2020年2月14日 星期五

I got more than 17000 stacks Cecilion's passive

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I used Cecilion in the Practice mode. I watch Elgin's video and he got the maximum stack which is 99999. He can one-shot Lord for sure. I think that is crazy. I tried hard but that takes a long time to get 99999 stacks.

I used two days. Yesterday I challenged twice. The first time I got to 3500. Then I pressed the reset level button and my stacks are just gone. I felt unhappy at that time.

Then I tried it again. This time I am better. I got to 6500. Then Dad invited us to play so I ended. I think that is still pretty good. That takes a long time.

Today I reached 17000 but let's see the 10000 one first. I think that was pretty cool. I think Cecilion is one of the best mages right now. He can stack a lot.

I also got some cool numbers like 11111 or 12345. I think they are very interesting.

It took a long time to reach 15000 but I still reached it and I felt super happy because I think that is a cool number.

Now I reached 17000 and I hope I can get more. I really think doing is thing takes a lot of time but I felt happy.

I think today I felt happy because today I showed everybody that I got 17000 stacks playing Cecilion. I think getting stacks is hard but happy. I think Elgin is pretty amazing because he got the maximum stack. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!