2019年11月18日 星期一

Changing a way to play

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody about that today we played together. In the beginning, we lost a lot because my dad reaches Epic so the enemies are strong, but when we dropped to Grandmaster, we won again. So our power is between Epic and Grandmaster.

In the afternoon, we played Mobile Legends. I used Martis, My sister used Johnson, and my dad played Harley. When my dad is at Epic, we lost. When my dad is in Grandmaster, we won.

We didn't want to repeat this again and again so we tried to think other ways. My dad said maybe my sister can change a hero to play because Johnson is too hard. Then my dad said he can upgrade his tank emblem and he can play a tank. So my sister picked Karrie, a marksman.

After a match, my dad asked my sister why she is so slow at taking the turtle. My sister said that she didn't get a jungle item. Then my dad said she needs to buy it in the battle. That's hard.

So now my dad uses Grock which is a tank that's S+ in the Expert Wingman hero tier list right now. My sister used Karrie and I am still using Martis. That is our new team and we are challenging epic!!!

I think today I felt happy because today I played Mobile Legends: Bang Bang with my dad and my sister. We found a new team that is easier to win and I hope that really help us but that is just the new team so I hope it can work in epic. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!