2018年10月31日 星期三

Today is Halloween!

Today I want to tell everybody about that today is the real Halloween because Halloween is always in October 31st. Now I know that October 26th is only the Halloween party, and the real one is today. I think that is strange when I don't know the real Halloween is today. Now I will tell you some things about Halloween.

First, there is an event in Seven Eleven in Taiwan. I don't know is there an event in other countries. This event is about Halloween. The event is only for today. If you go to Seven Eleven and say "Trick or Treat". Then you can get some surprise. I know this event because my Mom and my sister went to Seven Eleven and they saw this event so I was really happy. Do you know why they went to Seven Eleven? I will tell you the whole story.

The weather is really bad today. When my Mom and my sister finished working, it was raining so they ran to the nearest store called Seven Eleven. They bought dinner. When they are eating the dinner, my sister saw this event so this is why I can eat candy now. I love to eat them.

I know everybody likes to eat candy so you need to go to Seven Eleven, but I just think there is only one way to get candies and it is buying candies. You can see this blog Happy Halloween. In this blog. I said that I don't really like to trick or treat.

I think today I felt happy because today I tell you about the event in Seven Eleven. Do you really like this event?

2018年10月30日 星期二

Minecraft: I finished the picture Mona Lisa

Today I want to tell everybody a really good thing that I finished the picture Mona Lisa.

I was happy, but it is a big room and the picture is the roof, so everybody can't see the picture. I don't want it to happen so I said that you need to be in creative mode and I just build a stair. Now everybody can go up to see my Mona Lisa. I think some people will ask "What is inside the room?". It is scary in the room, there are Creepers, Zombies, Witches and Skeletons, so I told you that you need to use creative mode, because Creepers will destroy the room.

My Mona Lisa was really funny because it is a lot different from the real one. My Mona Lisa's smile is really strange. Her hand is square. The thing that is special in this picture made by Minecraft is the sun in the picture. It is 3D. You can see the shadow behind it. That was amazing.

I love my drawing because I think there are lots of things interesting in it. In the video I spoke Mandarin, only in the rules I spoke English and some Mandarin. The rules are:

  1. Difficulty needs to be hard, because it is fun. If your difficulty is easy, that is OK.
  2. Game mode needs to be creative.

I think today I felt happy because today I finished making Mona Lisa this picture. I said that I will be happy when I finished doing something, so I did. I was really happy. I think I will be more happier if I finish making a better Mona Lisa. Do you think the Mona Lisa that I make is good?

2018年10月29日 星期一

Minecraft: I am using Minecraft to make a picture 1

Today I want to tell everybody about that I am using Minecraft to make a picture, I think that is really fun. Do you know how to do it? There are lots of ways to do. I used wood to be the frame. Then I put some wool inside the wood frame, sometimes they are black, sometimes they are yellow. There are lots of colors in the wood frame. When you are making it, remember to think which kind of wool do you need, and where should you put it to.

When you are making the picture, make sure your ground is super flat, so it is better. Maybe you will ask me how to make your world be super flat. First, create a new world, then choose 'more options'. Now you can let your world be super flat.

The picture I am making was Mona Lisa. It is a good picture, lots of people know this famous picture. In this picture, there is only a woman, but the most important thing is not the woman. The most important thing is the light. Da Vinci knows a lot about light, and this picture is really beautiful.

I used yellow wool to be the back, and I used orange wool to be the sun. I used black wool to be the hair, eyes and mouth. I used sand to be skin. It is hard to be like the real Mona Lisa, because there are lots of small part needs to draw, and Minecraft is only for blocks.

I think today I felt happy because today I am using Minecraft to be my picture, and I think it will be good. I will try to finish it tomorrow, but it really takes me a short time. Do you think it will be good if I finish making it?

2018年10月28日 星期日

Minecraft: how to use TNT to make your own room underground?

Today I want to tell everybody about that how you can make a room underground.

First you need to have some TNTs and a detonator, there are lots of tools to explode TNT, the thing I am using is the red stone block, if you put it next to TNT, it will explode, maybe you don't need to use TNT to make a room, you can use creeper to create a room, but today we are using TNT. Will it be really scary?

If you want to know how to do it, you can see the video but it is in Mandarin. If you want to know it in English, just read this blog!

First thing you need to do is to have a little tiny hole underground, then you just need to put TNT underground, and then put the red stone block on the top of TNT, wait for a few seconds, then it starts to explode! Now you just need to go into the hole and then you can do this again and again, then your hole can be really deep. If you want it to be really cool you can put some water or lava in the hole.

In the video I just make a tall building with TNT but it didn't take a lot of damage to the ground, so I think the first part is not really useful. In the second part, I started to dig a really deep hole and then do the things that I really want to do, I just put TNTs and then explode them, that was really beautiful when it finished exploding, I just like it.

I think today I felt happy because today I told you how to have a big deep room underground, and this is the first way to do it, there are some other ways to do it like using creeper. I think everybody can try different ways to have a room underground, I had a TNT tower in PS4, but I think it was not really good, I will try my best to have lots of strange buildings. Do you think I can have lots of really cool things?

Minecraft: Minecraft Java on computer

Today I want to tell everybody about that yesterday my Dad bought me Minecraft on computer (JAVA edition), I was really happy that I can play Minecraft on computer. In the future I will try to show everybody lots of fun things, I will try to find other people's maps in Minecraft, it will be great if I could make it. Today I was finding the maps and playing Minecraft.

Yesterday was the Halloween, I said that I don't really like to trick or treat so I cried yesterday night. Then my Dad said that he planned to buy me Minecraft on computer so I felt a little bit happier. My Dad helped me to download Minecraft, then I played it by myself, I do some good things but sometimes I will make a group of TNT and then they explode, I think that is really fun to destroy the world of Minecraft.

Today my Dad and me were learning how to record the videos, then my Dad told me how to do it so I was really happy. I tried to record the things that I just did. We used a long long time to see how to record videos. Now I finally know how to record videos in computer, but I think that is still really hard to do it, because you must remember lots of things about the software. Minecraft is fun to play on computer, too. Playing on PS4 can build up the blocks faster, but computer is really good to use, I recommend to everybody. The only thing that is not so good is recording.

I think today I felt happy because today I played Minecraft on computer, and I learned how to record videos, I will have lots of Minecraft blogs and I hope you love all of my blogs, include Scratch, Minecraft and everything. I think I can know more about Minecraft on computer, I will keep learning. You can change time, gamemode, weathers and difficulty. These are really good to use, but you can only use it in creative mode.

2018年10月26日 星期五

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody, do you think Scratch is fun? Today I played Scratch but today is also a special day. Do you know that today is Halloween? Today we stayed at home, then we went to the Halloween party in my English class. Do you think Halloween is a good day to celebrate? Actually I don't really like Halloween because I think if you want to get candy you need to pay. There are some levels to play, and I think they were fun but I don't really like to trick-or-treat.

If you like trick-or-treating, you can tell me under my blog. If you say you like to trick-or-treat, I think you are really strong because I don't like. There are lots of teams in my English class, and our team is called team Immortal Zombie, I think that was a excellent name because I love Zombie in Minecraft. I think Zombies are a little bit scary. Do you think so?

I think the levels that is in my English class is fun, and one level is called Creepy. In this level there are lots of things to touch but we can't see what it is. There are some really yucky things like eyeballs but they are grapes, not just this one there are lots of yucky things, some things are sticky. There is also a level called haunted house, it was scary inside it, there were lots of ghost and they will catch your feet. It was also really dark inside the haunted house.

I think today I felt a little bit not happy because I am not really like to trick-or-treat, but I like one thing and it is eating candies, but if we want to eat candies I think everybody needs to pay some money.

2018年10月25日 星期四

Scratch 進度報告:Hitting monster 1 / Speed!

今天我要跟大家介紹我 Scratch 目前完成的進度報告,懂英文的人應該知道了吧,speed 的意思就是快速,但是到底是什麼東西很快速呢?這個遊戲的主角是那一隻小怪物,所以意思就是這個速度是有關於這一隻小怪物的,所以代表我把它的速度加快了嗎?


首先來看看懂英文的人會知道的快速,也就是速度的部份,你們可以猜猜看速度這一個部分我到底調整了什麼,大家都會以為是我把其中一個角色的速度調快,但是其實完完全全跟角色的速度沒有關係,那我為什麼要叫他 speed 呢?

那是因為我加了一些功能,就是當你按下 s 也就是注音符號裡面的 ㄋ 的時侯他就會產生陰影就代表加速了一下子,當敵人想要追你的時候就一定要面向 -180 度也就是各位的左手邊,接著按下逃跑鍵也就是大家鍵盤上面的 s 鍵,最後你就可以趁機打敗它。

接著我就要和大家介紹第二個部分,第二個部分就是新的關卡出現了,我在此遊戲中加入了第三關,第三關就是一個黑色的壞人,然後他的血量竟然有50!這是要我們怎麼打敗他,當你得到那一把劍後,你的攻擊力會變成 5,但是你如果一直按空白鍵的話,只有一些時候他會損血,因為你只能攻擊一次,然後又要再等一秒才能繼續攻擊,這樣子的話要打敗他還是很困難的,那怎麼辦呢?只好按逃跑鑑,然後逃到螢幕的最左邊,接著趁機一直按鍵盤上的向左鑑還有向右鍵,這是我設計的一個技巧。



Scratch 進度報告:Hitting monster 1 / Shopping!

今天我要跟大家介紹我今天的 Scratch 進度報告。今天我到底加了怎麼樣的東西呢?大家都應該很好奇吧!懂英文的人應該已經知道了一部分,shopping 指的就是購物,但是為什麼我說那個只是一部分呢?那另外一個部分又是什麼呢?大家可以猜猜看,如果猜中了代表你很幸運,但是如果猜錯了,也不用太擔心,因為每個人的運氣又不是都很好,先別管那個了,趕快進入今天的主題吧!

首先我要跟大家介紹的是懂英文的人知道的一部分叫做買東西,現在我的商店只有一個東西,但是也好,因為如果太複雜的話,我做的又要更多,一天恐怕做不完,明天就忘記做到哪裡了,現在你只要打完 Boss 就會進入一個商店,裡面有賣一把劍,你必須買那一把劍,接著你就會發現你的小怪物手上會拿著那一把劍,你就可以繼續打怪了,但是我還沒有發明第三種怪物,所以,敬請期待。




2018年10月23日 星期二

Scratch 進度報告:Hitting monster 1 / The boss is coming

今天我要跟大家介紹我目前做 Hitting Monster 1 的情況。今天我加了一些東西,就是當你打敗那一隻藍色的小怪物的時候,你的分數會加 30 分,然後你就可以升級成盾牌小怪物,所以,當別人攻擊到你的時候,只會減 1。

但是,變成盾牌小怪物有什麼用呢?原來是有大魔王出現了。他是一隻小恐龍,他的血量有 20 滴血,比我們多兩倍。可是他還是有移動的時間,而且我今天把火球的能力變成 2+2 了。所以,只要打 5 次,小恐龍就會變成 100 元!

一開始,我做的時候,非常的不順利,因為我的程式裡有很多 bug,導致整個遊戲亂七八糟了,我自己也沒辦法解決,只好把那些程式碼都刪掉,最後再重新畫小恐龍。第二次重寫的時候就非常順利。






2018年10月22日 星期一

Scratch 進度報告:Hitting monster 1

今天我要跟大家介紹,我晚上做了一個 Scratch 的作品,因為還正在發展中,所以這篇是進度報告,介紹我打算怎麼去發展這個作品。

我是參考姐姐六年級的 Scratch 課本,然後他教我「資料」的部份,他可以取一個名字,像是 HP,在圖片上方就能顯示 HP 數值,然後可以看到右手邊有敵人的 HP 數值。我現在做的就是當你按下空白鍵,你就可以發射火球。

每個人的 HP 都是 10,當敵人碰到你時,你的 HP 就會減 2。所以你要發射火球,如果發射中了,敵人的 HP 就會減 2。

當你讓他的 HP 變成 2 的時候,他就會冒汗,當你把它打敗時,他就會消失。


你自己如果 HP 剩 0 的時候,就輸了。可是他要碰到你,必須要一段時間,所以,你不用擔心。可是如果你動也不動的話,就會輸。




2018年10月21日 星期日








2018年10月20日 星期六

《碳酸男孩》: 看完以後會流淚的書


小牧在外婆家長大,舅舅和一些親戚會陪他一起玩,小牧就像個碳酸男孩一樣,因為他很愛演內心戲,有一天他的朋友日志強跟他說 : 「我爸爸說你要不要去參加山上的 party?」,於是小牧也答應了,但是他的心情也變得比較不好,因為他聽到爸爸這兩個字。






2018年10月19日 星期五


今天我要跟大家介紹怪傑佐羅力之神秘間諜與巧克力,這一集是佐羅力目前的最後一本,在上一篇部落格的留言區,爸爸說如果我以後長大了,佐羅力可能會出到第 100 集左右,還有人說我表達的很好,我看到這些留言的時候,我感到心滿意足,因為我覺得佐羅力出到第 100 集真的會很棒,因為我可以看到很多好看的佐羅力,而另一個留言說我表達的很棒,每個人被誇獎都會很開心,我們快開始吧。



我覺得這本書很好看,因為只要有怪傑佐羅力這幾個字就代表他非常的好看,他是一套非常有名的一套非常棒的一套書,如果可以的話一定要買哦,好多人都推薦怪傑佐羅力,在佐羅力專區可以看到購買佐羅力的地方,現在已經介紹完 49 集怪傑佐羅力,但是我介紹的沒有清楚,所以請自己買你自己想要的怪傑佐羅力。


2018年10月18日 星期四







2018年10月17日 星期三






佐羅力也到領取超高金額的地方也就是巴哈先生的家但是有一個不好的的事情發生了,竟然已經有人在領取超高金額了,而且還是 4 個人,誰的才是真正的?



2018年10月16日 星期二











2018年10月15日 星期一


今天我要跟大家介紹的一本怪傑佐羅力叫作怪傑佐羅力之電視台,讀過上一篇部落格的讀者們應該已經知道我如何獲得本書了,我是請爸爸買來的,想要知道詳細情況的讀者們請點擊連結:我們買了新的怪傑佐羅力 46 到 49,接著讓我來介紹關於怪傑佐羅力之電視台的故事吧!



  1. 當然會開心。
  2. 不開心。
  3. 佐羅力根本不把它當作一回事



接著佐羅力發現了另一個頻道的演員,假面騎士。他覺得變身的時候才一下子而已,他想要讓變身的時間變得很久,結果變身就佔了 20 分鐘,幾乎沒有時間演戲了。
然後佐羅力想要把 UP 上上益智節目改成 DOWN 下下益智節目,而且非常的恐怖,遊戲規則是你只要到最下面就可以拿到一千萬元。






我們買了新的怪傑佐羅力 46-49

今天我要跟大家介紹怪傑佐羅力之電視台,這本書也是怪傑佐羅力這套書的第 46 本,如果各位讀者想要知道關於怪傑佐羅力,請點連結佐羅力專區



  1. 他一定是怪傑佐羅力 46 到 49 集
  2. 他一定不是怪傑佐羅力 46 到 49 集
  3. 這三個包裹都不是怪傑佐羅力 46 到 49 集


當我打開這一件包裹時,我坐立不安地望著裡頭,結果竟然是我的第一本生命科學繪本,如果你想要知道有關於第一本生命科學繪本的詳情,請點下方連結 Online study group: My first picture book about live




  1. 因為大小差不多,所以裡面一定是佐羅力。
  2. 既然第一個包裹不是,那這一個應該也不是吧。
  3. 還不知道,就不要亂猜。



2018年10月13日 星期六

Today we went to our grandmother's house

Today I want to tell everybody about that today we went back to our grandmother's house, and we played there. It was really fun, we had fun there. When we finished eating lunch. My aunt came and told us to play in the living room.

First, we played a game called Balls Big Delivery. In this game there will be lots of balls, and you need to use ping pong paddle to hit the ball to the wall. I think that was a really crazy game.

The next game is called Hide and Seek. But it is for things, we need to hide a thing that our aunt wanted. She must find out where is it, but the place we hide is not easy to find. We made three boxes. There are one thing in each box. But they are all not real. It was in a little bag.

I really like these games. Do you think the same as me? Today's question: Do you think these games will be fun? You can play it in your home, it must be really fun. When we were playing the game Hide and Seek. We always lie to our aunt, so she took a long long time to find a pack of cars. There was another pack that is really like the real one. We put the not real pack in the box, so when our aunt opened the box. We said "You really found it!" Then my sister said it is not the real one.

I think today I felt happy because today we went to our grandmother's house, and we had fun there, but now we came back. I want to go back to my grandmother's house soon. I think the grandmother's house makes me happy, if I can go back to my grandmother's house, I will love it. I think that is it. Thank you for reading my blog, remember to answer the question, see you in next blog, goodbye.

2018年10月12日 星期五

I learned lots of things in CodeCombat

Today I want to tell everybody about that I learned lots of things in CodeCombat, and I think that really helped me because it taught me lots of things that you can use in Scratch, and the projects I will make is much better, and know I will finish lots of things that I want to do, like play CodeCombat, and unlock the stages, so I can learn lots of things about programming.

I love to program because you can do the things that you really want to make. Making things are fun. When you are playing other people's project, and see what program did they wrote so then you can find out how to complete the stage, so I think learning how to program is a really good thing. I will be happy if I complete something.

I recommend every reader to use CodeCombat. If you want me to do something special in Scratch or CodeCombat, I will do it, and maybe I will write them in my blog, and I am earning money to buy a really good weapon in CodeCombat, and if you like me to do that remember to tell me under blog. What do you want me to do in those good website? This can be today's question, remember to answer the question.

I think today I felt happy because today I learned lots of things about programming in CodeCombat. In this website, it will teach you about writing program. You can choose your program language, I used Python. Which program language do you like the most? I think that is it, thank you for reading my blog, remember to answer the question, see you in next blog, goodbye.

2018年10月11日 星期四


Today I want to introduce a website called CodeCombat, and in this website, you can learn lots of things, and they are all about programming, and I think it helped me a lot, you will have four different heroes, but they are all fighters, they don't have magic, so you can only attack the enemy that is in front of your hero, if you want to attack the enemy that is far, you need to have mage, and the only way to get mage is to subscribe them.

Subscribing them needs money, but you can have more special stages, and you can have lots of pets and heroes. I think subscribing them is not a bad thing, but I don't really sure if it is a good way, because if I just subscribe them, then I don't play anymore. I think it will not be really good, and I will ask my Dad to subscribe them if I really like it, but my Dad said if I need to subscribe, I need to finish playing the free ones.

I will try my best to finish playing all of the free stages, and then I can ask my Dad to subscribe, then I can play more. If you like me to play CodeCombat, you can comment under this blog. What time do you think i can finish playing all of the stages? You can answer the question, and this can be today's question, too. Remember to answer the question. You must answer!

I think today I felt happy, because today I introduce a really good website called CodeCombat, and I recommend everybody to play it, and I hope everybody love this website. And I think that is it, thank you for reading my blog, remember to answer the question, see you in next blog, goodbye.

I am keep making the project: Monster war in space

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I am keep doing my project, and I think that is not easy, when I am building up the Scratch blocks, I always think: Will I succeed? Then I will feel a little bit scared. If I don't succeed, maybe my project will have lots of bugs, and then everybody will not like it. I think in Scratch, it is really hard to be famous, and I don't have any likes in my last project, and so I give myself a like.

I want to let everybody know my Scratch projects, so I write them to be my blog, and I will let everybody know me, and I hope, I can be better than now. The things I will write will be more than now. I think if I always practice my English, I can write lots of good blog. I want to learn more things about English, so I can have good blog. Do you think I can write better blog? This can be today's question, remember to answer the question.

I added lots of things like when you finish defeating the polar bear, Abby will tell you to go to get more monsters, so you can choose go to Sun or Earth, and you will get different monsters, and that is it, so I only add these things, and I have one thing to tell you, and that is Scratch is going to have 3.0 in January 2019. And everybody can try it, remember to tell me what do you feel.

I think today I feel happy, because today I continue doing my project, and I think I will make lots of project to let everybody like them and give me likes. If you just give me a like, I will make the game better if you give me like. I will think you really like this game if you give me a like. So please give me a like. I think that is it, and thank you for reading my blog, remember to answer the question, see you in next blog, goodbye.

Play now

2018年10月10日 星期三

New Scratch project: Monster war in space

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I am making a new Scratch project, and I think this is really fun, and I will make better game and then every reader can see what I am doing, and the game I will make in the future will be better, like this game is much better than the last game, last game was Mega Venusaur VS Mega Gengar and Heracross, and I think that is not good enough.

I want to make a game that everybody likes, and then I can be famous. I think if you want to have an excellent project, the blocks that you are going to make the project needs to be very hard, and you need to know lots of things about those blocks, and blocks are really good, so mixed them up is better, and I think when you saw there are lots of blocks, you will think it is really good.

I think in this app, you can do anything you want, you can draw, you can make videos and make games, and this is a part that I love Scratch, and I think it is made by MIT, so I think if I can, I can try to make a great app like this, so I must learn lots of things about how to create things, and I want to be in good university, and do anything that I want to do, and I will be good, do you think I can make better projects? This is today's question.

I think today I felt happy, because today I am making a new project, I didn't finish it, but I still feel happy, so I wrote it to be my blog, I hope I finish the project soon, and if you love it, remember to go to Scratch and find out this project called Monster War In Space, and now it is not all done, and so you don't need to play really much, I think that is it, remember to answer the question, see you in next blog, and I want to tell you that tomorrow I don't need to go to school, I am happy, goodbye.

Monster War in Space

2018年10月8日 星期一

We are learning Japanese

Today I want to tell everybody about that we are learning Japanese, but I am not good at it, so sometimes I will feel sad, now I feel really sad, because I just finished my Dad's Japanese class. We already know the 50 sounds in Japanese, but I still need some time to think what is it, and we were learning the words, but I am really bad at remembering the words, I don't know how to say them, so I feel sad everytime, but I really want to know how to speak words everytime when I saw them.

I want to know lots of word and go to Japan lots of time, and I can read lots of things in Japan. If I know lots of things about Japan, I think I will be really smart, but I think Japanese is a hard language, and it is harder than Chinese and English, so I need to learn many time, and waste lots of times. Now if I want to learn Japanese, only one thing, and it is you need to spend lots of times. If you need to learn one thing, spend time is the best way.

Learning Japanese needs to have lots of time, but I think if you need to spend time, you will forget other important things, and I think learning new things is a really hard thing to do, if you need to learn a new skill, you need to keep practicing. What are you learning? This can be today's question.

I think today I felt happy because today I told you that I am learning Japanese, and I think everybody thinks learning new things is a little bit wasting time, so am I, I think learning Japanese is a little bit wasting time, but I need to go to Japan and know the words, so I need to learn, I think that is it, thank you for reading my blog, remember to answer the question, see you in next blog, goodbye.

2018年10月7日 星期日

Minecraft: a picture of a castle, soldiers and a king

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I drew a picture about Minecraft. I think it was a really good picture I drew a castle and there are two soldiers and a king, do you think they can defeat Wither, I think they can't. Wither is a really strong monster, and it can destroy a world by itself.

If I can draw more picture, I think it will be really good, each picture one blog. Which kind of picture do you want to see? This can be today's question, remember to answer the question. I think pictures are really good, because I love to create things, so I can do anythings that I really want to do, actually I like to play Scratch, but I think you need to have imagination, so you know what game to make.

I like to play Minecraft, so I drew a picture about Minecraft to let everybody know that I like to play it. You can build things that you want in this game, I will make lots of things, and write them to be my blog. My sister said that you can make your world be a flat ground, no water. It will be a wonderful place to create things.

I think I can do it, and have lots of buildings, one time I was hitting the Wither, and we saw a little village, and Wither just destroyed the village, but now I will make a really big city. I will make lots of houses, museums, parks and lots of skyscraper, but they will not be like TNT tower, and the best thing that I think I will make is castle.
I think today I felt happy, because today I drew a picture about Minecraft, and I think I will keep drawing or making things by Minecraft, and I will do lots of things to create my country, I think that is it, thank you for reading my blog, remember to answer the question, see you in next blog, goodbye.

2018年10月6日 星期六

Minecraft: Wither is too strong!

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I played Minecraft, but before that I watched a video about that there are lots of things that you don't know in Minecraft. Inside the video, I learned how to make a really strong monster called Wither, its attack is really strong, and I was scared, the place it goes will be gone, and you can get lots of things on the ground, and it is the best tool to get lots of things, and it also has lots of power.

You know it is strong, but how can you meet them? First you need to have 4 Soul Sand, and then you need to have 3 Wither skeleton skull, and how to make it, put the Soul Sand like a T with 2 blocks tall, and 3 blocks long. Then it is the best time, because it will explode, and the blocks that near the Wither will be break, and you can use creative mode and try to defeat it. When Wither's HP with only half left, Wither will explode again and call out some Wither Skeleton, and then it can use a strong skill called Sprint, it is really a strong skill.

Use Creative mode is the best way to defeat it, so use Creative mode and use the best weapon to defeat it, but you need to use a few minute to defeat it, and your world will not be normal, lots of animals will be dead. Wither likes to kill animals, and I think that is mean to animals.

I think today I felt happy, because today I felt happy, because today I made lots of Withers and defeat them by Creative mode, one time I used Survival mode, and I died really soon, I think that is it, thank you for reading my blog, see you in next blog, goodbye, wait! Today's question is do you want to have lots of Wither in your world? Remember to answer the question

2018年10月5日 星期五

Special ways to advertise

Today I want to tell everybody about that some company will advertise, but which way? Now I will tell you funny ways to advertise, and they are all really good and lots of people went there to see. And the companies that broadcasts ads are really good,  these companies, you must know, and let's begin.

First, this funny idea is from a company that everybody knows, and it's name is Coca Cola, and what did it do, they made a Sprite machine, and it is bigger than the normal ones that is in the normal restaurant, they are bigger than people. Where did they build the Sprite machine, they put it on the biggest beach in Paris, and it was hot, so everybody wants water, but there is a big Sprite machine, you can take a bath with it, and you can get free Sprite, I think it is really good, but I don't like to drink Sprite, so maybe I am not really like this event.

This event I really love, and it is from a glass company called 3M, this company is also really famous, and they used two piece of glass to pack three hundred thousand USD, and if you destroy the glass, you can get all of the money inside, and I think that is a great event, and there are nobody destroying it for one year.

I think today I felt happy, because today I introduced some funny ways to advertise the things that are really good, but I don't recommend to learn from them, and I think that is it, and thank you for reading my blog, see you in next blog, goodbye.

2018年10月4日 星期四

Khan Academy

Today I want to tell everybody that 4 days ago, I found a website that is really good, and it is called Khan Academy, and there is another website that is like Khan Academy, and it is called Junyi, and it is in Chinese, and my Dad said Junyi was inspired by Khan Academy, and so I think it is a really good, so today I will introduce the website.

First, I think it is a lot like Junyi, so I know how to use the app, now I will introduce the badges, there are 6 badges, and how can you get them? You must do something that is really good, like answer 90 questions in 1 hour or something else, and the weakest one is called Meteorite Badge, and I have some.

There is another Badge called Moon Badge, and it is a little bit hard to get, so I don't have any Moon Badge, and I think it is really rare, and now the higher level badge is with a name we live in, and it is Earth Badge, and Earth Badge is harder to get, and I don't have any Moon Badge, do you think I can get an Earth? No, I can't, and there are two better badges, and they are really rare, and one is called Sun Badge and another one is called Black Hole Badge, and the Sun Badge is really hard to get, do you think I can get the badge that is the hardest to get? This can be today's question.

I think today I felt happy, because today I introduced a website called Khan Academy, and I think it is a great one, and sometimes I use this website to learn things, and when I don't know how to divide, I used Junyi to learn. And Junyi is inspired by Khan Academy, so Khan Academy is good, too. I think that is it, and thank you for reading my blog, and remember to answer the question, see you in next blog.

2018年10月3日 星期三

Online study group: My first picture book about life

Today I want to tell everybody about that today we had an online study group, and we were talking about books that is about life, and the books were really good, because in the three books, there is a doctor, and he will tell us about our lives, and the person who makes this book is also a doctor, and he is going to tell us lots of knowledge in our lives, and I learned some knowledge in this book, like if you are almost dead, what thing do you want to do? This can be today's question, and remember to answer the question. And I also want to know how monkeys become humans, and what will we be in the future? I think we will become a monster or something really cool.

And there are also other people online, and they were also speaking, and I think this is pretty good, but I am really shy, so I can't speak a lot, and I am a little bit tired now.

And today is happy Wednesday, one week is almost finishing, and I feel a little bit happy, I think homeschooling is not bad. And I will stop writing Math all day, and I need to start writing Mandarin, because if I just don't learn Mandarin, my Mandarin will not be good and even lose to my schoolmates, so now I will write Mandarin. But I think writing Mandarin is not fun like Math.

I think today I felt happy, because today we have an online study group, but I am a little bit tired, and now I will finish my blog as fast as I can, and I will try my best to be better than this time, because I think this time, I didn't speak a lot, and I think next time, I can speak more, and I think that is it, and thank you for reading my blog, remember to answer the question, see you in next blog, goodbye.

2018年10月2日 星期二

Minecraft: my world with TNT tower is not gone

Today I want to tell everybody about that yesterday's night, I was happy, because my world is not gone, but the big world is still gone.

You know it is not gone, but why, it is because the world that goes to Nether is in the bid world, so I don't need to create a new world and make lots of things inside, I can just make things in that world, and it will be really good, and I hope you will love the blog articles in the future, and they will be in the world with TNT tower. Now I will tell you what am I going to do, let's get started.

First, I want to build a subway, so you can go everywhere you want, so this will be really easy to use. There is a subway, but you need to have lots of stations, and you know there are two stations in my world which have TNT tower, which is TNT and my home, and if you know this thing, that means you always read my blog, and I want you to comment under my blog. If you do it, it will be good to me, because maybe I will do the thing that you comment under it, and that means maybe you can see the blog that you want, and so that is good to you.

And the second thing that I want to build is a city, and I want lots of houses, buildings and people, but I don't want a person run on to the street, and then the car just hit the person so the person got hurt, so I will build a hospital in the city, and I will build a white house, so the president can live in, and lots of things, which one do you think is the best? This can be today's question, and everytime, remember to answer the question, and please give me at least 1 answer, please.

I think today I felt really happy, because yesterday I knew that I was wrong, so my TNT tower world is now really safe, and that makes me feel really happy, and I think that is it, thank you for reading my blog, and comment down to answer questions, please, and see you in next blog, goodbye.

2018年10月1日 星期一

Minecraft: the world with TNT tower is also gone, too

Today I want to tell everybody that the world with TNT tower is gone, too. That means all things made by me in Minecraft are all gone. They are gone, but why? I know some people will think that is because I went to The End again, but it is not, and it is because I went to another place called Nether. When you go to other places, and then you come back, your world will be gone, so you need to be careful, then your world will not gone, but I still did it.

Then I need to create a new world then make it be better than every world that I've created, and I will try my best to build some huge big buildings, and not just one, a lot! I will do it as fast as I can, and if you think the same as me, you can tell me, so then you can let me know, then I will build more huge buildings, but you know that you must have a flat ground to build buildings, but I can't have it, how can I get a big flat ground? This can be today's question, and remember to answer the question, and I think it is impossible to find a ground like that.

And now I know that you can build a door to The End in Nether, but you can't build a door to Nether in The End, and if you sleep on The End or Nether, it will explode, and that will be really fun in Creative Mode, but if you do it in Survival Mode, maybe you will be dead.

I think today I felt happy, because yesterday I went to Nether, but my world with TNT tower is now gone, or maybe it is not gone, because I don't know which world has the Nether door. And that is it, thank you for reading my blog, and remember to answer the question, and see you in next blog, goodbye.