2020年1月13日 星期一

Can you win in 5 minutes playing Zilong in Mirror mode?

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that we played a mirror game a few days ago. Now The mirror mode is not there anymore because it only exists for 2 days.

Pushing is the most important thing in mirror mode because you want to end the game quickly so you can play more mirror mode games in the 2 days. This is why we picked Zilong.

We have 3 people so we can choose the hero we want to use. Nobody wants to use Zilong but we want, so we used Zilong. The two teammates said we are noobs.

The enemies went all mid but they have a lot of bombs which are very scary. They tried to destroy our base from mid lane. All of my teammates defended in the mid lane and I pushed.

When Zilong uses his ult and inspire, he can destroy a turret in a short time if there are minions. Masha is also very fast so they are the split push experts.

When one of my teammates and I were attacking their base, I saw some enemies recalling but they were too late because they didn't know how fast we were. They thought they can destroy our base before we destroy their base.

I think today I felt happy because today I told everybody that you can win in 5 minutes playing Zilong in the mirror mode. Try if you can do that! If you like the video, then give the video a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye!