2019年9月25日 星期三

The riddle teller.

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I made a riddle teller. I didn't finish making it. I will have different kinds of riddles. I hope you like it.

There are now 10 riddles inside it. I can tell you the riddles and answers.

  1. Question: Which side of a cat has the most fur? Answer: Outside
  2. Question: What thing has four wheels and flies? Answer: Garbage truck
  3. Question: What kind of table can you eat? Answer: Vegetable
  4. Question: What kind of room can you eat? Answer: Mushroom
  5. Question: Who spends the day at the window, go to the table for meals, and hides at night? Answer: Fly
  6. Question: What do you call a bear without an ear? Answer: b
  7. Question: How many seconds are there in the year? Answer: 12
  8. Question: What belongs to you but other people use more than you? Answer: Name
  9. Question: There are cities but no houses, there are forests but no trees, there are oceans but no fish? Answer: Map
  10. Question: Which insect's beginning is another insect's name? Answer: Beetle

I think today I felt happy because today I made a riddle teller. If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!