2020年2月27日 星期四

Cat News: Cat Vs Elly

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu. Today I want to tell everybody that today I made the first episode of Cat News in English. I am super happy. I think it is very cool. I hope you would like it.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a video using Scratch. I hope you enjoy Cat News. If you like the video, then give the video a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye!

2020年2月26日 星期三


大家好,我是 Yu,今天貓貓要提醒大家一些重要的事情,第一,外出時記得要戴口罩,第二,請大家不要囤貨,最後,請記得勤洗手。


2020年2月25日 星期二


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我又做了一集貓新聞,這一次是關於貓象大賽的,但是這一次的主播不是貓貓,這個新主播希望貓貓可以贏,但是他的願望沒有實現,可憐哪。


2020年2月24日 星期一


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹我的新影片,我不知道為什麼我想做這個影片,這是一個賽跑的影片,我用了 Scratch 內建的圖案做了貓象大賽,我希望你會喜歡。


2020年2月21日 星期五


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要用一句繞口令教大家中文的聲調如何念,今天的繞口令是關於馬的:麻麻的媽媽罵麻麻的馬。



大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家說一句繞口令,這句繞口令很難念,就連我自己都要是好幾次才能快速地唸出來:屬鼠的淑淑學淑淑屬鼠的叔叔數玉蜀黍。


2020年2月19日 星期三


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家說我跟姊姊昨天發現的繞口令,我覺得這句繞口令很酷:宣宣學宣宣的學長穿玄玄的炫炫雪靴掉屑屑,你可以試試看在很短的時間內唸出來。


2020年2月18日 星期二


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家分享一句繞口令,這是我今天早上想到的,我希望你會喜歡:宣宣學宣宣的學長穿雪靴。


2020年2月14日 星期五

I got more than 17000 stacks Cecilion's passive

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I used Cecilion in the Practice mode. I watch Elgin's video and he got the maximum stack which is 99999. He can one-shot Lord for sure. I think that is crazy. I tried hard but that takes a long time to get 99999 stacks.

I used two days. Yesterday I challenged twice. The first time I got to 3500. Then I pressed the reset level button and my stacks are just gone. I felt unhappy at that time.

Then I tried it again. This time I am better. I got to 6500. Then Dad invited us to play so I ended. I think that is still pretty good. That takes a long time.

Today I reached 17000 but let's see the 10000 one first. I think that was pretty cool. I think Cecilion is one of the best mages right now. He can stack a lot.

I also got some cool numbers like 11111 or 12345. I think they are very interesting.

It took a long time to reach 15000 but I still reached it and I felt super happy because I think that is a cool number.

Now I reached 17000 and I hope I can get more. I really think doing is thing takes a lot of time but I felt happy.

I think today I felt happy because today I showed everybody that I got 17000 stacks playing Cecilion. I think getting stacks is hard but happy. I think Elgin is pretty amazing because he got the maximum stack. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

2020年2月13日 星期四


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我做了貓新聞的第一集:艾比被嗆了,我覺得我以後可以繼續做貓新聞,我希望你們喜歡!如果您喜歡這個影片,請給影片按讚,訂閱我的頻道,分享影片,然後告訴我您想看什麼,那我們就在下一篇部落格中再見,掰掰~~

2020年2月11日 星期二

2020年2月9日 星期日

Mobile Legends really make people mad

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that Mobile Legends really makes people mad because your teammates just keep feeding and trolling. However, you can't help.

I played a few games today with my dad and my sister. We lost a lot just because the teammates are feeding. I don't know why there are trolls. Let me tell you a really strange Jawhead. I think the player's head is broken.

I used Selena in that match. I was trying to take the blue buff, but that stupid Jawhead just throws away the buff so the buff resets. I hope the buff knows how to buy the potion. My dad, my sister, and I all bought the potion that can make you avoid Jawhead's second skill.

However, that didn't help to stop the stupid Jawhead to troll. That Jawhead throws our Granger to die. I think it will be better if Jawhead AFK. I think the player only knows how to use Jawhead's second skill because I didn't see Jawhead using its ultimate in that match. This is probably why I put that stupid Jawhead on the blacklist.

I know keep complaining about the stupid Jawhead is useless but that is what I can do. I can't control that Jawhead.

My dad says we can read books because that is more helpful to go to a good university. He also says that we can still play VS A.I.

I think today I felt a little mad because today I told everybody that we met a stupid guy trolling. I hate people like that and I don't know why there are so many stupid trolls in this world. What is that for? I am not happy when a teammate trolls us. See you guys in the next video. Bye~Bye~

2020年2月7日 星期五


大家好,我是 Yu,我今天要跟大家公布一個消息:艾比被一個不明人士嗆了!

2020 年 2 月 6 日晚上十一點艾比想要搭地鐵,但忘了帶錢而且悠遊卡也沒錢了,所以艾比就哭了,這時一名不明人士走過來嗆艾比:「可憐哪!」艾比回嗆:「那你的悠遊卡裡有沒有錢?」卻遭不明人士回嗆:「在有跟沒有之間。」


2020年2月5日 星期三

I got Maniac in Mobile Legends today

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I got a Maniac in Mobile Legends with Pharsa. I was pretty happy because Maniac is a hard thing to get. I will tell you why I didn't get the Savage.

When I get the Maniac I really want the Savage but Ling was at the mid lane and I was at the top lane. If I go there, Ling might escape so I didn't chase. That is a little bit unfortunate but Maniac is enough.

Do you think I am better than the enemy Pharsa? I killed the enemy Pharsa and got Maniac so I need to thank for the enemy Pharsa. This is the third Maniac in this Season. I remember I got a Maniac in the losing team before. That match was 25 minutes long and we lost at last.

I think today I felt happy because today I told everybody that I got a Maniac today and that is enough for me. I am happy. Now I know that I actually got a Savage before in Ranked game. I was surprised. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye!

The first match using Gord in Mobile Legends

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I tried Gord and I think Gord is very strong because he can use his ult in 20 seconds at the late game.

Gord can also use his first skill and second skill really quickly so he can be a ball thrower. This is why Gord never stops stunning people and deal some damage.

I think today I felt happy because today I tried Gord and I think Gord is good if you grow up really fast. I hope you like the gameplay of Gord. If you like the video, then give the video a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye!

2020年2月4日 星期二

The first win using Selena in Mobile Legends

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I played with my sister and my dad. I used Selena today and I think Selena is good at farming but her second skill is pretty hard for me to aim so I think I can practice.

Selena can easily take a blue buff so the tank can help other lanes. Selena's second skill is slower than Flameshot and I always use Flameshot so I need to be used to her second skill.

I think today I felt happy because today I played with my dad and my sister. I also tried to use Selena today and I think Selena is pretty strong. I hope I can improve aiming my second skill. If you like the video, then give the video a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye!

2020年2月2日 星期日

Ring Fit Adventure is good

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody an amazing thing. Ring Fit Adventure is one of the best ways to be a sports expert because there are hundreds of posture in the game waiting for you to discover.

You need to try to defeat Dragon(the bad guy) but each time I defeated it, it just flied away and I couldn't catch it. Do you know who is the son of Dragon? He's Zilong! Zilong said he is the son of the Dragon. So we need to defeat Zilong as much as we can in MLBB.

Before this, I didn't like to exercise, but now I love exercising. I can play it for one hour a day. I think that it is very very fun. I highly recommend Ring Fit Adventure if you don't like to exercise.

I think today I felt happy because today I introduced a good game and that is fun. I recommend it to you. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye

2020年2月1日 星期六

A cool match with my dad and my sister

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that we played a cool match yesterday because I only died 1 time and I hope you guys can enjoy the video.

This is a Classic match so the enemy has Pharsa, too. However I think you can see that I am better than the enemy Pharsa. There is also a bug when watching the replay. When The enemy Pharsa used skills, my skills will have cooldown but I can still use my skills so I think that is cool.

I think today I felt happy because I think the match is cool and the enemies aren't weak but we are strong so we still win. I think that Pharsa is pretty good at playing. If you like the video, then give the video a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye!