get the first place.

When he went home, her mom asked, "Is the competition very hard?"Jim said, "It was a piece of cake!" Then his mom said, "Great. This is the reward for you." It was a real piece of cake. They both laughed.

- End -

I have a few questions. I hope you can answer them all right. They will not be too hard. Try your best.

1. When did the competition start?

A. 1 o'clock   B. 2 o'clock   C. 6 o'clock

2. I think this ____________ is hard.

A. asked   B. great   C. competition

The answers are B and C. How many points did you get?

I think today I felt happy because today I made a story by myself. I love this story. I think creating story is very fun. I hope you like the story. I hope you want me to make more stories. See you in next blog. Bye Bye~~

2019年5月19日 星期日


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家說一個故事,叫做小鷹與老鷹,我覺得這真的是一本非常有意思的一本書,我會寫出我的的心得。





說到保護家園,除了讓台灣的森林變得更乾淨,讓許多的老鷹與小鷹能夠生存,我們也要守護台灣的民主自由,總統唯一人選蔡英文,拒絕一國兩制、和平協議,九二沒有共識,2020 總統大選票投蔡英文,和平協議不能通過,才能有美好的台灣,擁有自由與民主的台灣,少看中天新聞、TVBS 新聞、東森新聞、中國時報與聯合報,少吃旺旺,少聽好事聯播網。

我覺得我今天很開心,因為今天我介紹了一本書叫做老鷹與小鷹,我覺得我們應該多交朋友,多去世界各地認識新老鷹,我推薦這一本書給大家。我建議給小學生看,那我們就在下一篇文章見囉,Bye Bye~~~


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一本書叫做小鷹與老鷹,我覺得這是一本非常有意思的書,我們應該守護台灣的環境,讓小鷹與老鷹能夠生活,我們也要守護台灣的主權,在民主自由的生活下長大,拒絕一國兩制、和平協議和九二共識。


2019年5月17日 星期五

Today we went to watch Detective Pikachu

Hi. Everybody. My name is Yu, today I want to tell everybody about that today we went to watch Detective Pikachu. I think it is a very good Pokemon movie to watch. We bought some popcorn and drinks. There are lots of Pokemons in this movie. I think Pikachu is very cute.

In the beginning of the story, lots of people are trying to use the strongest Pokemon in Kento witch is Mewtwo. However there was an accident. The whole room just exploded and Mewtwo ran out. After a few minutes, Tim's dad's car crashed. Mewtwo made Pikachu amnesia.

When Tim knew that, he went to Ryme City. Then he found Pikachu. He also found a gas called R. He opened it and Aipoms became very crazy. Then they found Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime tried to say something. The gas came from the round house. It was a battlefield. Gengar won the battle. When the battle starts. Charizard inhaled an R. Which made Pokemon crazy.

After that, lots of things happened. The bad guy tried to use R to make Pokemon very crazy. Then people and Pokemons can fuse together, and he can control the world. Pikachu stopped it. Mewtwo saved Tim's dad because Pikachu took Tim back. Tim and his Dad stayed at Ryme City.

I think today I felt happy, because today we went to watch a movie called Detective Pikachu. I think it is a very good movie. I think this is the first movie that has real Pokemon. I think The Pikachu in real life is very funny. I hope you like this movie,too. See you in next blog. Goodbye~~

2019年5月16日 星期四

Minecraft: The craziest Lucky Blocks

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, today I want to tell everybody a thing. I used Tynker to make a Lucky block mod. I think it's a little bit crazy. I think that is not a normal lucky block. Sometimes lots of Bedrock will be near you, I don't know why. You can see lots of water, Obsidian, chickens, and Bedrocks. I think Lucky Blocks are very crazy. They can make lots of things.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a Lucky Block mod, and I think it is interesting. I used Tynker to made it. I added some resources pack. I love to play lucky blocks. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. I hope the video can get at least one like. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年5月14日 星期二

I can go to the final Speaking Contest

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu. Today I want to tell everybody a very good news. I can go to the final Speaking Contest. I am so happy. I prepared for 1 month, and I finally did it. I think this is not easy. I worked so hard and I am very glad. I think having costumes and props is the most important thing. The max point is 100. If you have props, then you get 10 more extra points. If you have costume, then you can get 10 more extra points.

Let me tell you how important it is. If someone didn't make any mistake while reading, but he doesn't have any props and costume, he will get 100 points. If another person made a few mistakes, but he has costume and props, he will get 110 points. Then who can go to the Final Contest? It is the second person.

I think one thing is very funny. Only three people can go to the Final Contest, so the fourth one can't go to the Final Contest. The fourth place just need one more point to be the third place. They are very close.

I like Speaking Contest, but I think it is a lot harder than Spelling Bee. You just need to Spell the word in Spelling Bee.

I hope I can be better in the Final Contest. When I was reading the story. I added a lot of very strange sound, and everyone laughed. I don't know why.

I think today I felt happy because today is the first part of the Speaking Contest, and I can go to the Final Contest. I hope I can do well. I want to be better. I want to practice more times. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年5月13日 星期一

Tomorrow will be the Speaking Contest

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu. Today I am going to say a thing to everybody. Tomorrow will be the speaking contest. I am so nervous. I want to have a perfect score. I want to be in the final contest. The final contest will be harder but the reward will be better. I will practice a lot today. I can recite the story. The story is below.

Meatloaf / by Anonymous Author

My mother made a meatloaf, but I think she made it wrong. It could be that she cooked it just a little bit too long.

She pulled it from the oven, and we all began to choke. The meatloaf was on fire and the kitchen filled with smoke.

The smoke detectors squealed (Beep beep). At all the flaming meatloaf haze. My father used his drink to try extinguishing the blaze.

Mom shrieked and dropped the meatloaf. It exploded with a boom, and splattered blackened globs on every surface in the room. 

The dog passed out. The kitten hid. My brother screamed and fled. The baby ate a piece of meatloaf sticking to her head.

My father started yelling, and my sister went berserk, but I kept cool and said,'At least our smoke detectors work'.

Thank you for listening.


I think this is a very long and funny story. Can you recite it? Tell me under the blog. 

I think today I felt happy because today I told everybody that I need to have a contest tomorrow. I hope you like the story. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年5月12日 星期日

Time for Kids: China's dirty air

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to introduce a story in Time for Kids called China's dirty air.

The children in Harbin, China, got a smog day on October 21. I don't really like a smog day because everyone can't see very far, and the smog day also means the air is very dirty, everyone should wear a mask. 

A thick haze made it hard to see beyond 50 yards. I think 50 yards is not many. It is about 45 meters. It forced officials to delay the flights and close the highways, because it is very dangerous to fly airplanes and drive car on smog days. 

It says pollution is a very big problem in a lot of Chinese cities, especially in the northeast. The dirty air is caused by fuel used to run factories and vehicles. Things get worse in the Winter, when the coals burned to keep the home warm. Burning coals will make smoke so it will make dirty air.

There is no easy fix for China's pollution, and it will cost 817 billion dollars to get rid of pollution. I think 817 billion dollars is a lot.

I think Taiwan's air is better than China. We need to protect our clean air. We need to plant trees in the park. Everyone doesn't want to have dirty air. You can only stay at home and do nothing.

I like the stories from Time for Kids, and I hope you enjoy this new report, too. Please ask me the question that you don't know. I will try to answer. There are still a lot of interesting topics in Time for Kids.

I think today I felt happy, because today I introduced a news report in Time for Kids. If you want to see more blogs about the Time for Kids story, please give it a like under the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2019年5月11日 星期六


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家說,我推薦大家看「年代向錢看」的汪浩的原因,我這幾個禮拜回家後就跟爸爸一起看年代向錢看,以下是我這幾個禮拜從汪浩的影片學到的東西。


我們來舉例,假設一台華為的手機賣 100 元到美國,如果美國課 25% 的關稅的話,美國政府要多收 25 元,這樣成本就變 125 元,現在每一台華為的手機在市場上就是 125 元,如果蘋果手機賣 122 元的話,大家都會買蘋果的手機,因為比較便宜。這樣子對美國很好,因為美國希望大家少買中國的東西,然後中國就會很辛苦,因為美國人不買中國的手機了。

第二個是中國出口到美國的十大廠商,大部分都是台商,除了一家新加坡公司和一家美國公司以外,其他都是台灣的電子五哥,像是鴻海、廣達、華碩跟仁寶。這些都是貿易戰中可能受傷的公司,所以他們會想辦法把工廠移到中國外面,像是台灣,避免被課 25% 的關稅。如果他們真的都走了,那中國大概 40% 的出口就會變少。


最後一個要講的是,川普為什麼覺得 WTO 是美國跟中國簽過最爛的一個協議?答案是因為,中國本來的經濟很弱,也沒有民主制度,柯林頓相信只要讓中國的經濟變好,就可以讓中國開發民主的制度,但是後來連民主都沒有,更糟的是,中國現在居然用從美國賺來的錢,來做飛機做軍艦,來恐嚇大家。所以,川普認為,如果沒有簽 WTO 的協議的話,中國就不會像現在一樣,會欺負大家。


2019年5月10日 星期五

數學小偵探 第九集 又見密碼信

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一個故事叫做又見密碼信,我覺得二進位法很有趣,沒想到竟然可以用二進位來辦案。

我覺得我今天很開心,因為今天我介紹了一本書,我想要學用二進位來辦案,我覺得 Top 警局很厲害,如果你喜歡這一部影片,你可以訂閱,按讚,留言跟分享,那我們就在下一個影片見囉!再見~~

2019年5月9日 星期四

希臘羅馬神話漫畫 5 人類之王普羅米修斯 學習單

大家好, 我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹我今天用一整天的時間寫的一張學習單,這個學習單的主題是希臘羅馬神話漫畫 5 人類之王普羅米修斯學習單,我覺得這一張學習單比較難一點,但是我還是順利的完成了,我也很有成就感,因為今天我寫的學習單沒有注音,你沒看錯,我也沒有寫錯,就真的沒有注音,我都是用 iPad 一個字一個字慢慢查,雖然還是有錯字例如普羅米修斯變普羅米條斯,我覺得很好笑。

我覺得我今天很開心,因為我今天寫了一張很有挑戰性的學習單叫做希臘羅馬神話漫畫 5 人類之王普羅米修斯學習單,而且我都是用漢字,我很有成就感,那我們就在下一篇部落格見,掰掰。

2019年5月7日 星期二

數學小偵探 第八集 繩子詭計

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一個故事叫做繩子詭計,我覺得著個繩子詭計很奸詐,他竟然用繩子數學騙布老闆。


2019年5月6日 星期一


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要用卡片讀出你心中的數字,我覺得這一個魔術很厲害,我希望你能夠把他學起來,我建議你可以表演給別人看。


2019年5月4日 星期六

數學小偵探 第七集 手指騙術

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一個叫做手指騙術,我覺得這一個莊家實在是太壞了,他就一直騙錢。


數學小偵探 第六集 便當店的詭計

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一個小故事叫做便當店的詭計,我覺得這一個老闆實在是太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太太聰明了。


2019年5月2日 星期四

數學小偵探 第五集 糖果店的詭計

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一個叫做糖果店的詭計的故事,我覺得這一個老闆很奸詐,因為他竟然只用了四個巧克力就寫了很多句子,我覺得老闆非常的聰明,這樣子可以賺很多錢。


2019年5月1日 星期三

數學小偵探 第四集 神秘的情書

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹一個小故事叫做神秘的情書,我覺得雖然這一個故事沒有用到數學,但是我覺得他實在是有一點困難,我覺得一般人大概要花幾分鐘才能發現,我也是這樣。
