2020年1月27日 星期一

I solved Clash of Clones in CodeCombat

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu, today I want to tell everybody that I solved a hard stage in CodeCombat. That is the last stage in the desert so it is hard.

My dad solved it yesterday and my dad said that was hard because you need to kill the archer first because they have high damage but low HP.

I tried it tonight and I succeed in about 2 hours. I searched on Google but that didn't help. So I asked Dad for help. He said I can walk to the backline and kill the archers first.

But sometimes I die so I decided to retreat when my HP is low. That worked and I finished it. I was very happy.

I think today I felt happy because today I solved Clash of Clones in CodeCombat with not a lot of code. I think that is amazing. You can use my build and code. If you like the video, then give the video a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye!