2019年6月21日 星期五

Shell Shockers 7: I got 6 kills

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu. Today I am going to tell everybody about that today I got a 6 kills streak. I think it is pretty hard to get. The best streak I've ever got in my whole life was 26. It is a lot more than 6, but 6 is also hard to get. I think getting a really good streak is not easy. You need to have really sharp ears and a really good weapon that can kill a person with only one shot.

I think today I felt happy because today I use Crackshot and get a 6 kills streak. That is pretty rare. I like it. I hope I can have a good KDR. It is hard to raise the KDR really quickly, but it will still go up. If you like this Shell Shockers video, please give it a like and share it. Remember to subscribe my channel. Tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in next blog. Bye Bye~~~