2019年11月3日 星期日

Winning 13 times in a streak in ranked mode

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today we won 13 ranked in a streak so now I am in Grandmaster. I was so so so so so happy. My sister used Gord which is a mage, my father uses Akai which is a tank, and my hero is Lesley which is a marksman.

This team is very good. We just need a fighter so our team will be great. Sometimes we met some new players so they like to play marksmen such as Miya or Layla. Those people are called one hero lover.

I am not really an one hero lover because I can play Martis or Alpha rather than Lesley. I don't really like to use the hero that needs mana so Martis is still better than Alpha. Kimmy, Ling, Lesley, and Martis are the heroes I know that don't need to worry about mana.

If you have to worry about mana, then you have to but the necklace but Alpha needs to use a bunch of skills so Alpha needs to recall lots of times. That wastes time. Sometimes Lesley will be running out of mana but the yellow mana is unlimited.

Lesley is not very easy to control because you must know what do you want to do next and make the right decisions. You must always go behind the tank and try to get kills.

I think today I felt happy because today I got 13 victories in a streak and it is in the ranked mode. That feels awesome! If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!