2022年2月28日 星期一

VEX IQ 臺灣全國賽 Excellence Award、Teamwork Champion Award、LRT 世界冠軍

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要和大家分享我在 VEX IQ 臺灣全國賽的結果以及參賽的過程,我們得到了最高榮譽 Excellence Award 與 Teamwork Champion Award,我們也同時在 LRT 的世界排名得到了世界第一。

LRT 的場地有兩邊出發區,AB 邊和 CD 邊,兩隊不能夠在同一邊出發,而我們比較擅長在 CD 邊出發。


我們的練習賽總分是 220,不算太糟,不過隊友有一點狀況,所以沒有發揮到全力。

接著是正式的資格賽了,我們第一場遇到的隊伍是國中組裡面算頂尖的了,他們讓我們打 CD 邊,我們正常發揮,隊友也打得很好,所以得到了 282 的總分,事後看這也是整場比賽的最高分。

我們第二場的隊友不太會打 AB 邊,所以我們就讓他們打 CD 邊,而我們打 AB 邊,當比賽開始時,我不小心開機器打到柱子,所以機器有零件飛落,我的心態也崩潰了,所以又犯了一個失誤,最後,我們打了 97 分,總分 184 分。


第三場隊友也是不太熟 AB 邊,所以我們就打了 AB 邊,這次我格外謹慎,雖然一開始有稍微失誤,不過很快就救回來,姊姊和隊友後來也打得很好,所以總分來到了 264 分,當時是全場第二高分。


第四場我們是打熟悉的 CD 邊,打了 143 分,總分 251 分,此時我們的排名已經來到了整場第一名,只要打好下一場,就可以以第一名的資格賽成績進去決賽了。

最後一場資格賽,我們狀態很好,打了我們這一場比賽的第一個滿分,接下來就是要看對手怎麼發揮了,可惜的是,他們出了一些狀況,總分 203,最後以資格賽第二名與第一名一起打決賽。


回到刺激的決賽,這次的決賽總共有 10 場,而我們是在決賽的最後一場,看決賽時令我們感到驚喜的是在決賽第四場就打出了 258 分得高分,讓我們的壓力提升不少。

第五場決賽因為黑屏的關係,不知道發生了什麼事,第六場決賽,兩隊都打得還不錯,不過離 258 分還是差了 14 分,第七場決賽,兩隊運氣不是很好,也有幾個判斷失誤,所以沒能超越 258 分。


接著輪到我們打決賽了,我們知道打好自己該打的就不會後悔了,所以我認真應付每一顆球,最終打了 135 分,隊友也發揮得很好,打出 139 分,總分 274 分。



過了一陣子,主辦單位將成績送出到系統,而我們也正式成為世界 LRT 排名的世界第一。

我覺得我今天很開心,因為我今天和大家分享了我昨天比全國賽的過程和結果,我們也暫時成為國中組 LRT 的冠軍,那我們就在下一篇部落格見囉!掰掰!

2022年2月24日 星期四

VEX IQ 2021-2022 February LRT Second Place (LRT World Rank 4th)

Hi, everyone, my name is Yu. Today I am going to share my score and process in the VIQC February LRT. I will also talk about how we practiced before the competition.

This online competition was held in California, and the time zone is a lot different, so we have to be awake from 12:45 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. in our time zone.

Last time the competition used the LRT system, but there were lots of problems, so this time we just need to use Zoom for the whole competition.

This time we saw lots of different types of robots. Some push balls, some collect balls and take them into the low goal, and some collect 10 balls and can shoot with the catapult. We used the robot that can collect 6 balls with a catapult and a high hang system.

The best and max score we can get for one team in this competition is 152 points. We will be paired up with a teammate and our scores will be added up together. So the max score in a match would be 304 points.

Our robot is pretty good. We can get 152 points if we make no mistakes, but dropping a few balls and lowering the scores down a little bit is normal.

In the qualifying matches, we did pretty well. We will always discuss the strategy with the upcoming teammate. Sometimes they won't reply, but most of the time, they reply when we are close to the match.

We were in first place in the ranking when the qualifications ended with 231 points, so we will be the last pair of teams to do the finals.

Finally, it's time for the final matches. In the sixth final match, the teams scored 242 points, which is high, so we were nervous. In the seventh match, the teams scored 246 points.

We knew we just need to do everything that we can do and hope that our allies can get a pretty high score. We did really well in the beginning, but in the end, I dropped 2 balls, which is minus 8 points. Even though we dropped 2 balls, it's still a decent score.

The next thing we could do is to see if our allies get over 107 points, which shouldn't be a big problem to them. Unfortunately, their catapult broke, so we only got a total of 242 points, 4 points from being the first place.

Even though the results are pretty unfortunate, we still worked hard for this competition. The day before the competition, we found and fixed lots of problems with our teacher. Those improvements are very important. Lots of balls could drop or our robot might stop functioning without those improvements.

After the competition, we became fourth place at LRT in the world. If we participate in another competition and did great, I believe our ranking can go up.

I think today I felt happy because today I shared my experience of the worldwide competition. Even though the results might not be the best, we still got first in the qualifications, which is really good. We also learn a lot throughout the competition.

2022年2月14日 星期一

2022 WMI 台灣選拔賽 第一名

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要和大家分享我的 WMI 台灣選拔賽成績,以及比賽的過程。





我覺得我今天很開心,因為我今天和大家分享了我在 WMI 台灣選拔賽的成績以及我考試的過程,下次考試遇到困難的題目時,我也要記得先跳過,寫完其他題後再來寫。

2022年2月4日 星期五

VEX IQ 2021-2022 World Skills Standings / Middle School / World 2nd 技能挑戰賽世界第二

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要來分享我們在 VEX IQ 2021-2022 的技能挑戰賽中得到了第二名,可是我們比完後馬上就被同一個教室的隊伍給超過了,不過至少有過世界第二。

這次的技能挑戰賽有兩個部分,可以人為操作的操控和讓機器自己跑的自動,滿分是 304 分。

我們這次參加的比賽是在亞利桑那州的比賽,我們打了 219 分(操控 136 分、自動 83 分),我們最高可以拿到 248 分(操控 142 分、自動 106 分),所以我覺得有一點可惜。

我們比賽三天前的時候最多只能夠打 236 分(操控 130 分、自動 106 分),和第一名的 237 分差了一分,不過我們看到了一個操控 152 分的影片,可是當時我們無法打出來,所以我們將高掛裝置拆掉,加快機器的速度,然後我們就很快速地把路徑練起來。

我們比賽當天 6 點起床,稍微練一下之後,7:30 就開始驗機,7:50 開始比賽,操控的部分我們打得還不錯,而自動的部分稍微有點狀況,不過還是有第二名。





