2019年11月1日 星期五

I think playing a marksman is very hard

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I think to play a marksman is not easy. Today we played 2 times classic. We won one time but lost one time. I didn't get MVP so I'm upset.

When we lost. We all think we are too weak. I thought marksman is not the kind of hero I can use very well. My favorite hero is Martis. The reason I didn't choose Martis before is that Martis is already been weaken by Moonton.

Now, I changed my mind. I want to use Martis. I want to use it as a tank. I don't know what will happen if that really happens. I think that it will be hard to defeat, but I think it can be cooler if I add some life-stealing.

I can't imagine using a fighter as a tank. I think the fighter will be very strong. Fighter's damage is usually stronger than Tank's Damage. If their HP are the same, then Fighter will be stronger than Tank!!

My dad can still use Grock but I can still use a Tank. If there are two tanks around a marksman or mage, then that will be super strong, but playing Tank is not very very very easy because protecting marksman is your job so you must do it.

Dad says using a tank is very hard because you must try to carry the whole team. Plus, Martis is a fighter so his HP is not so much. I think I can farm a little bit so I can upgrade very fast and earn money to get stronger equipment.

I think today I felt a bit sad but not so sad. When we lost. I cried a lot but I knew that I need to lose so I can learn. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye!