2018年11月29日 星期四

Minecraft: story mode

Today I want to tell everybody about that my Dad said that there is a movie that is called Minecraft Story Mode. Sometimes you can choose what are you going to do. There will be some choices. You can watch it on Netflix. I think that is cool, but I think normal Minecraft is still better. I was surprised that you can choose the answer in the movie. I think this is a little bit cool. This is the first time I see it.

I just think movie can be watched. I love this movie, but I still need to write my blog or do something else. I can't always watch it. The story is not bad. I think it was a really good story. If you don't know what the story is about, you can tap the words Minecraft Story Mode You can choose lots of things like what kind of Jesse do you want. You can choose male Jesse or female Jesse. I am a boy but I chose female Jesse.

I remember that you can choose what thing do you want to craft. I crafted a stone sword, because I think I don't need lever. Jesse doesn't know how to play Red Stone. I think the story will not use lever. What will they do with the lever? I know they will use Stone Sword to defeat lots of monsters. I think sword is really important.

I remember another question. It says what will you build in the competition? I answered Enderman. The choices are Creepers and Endermans. Which one will you choose. I think some of the people will think Creeper is better, but I think Endermanman is better.

I think Endermans are better because in the real Minecraft. Creepers are really easy to be dead because they will explode. When they explode, the Creepers will be dead. In Minecraft, Endermans are really hard to defeat, so I think Endermans are better.

I think today I felt happy because today I watched Minecraft Story Mode. This is the first time I see we can play on Netflix. Do you think this is a good movie? I think so. See you in next blog, goodbye!

2018年11月28日 星期三

Minecraft: I made a subway in The End

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a subway in The End. I think that is really good. You can see the video to know why it is funny. You can know the story. If you don't really know what I am doing. Now I will tell you the whole story.

First, I caught an Enderman. I think one is not enough, so I caught two more Endermans. I used TNT to explode them. Then the ground breaks. There was a huge hole on the ground. I don't want to fix it, so I just build a bridge. I don't want to walk, so I made a trail on the bridge. I used about ten minute to make it. I think this island will be really good. I will let it be a really good place. I love The End really much. Do you think the same as me?

I will make some really cool things like houses or something really cool. I love The End. I think after I finish making a beautiful The End. I will make a beautiful Nether. I think Nether will be a really good place, because there are lots of monsters or some really scary things. Do you think it is easy to let The End to be beautiful?

I think today I felt happy because today I made a really cool subway in The End. Do you think it is a good idea if I make lots of things in The End? I think it will be really good. Remember to subscribe me in YouTube. See you in next blog. Goodbye.

2018年11月27日 星期二

Minecraft: You can go in but you can't go out

Today I what to tell everybody about that yesterday I made a room that you can go inside, but you can't go out. I think everybody knows how to make this thing. You need some Oak Planks, some pistons and some Oak Pressure Plates. You need to put the Pistons outside and then put the Oak Planks inside. Then you need to have a roof, but you don't need to make the roof be really big you just need to let people cannot go outside.

I used wheat to let the cows to come then they can't go outside. I think it is really funny. Do you think I can catch more animals? I don't know what do horses like to eat. I just know cows and goats like to eat wheat. I had a horse that is in it. Then I had lots of cows and two goats inside the place. I will keep taking lots of animals to the place. I will use food to let them come.

I think today I felt happy because yesterday I made a really good door. Everything I make is all really good. I think this is really good if you want to catch lots of animals. I like to catch animals. Then I can get lots of food and some eggs. I love it. See you in next blog. Goodbye!

2018年11月26日 星期一

Minecraft: Things that I made

Today I want to tell everybody about that I made some new things. Let's see what is inside!

First, everybody that reads my blog knows that I made an elevator in my hotel. If you don't know, you can go to see Minecraft: I made an elevator. You can see that I made an elevator. You needs to take a ticket to go inside. Now you don't need to do it! I made an auto door. You don't need to do anything. You don't need to open the door. Do you think this is good?

I also made a really cool door. You can't go inside the room if you do nothing. There are two boxes. There are some Tripwire Hook inside the boxes. The only way that you can open the door is to take away all of the Tripwire Hooks. You need Red Stones, Red stone comparators, and lots of things like boxes or Sticky pistons.

I think today I felt happy because I made two new things. I think they are all really good. Do you think the things that I made is good. This can be today's question. I think I can make new things in the future, and you can see more things in the future, too. I will like to do it.

2018年11月25日 星期日

《希臘羅馬神話漫畫:2. 諸神之王宙斯》學習單 / Yu

1. 世界之王,從 Uranus 開始,被 Cronus 取代,然後 Zeus 又取代 Cronus。請問,為什麼 Zeus 的子孫沒有再推翻他,請問跟哪兩個女人有關?簡答至少 5 行。(提示:詛咒的程度、為這個詛咒而犧牲的人。)

Zeus 的子孫沒有再推翻他,跟 Metis 還有 Hera 有關,當 Hera 看見 Zeus 被詛咒以後,Hera 發現 Zeus 的精神怪怪的,如果不趕快振作起來的話,Hades 跟 Poseidon 就會搶走 Zeus 的王位,於是他跟 Metis 說關於詛咒的事,Metis 怕 Zeus 的日子過的不好,整天都在想關於詛咒的事情,所以他決定犧牲自己的性命,讓他不會生小孩,Zeus 的小孩才不會推翻他。

2. 我們就以兩個宙斯的太太為對比,一位是 Metis,一位是 Hera。(1) 請描述他們兩個人的個性。 (2) 他們對宙斯的愛,表達的方法有所不同,請分別敘述之。 (3) 你認為他們兩位,表達愛的方法有所不同,為什麼?以及你認為哪一個你比較認同?(提示:可以跟爸爸媽媽討論或請教喔!)

(1) Hera 雖然個性很容易生氣,但是他的法力高強,只要你的法力高強,你的個性就可以和 Hera 一樣,而 Metis 的法力因為沒有 Hera 那麼高強,所以 Metis 的個性就不能像 Hera 一樣。

(2) Hera 表現愛的方式是幫 Zeus,而 Metis 表現愛的方法則是犧牲自己,讓 Zeus 不要煩惱。

(3) Hera 個性強悍、Metis 個性溫柔,所以我覺得是個性不同而表達愛的方式就不同。我比較認同 Hera,因為犧牲自己的命很痛苦。

3. 你認為,Hera 為什麼要告訴 Metis,關於 Gaia 對 Zeus 施下的詛咒?(p43)你能想出至少三個不同面向的理由嗎?(提示:世界穩定 p25、兄弟爭位 p64、對宙斯的照顧 p67、對宙斯的愛 p80。)

因為 Hera 希望 Zeus 能當王,他不希望 Zeus 的兄弟當王。

因為 Hera 希望 Metis 也能想辦法幫助 Zeus。

可能 Hera 也有點喜歡 Zeus,所以想幫忙他。

4. Zeus 曾經兩次欺騙他的奶奶 Gaia,請問這兩次他分別請 Gaia 幫忙什麼事情,而 Zeus 又因為什麼原因,就是不願意放出泰坦諸神呢?又,你認為 Gaia 為什麼那麼容易相信宙斯,以及即使宙斯不守信用,Gaia 也沒有降下讓 Zeus 必死或一定被推翻的詛咒,如同他對 Uranus 與 Cronus 的詛咒?

Zeus 請 Gaia 幫忙:如何打贏泰坦神族 與 登上王位

因為 Zeus 擔心如果放出泰坦神族,世界就又會發生戰爭。

因為 Gaia 也知道,只有 Zeus 能夠統治好世界,也很欣賞他。

5. 海神 Poseidon,雖然很皮、愛講大話,但宙斯的情人 Leto,因為 Hera 的詛咒,不能在太陽下生產時,他也用自己的法力,保護了 Leto,順利產下 Artemis 與 Apollo,基本上雖然是個屁孩,但也是個暖男;雖然謀略與權力不如 Zeus,但也能獨霸一方。

義大利跑車 Maserati 以他的武器三叉戟做標誌,就是呼應 Poseidon 的特色。Maserati 在跑車裡面不是最貴的,正如他不是 Zeus 一樣;跑車樂趣的調校,就像個屁孩;但整體穩定度與品質,像個暖男。

請以 Poseidon 為主題做創作,可用 Minecraft、iPad 畫圖,或 Scratch 做動畫都行,例如作個波賽頓神殿,或者畫個他保護 Leto 的場景,或者跟宙斯抽籤的畫面,或是作個海神捲浪的動畫,都可以。

2018年11月24日 星期六

《希臘羅馬神話漫畫:1. 諸神大戰》學習單 / Yu

1. 世界上的宗教,有的是一神教,有的是多神教。一神教,就是世界上只有一個神,其他都不可以稱為神。多神教,則是萬物皆有靈,什麼都可以是神。請問,以下的場所,分別是一神教還是多神教的呢?另外,你認為,多神教比較早,還是一神教比較早出現呢?為什麼?

我認為 一神教 / 多神教 比較早出現。因為……以前的世界大家都是在那裡摘果子的,而不是在那裡種的,大家都覺得有水神、山神之類的神,這樣子就是多神教,接著大家就開始可以耕種和擁有自己的水稻和寵物了,但是這樣太自大了,於是人們狐假虎威說:「是神叫我們來管你們的。」於是就有一神教的概念了。

2. 請留下你認為可以用來形容宙斯的詞彙,不適合的,請加上刪除線。(不要用 delete 的,不然我就看不到了。)

活潑愛玩 / 書呆子 / 具有野心 / 謙虛有禮 / 活力十足 / 誠實 / 溫和 / 足智多謀 / 必要的時候會說謊 / 具有領導才能 / 有異性緣 / 心地善良 / 權謀 / 城府深 / 純樸 / 直率 / 憂鬱 / 開朗 / 有權力慾

3. 請用 5 行字,描寫你對宙斯的感覺,以及為什麼宙斯最後可以成為領袖,他跟 Gaia、Uranus、Cronus 有何不同,使他能夠成功的管理世界?

他能夠管理世界因為他足智多謀,Cronus 打仗的時候自己都不去當坦克,而是讓泰坦神族去抵抗,但是宙斯不一樣,當他在打仗的時候,他都會請大家一起來幫忙,這樣子才能結合大家的力量,團隊力量大。

最後當他獲得天下的時候,他也不是佔為己有,他聽赫拉的話,三分天下,以免 Poseidon 跟 Hades 搶走他的王位,不是每個人都很喜歡他,像是赫拉不喜歡他到處去跟別人發生關係、Poseidon 跟 Hades 想搶走他的王位之類的,但是他竟然能夠讓大家都聽他的話。

4. 希臘羅馬神話,影響英語世界很多,不管是精品名牌,或者電動遊戲,都受到影響。以下是三個與希臘羅馬神話相關的事物,請寫出這些事物和那個角色有關係,以及這個角色的故事,然後評論一下,你認為這個名字取得好不好,為什麼?

頂級品牌愛馬仕 Hermes:我覺得這一個名字取得沒有很好,因為愛馬仕是高級品牌,而 Hermes 則是管低級的動物,這樣子很不合理。

義大利跑車 Maserati 用三叉戟做標誌:我覺得這一個名字取得很好,因為 Poseidon 不是像 Zeus 一樣是最厲害的,Zeus 等級的就像是藍寶堅尼,但是 Poseidon 也不是像 Metis 一樣爛爛的。

鐵達尼號 Titanics:我覺得這一個名字取得很好,因為鐵達尼號名字取得很好,因為也是一艘很大的油輪,泰坦神族也很巨大,這樣子很合理。

Mobile Legends 遊戲中的 Cyclops:我覺得這一個名字取得很好,因為 Mobile Legends 遊戲中的 Cyclops 真的也是獨眼巨人,只是體型稍微比較小了一點而已。

5. 太陽系的行星與矮行星,其命名多是以羅馬神話的角色命名,請寫出他們的希臘名字(英文),並簡短介紹這個角色,讓對神話不熟的人能很快的認識他們。(提示:可多利用 Google 輸入他們的英文名字,加上 god 一起搜尋,就能很快的找到喔。例如「mercury god」。)

水星:Mercury,以寵物之神 Hermes 為代表,是 Zeus 跟 Maia 所生下來的,Hermes 通常會將 Zeus 變成公牛,接著他會變出很多隻牛出來,目的是為了跟一般的人類結婚。

金星:Venus,以愛神 Aphrodite 為代表,有人說是 Cronus 將 Uranus 的陰莖丟入水中而形成的一個生命體。

地球:Earth,以大地母親蓋亞 Gaia 為代表,為地球的擬人化。蓋亞是從混沌中誕生的第一代,創造了  Uranus、Pontus 和 Ourea 後,與 Uranus 生下泰坦(包括 Cronus)、獨眼巨人、百臂巨人,而 Cronus 則與同是泰坦的 Rhea 生下 Zeus。

火星:Mars,以戰神 Ares 為代表,雖然說 Ares 是一個戰神,但是他每一次打仗都必輸,是因為 Ares 很愛打仗,所以才叫做戰神。

穀神星(矮行星):Ceres,以豐收之神 Demeter 為代表,他跟 Zeus 生下了 Persephone。

木星:Jupitar,以眾神之王 Zeus 為代表,Zeus 是推翻 Cronus 才變成眾神之王的神,Zeus 喜歡跟別人發生關係,所以他有一大堆小孩,但是他都不照顧他的小孩。

土星:Saturn,以時間之神 Cronus 為代表,他是第二代天空之神,也是 Zeus 的爸爸。他很勇敢的反抗 Uranus,但他卻失信沒有放出獨眼巨人跟百臂巨人。

天王星:Uranus (Caelus),以第一代天空之神 Uranus 為代表,他因為把獨眼巨人跟百臂巨人關到塔爾塔羅斯,所以蓋亞很生氣,於是做了一把鐮刀請 Cronus 將 Uranus 殺掉。

海王星:Neptune,以海洋之神 Poseidon 為代表,他手上握有三叉戟,他總是一直吹牛,而且很想要強走 Zeus 的王位,但他一直失敗。最後有幫 Leto 生出 Apollo 跟 Artemis。

冥王星(矮行星):Pluto,以地下之王 Hades 為代表,他有一頂頭盔,戴上頭盔後會隱形。他也想要王位,所以會跟 Poseidon 聯合一起攻擊 Zeus。

6. 如果你要組一個小隊,去挑戰宙斯的話,你會挑選哪三個神當你的隊友(即使是宙斯的家人也可以喔)?說明你打算用怎樣的「策略」打贏宙斯(至少 3 行)?

如果我要挑戰 Zeus,我會找 Zeus 的奶媽 Almathea,還有 Metis,跟 Gaia。

我想要先用 Almathea 的羊角攻擊,讓 Zeus 的屁股痛痛。然後用 Metis 的吸引力將 Zeus 的注意力分散,最後用 Gaia 的神力變出一些的很厲害的東西將 Zeus 擊敗。

7. 最後,請用你自己的風格,畫出這三個神之隊友,你也可以把自己畫進去喔。

2018年11月23日 星期五


大家好,我今天要跟大家介紹,今天是娃娃國總統選舉,原因是明天是九合一選舉,所以我們舉辦了娃娃國總統選舉,總共有兩個候選人,1 號跟 2 號,現在我要來一一介紹我們的候選人了!

首先是一號候選人,他的名字叫做挑ㄊㄧㄡˋ題,這是我的可愛傑尼龜,他的政見有一點點奇怪,那就是「我很萬皮」,其實意思是我很頑皮,但是挑ㄊㄧㄡˋ題都會說是萬皮,竟然很萬皮,那如果他當總統的話,娃娃國就會變得很糟糕了,只有腦袋怪怪的人才會投他,但是我們還不知道 2 號候選人是誰,下面是 1 號候選人的圖片。

接下來我要介紹的是 2 號候選人,他的名字叫做主人,他是我的姐姐,他的證件比 1 號候選人的好多了,他的政見 1 是要讓大家自由,他的第 2 個政見是要隔離陌生人的干擾,以下是 2 號候選人的圖片。

竟然是選舉,每一位候選人當然都想要引誘別人來投自己,所以當然會有造勢晚會,我們的娃娃國選舉也有造勢晚會,以下是 1 號候選人跟 2 號候選人的造勢晚會,希望您會喜歡,你到底喜歡哪一個呢?



2018年11月20日 星期二

Minecraft: I made an elevator

Today I want to tell everybody about that I made an elevator from the first floor to the second floor. Then there is another elevator to the third floor. The elevator I made today is the elevator from the first floor to the second floor. It was not really good. I think I could made it in a few minutes, but I used the second way to make it, and some parts are useless. I don't need them.

When you pull the lever. The elevator will be higher. Then you can walk up the stairs. It will be the second floor. There is a elevator to the third floor. You can go out the room and you can take a ticket to open the customer room. I know that is not good, but I didn't destroy it. Do you know why? It is because if I want to destroy it. I need to use lots and lots of times on it.

It is really hard to make a really good elevator. I used lots of times, but I still didn't make a really good elevator. I think I can do better if I think more about the elevator. I think that elevator wastes space.

I think today I felt a little bit sad because the elevator I made is not really good. The next thing that I am going to make will be really good.

2018年11月16日 星期五

《程式特攻隊》第一冊、第二冊 學習單 / Yu

1. 第一冊,叫做「二進位機器鳥」,你學會二進位的表示法了嗎?以下的題目是十進位的,請用二進位表示法來呈現,如:6 = 110

5 =101
9 =1001
13 =1101
15 =1111
26 =11010
43 =101011

2. 第一冊的後半,小烏龜畫了一個正六邊形,你也看了他們的程式。學會了嗎?請到 Scratch,畫一隻你自己的小烏龜,然後讓他畫出一個一樣的正六邊形。接著,用錄影的方式,錄成影片並解說,然後上傳 YouTube 後,嵌入下方。

3. 第二冊,叫做「螺旋圖的陷阱」,這時候,他們開始使用「重複」功能,包住複雜的指令,畫出重複且對稱的圖形。請翻到 22 與 23 頁,看看他們畫雪花的程式,嘗試在你的 Scratch 上,用你自己的小烏龜,畫出一樣的雪花。(提示:雪花比較複雜,所以大小控制要注意喔,不要畫到外面去了。)

4. 請翻到第二冊的62 到 66 頁,讀過他們把橄欖球隊員綁起來的這段,然後請你的小烏龜,也畫一個跟 66 頁一樣的圖形。同樣的存成一個專案,錄影解說,嵌入在下方。

5. 請翻到第 81 頁,讓你的小烏龜,畫一個類似的圖形吧。這個複雜的圖形,包括了用亂數畫出不同大小的正方形,在某些時候旋轉 45 度後,繼續畫由亂數決定大小的正方形。你畫出來的一定跟書上的不一樣,但只要有這些元素就行。(提示:不知道怎麼寫程式的話,可以參考 74 到 80 頁的內容喔。)

6. 這個世界曾經認為,男生理工科比較強,女生比較弱,而目前世界上的工程師,也的確是以男性為大多數。但研究顯示,這些成績跟成就的差異,可能跟性別的「刻板印象」有關係,如果經過同樣的訓練與鼓勵,男女生在程式設計或理工科的成就,是沒有差異的。請問,(1)你覺得本書特別把角色設定成女生,是為什麼呢?(2)請用 3 行以上的文字,形容這個女生的個性。

(1) 作者想鼓勵女生寫程式,讓女生都成為工程師。

(2) 作者把女主角的個性畫的像個小男孩,大家都以為女生就應該很溫柔,但是女主角卻是很想要跟別人競爭的那一種人,而且他都很頑皮,考試的時候,他用機器人來寫那一些筆劃,結果明天就被叫到校長室了,作者想告訴大家,這樣也可以是女生,並不是女生就應該怎樣子的。

2018年11月15日 星期四

《給中小學生的藝術史:建築篇》電子學習單 / Yu

1. 請重新一頁一頁翻過本書,只看圖就好,嘗試回想本書在講些什麼。然後請分別說明以下建築的特色。每種特色至少 2 行,歡迎寫更多。













摩天大樓:摩天大樓不但蓋得高又快,一般的哥德式大教堂就要花五百多年了,但是蓋一個像帝國大廈一樣 102 層的摩天大樓只需要不到一年的時間,很神奇吧!

2. 翻過全書後,請問你最喜歡哪一棟建築物,他是什麼風格的。請上網找出該建築物的高解析圖片,並用 5 行文字說明你喜歡的原因。

我最喜歡的建築物是泰姬瑪哈陵,我也不知道為什麼,我就是覺得這棟建築物很漂亮,泰姬瑪哈陵是用大理石蓋出來的陵墓,不愧是世界七大景觀,在 2003 年的時候,遊覽的人數已經超過 3,000,000 了,這樣子我覺得算很多,如果是從完工後開始算的話,這樣子已經 349 年了,整棟建築共花了大約 16,000,000 元台幣,泰姬瑪哈陵的地總共佔了 170,000 平方公尺,長 580 公尺, 寬 305 公尺,我覺得很大,所以我也喜歡。

3. 請在 Minecraft 中,蓋出一棟建築物,並錄影導覽說明,你的建築物的風格、功能,以及設計理念。影片長度至少 3 分鐘。

2018年11月12日 星期一

《給中小學生的藝術史:雕塑篇》電子學習單 / Yu

1. 請先複習一次本書,方法是,很快速的一頁一頁翻過整本書,只看圖的部分,試著回想整本書的結構。然後一一介紹以下各種雕塑的風格特色,每項至少 2 行,歡迎寫更多。



古希臘雕塑:他們用大理石來雕刻,他們這樣做是因為古埃及用花崗石來雕刻,但是他實在是太硬了,亞述人用雪花石膏來雕刻,可是那實在是太軟了,容易壞,於是古希臘人用大理石,一開始古希臘人雕得都很不好看,但是越來越進步了。他們用大理石來表現看起來很輕的東西,或者是肌肉都很厲害,都很像真的一樣,我感到佩服,像是丟鐵餅的人,他的肌肉看起來很用力,但是其實丟的鐵餅只能差不多 3 公尺而已,奧運世界冠軍既然可以丟鐵餅,校長爺爺當時差不多到 42 公尺遠的地方,現在已經 74 公尺了。古希臘既然就佔了這本書的七章,代表古希臘在雕塑史裡面算一個很重要的時期。

中世紀雕塑:大家都應該知道中世紀的時候大家都信基督教,如果不信基督教就會被關起來,他們當然雕塑都在雕神,中世紀的雕塑品沒有很多,但是最最最好的作品就是吉貝爾蒂的天堂之門,他用了 21 年就是為了做好這一扇門,他選了一些聖經的故事來雕在上門上面。







2. 請選出三個你最喜歡的雕塑,這三個雕塑必須要是不同時期的。然後上網找高解析的圖片,貼在下方後,分別說明你喜歡他的原因,每個雕塑的說明至少 3 行。


古希臘時期:這個希臘雕像作者不知道是誰,我喜歡這一個鐵餅可以丟三公尺的人,因為他的肌肉一看就覺得很用力,現在的世界丟鐵餅冠軍 74 公尺,這一個丟 3 公尺的人根本比不上世界冠軍,在校長爺爺那個時代,世界冠軍丟四十幾公尺,這樣子三公尺不算多。


3. 大英博物館叫做 British Museum,雕塑叫做 sculpture,接著我們要看看大英博物館最好的雕塑作品,請搜尋「British museum sculpture best」,切到「圖片」結果,然後滑動瀏覽大量圖片後,選出一個書上有提到的雕塑,然後翻到書中說明的頁面,讀完後,為大家介紹你最喜歡的這一個雕塑。抓圖貼在下面,並至少寫出 3 行介紹。


4. 請到 YouTube 找出一個影片,名稱為「Bonnie Greer on the Parthenon sculptures at the British Museum」,意思是,Bonnie Greer 這個人,介紹大英博物館的帕德嫩雕塑。這些是當年英國用各種方法,從帕德嫩神廟搬過來的雕塑。請看完整個影片,可開字幕或直接聽。然後將影片嵌入在下方,並說說你的感想,至少 5 行。

我覺得這部影片很好看,這個影片是在講 Bonnie Greer 覺得有時後當她看到這些雕塑的時候,她會覺得雕塑裡的東西都很美,有人說他印象非常深刻,而且他說他覺得那些雕塑都很完美,有人說他們很偉大,因為他們被從建築物裡面帶到觀眾面前,計算機圖形學可以幫忙知道這一些雕塑被打爛之前長什麼樣子,Bonnie Greer 也說帕德嫩神廟的雕塑提高了大家的水準。

5. 請用剛買的道具與黏土,和你的學習伙伴(Jin / Yu)一起做一個屬於你自己的雕塑,風格與主題不拘,但最後要用 iPad 錄影,並介紹你的創作理念。影片至少 3 分鐘。然後嵌入在下面。

2018年11月10日 星期六









現在宙斯打敗了泰坦以後,要去打他的爸爸克羅諾斯了。宙斯覺得他爸爸不 okay,所以拜託爸爸離開,他爸爸也覺得他兒子應該當王不錯,就自己離開,宙斯就準備要重新建國了。



2018年11月9日 星期五

My bathhouse

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a little bathhouse. I think it was good because I made it in 2 hours. There is no doors to go into the hall, but there is a iron door to go inside the bathhouse. You need to get a ticket. How to get a ticket? Now I am going to tell you how. It is really easy, you just need to press the button. Before that you need to make sure there is nobody inside it. When you are waiting you are waiting for the bathhouse, you can sit in the hall.

I will make some rooms to give customers to live. They need tickets, too. It is not so  good to just take lots of tickets away. If you do it, that means you are not thinking of other people. If you take lots of tickets, the problem is not because there will be no tickets left. The problem is there will be no rooms. Everybody will think why you need so many rooms, so they will go into your rooms.

I think today I felt happy because today I made my own bathhouse. I was a little bit surprised that I made a really big place just in 2 hours. I think it was really fast, do you think so? I think there will be lots of people in my bathhouse, because everybody likes to take a bath.

2018年11月8日 星期四

My projects!

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made some good project, let's see what are those things. I will introduce all of them. I used a long time to make them because they are really hard to make.

First, there is a pot in my world. It is a really big thing and it can destroy everything. I put some cows in this pot. They burned. I was surprised because I think my pot is not really good, but it helped me to burn the cows.

I am going to tell you how to make this really good pot. First you need some blocks. You can make the pot be really big. Then you need to put lava in it. When you finish making the pot. You can let pigs or anything go into the pot. I don't know why you can't get the pork or steak. You can tell me.

I made another good project and it is a big trap. The person who goes inside the trap will be burned. I used some lava. You can only make it in dessert. If you make that trap not the normal ground, it won't works.

That is really hard to make. I used lots of time on it. It is really a good trap. It is good to trick your friend. I think this is the best trick ever. Do you like this trick? This can be today's question.

I made the third project and it is how you can get pants. You need to do this thing by yourself. First you need to pull the lever. Then you can get some emerald. You can use it to buy a pant. Is this a good place?

I think today I felt happy because today I made lots of projects. I love all of them. I don't know which one is the best one.

2018年11月7日 星期三

We will have a Spelling Bee contest in my English class

Today I want to tell everybody about that today my teacher in my English class gave us the word list that we are going to recite in Spelling Bee contest. This time, there is only two pages. Now I am in different class so the words are harder. I hope I can do it very well. I will recite all of the word lots of times. The word that I recited is like 'because'. The word that I am going to recite is like 'community' or 'woodpecker'. They are all really hard now. I want to be the winner this year.

I already ate that first place chocolate. It was great. I want to get it again. I love to eat things but I am easy to be full. I want to be like my Dad, who seldom feels full.

There are lots of hard words and only a few words are easy, but it is not harder than before because even though the words are being harder, my brain is smarter now. Now I will try to beat everybody in my class.

Now I will tell you what is Spelling Bee. There are two rounds. In the first round the teacher needs to see who are the top three in each class. Then it is going to be the final round, the top three students in each class needs to fight. The winner is the champion. Everybody will be happy if they got the first place.

My teacher teaches us lots of things about English. He works really hard. My classmate works really hard, too. I believe it will be a exciting competition. There will be lots of competitions this month.

I think today I felt happy because today I told everybody about that I am going to have Spelling Bee. It must be a good competition. I think I will be happy. If you want to know about the Spelling Bee in 2017 you can press it: Spelling Bee Final grade 1. Do you think it will be a good competition?

2018年11月6日 星期二

Minecraft: Escalator!

Today I want to tell everybody a good thing and that is I made an escalator. Now I am going to introduce the escalator to you. It is not the normal escalator. It needs Minecart so you can use it. That means that is not for free. You need to have five pieces of iron. That is really much because iron is hard to have. Minecarts are really good because there is only one thing can move really fast on the ground and it is Minecart. That means Boats are also really useful.

I used powered rail to let the Minecart move. I love the way when I am sitting on the Minecart. I put Activator rail to let the player go down the Minecart. I think it will be good when you go to the top of the escalator. If you put a Minecart on the powered rail, your Minecart will go really fast because I put Block of Redstone under some of the powered rail.

If you know Chinese you can watch the video. Maybe you will think that is really strange because when you go to the top of the escalator. Why there is no anything? I will build it. It will be beautiful on this escalator. I will write a blog. What thing do you think I will put on the escalator.

I think today I felt happy because today I introduced my escalator. I was really like it. Do you like it? You can tell me. I will make a lot of really good things on the top of the escalator. See you in next blog, goodbye!

2018年11月5日 星期一


Today I want to tell everybody about that there is an app called Tynker. It is like Scratch. You can do programming in this app. I think this is a good app. It says there is a place to make your own Minecraft item. I think it is really good, I will try it. I want my world have lots of special things and I want to draw my own skin then I can use it in my Minecraft, but I will not change my skin.

I passed some stages in the first part. They are like Scratch. There are some blocks that Scratch doesn't have like long jump, jump or super jump. There is a block called walk, but it doesn't have the block that says how many time do the character need to move. You need to use repeat to tell the computer to know how many steps do the character needs to move.

I learned some blocks, but I already know some, so I can do it faster. I passed three parts in the first big part. They were really fun. I recommend to everybody. I love this app. Minecraft + Scratch is really good. I 100% like it. I want to have more blocks to build lots of special things in Minecraft, so I will draw the blocks that I want. And I can make new weapon, so it will be really cool.

I think today I felt happy because today I introduced Tynker to you. Do you think you will like this app? I really think you will like it. You can download it and you can play it. See you next blog~

2018年11月4日 星期日

Minecraft: The room that will only open at night

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I played Minecraft that is on the computer and Minecraft that is on PS4. The room that will only open at night is in PS4. I used Sticky Pistons to be my door. I put some Daylight Sensor on the top of the Sticky Pistons. I think that is cool but it is a trap. Inside the room there is a bed. I said that the door will only open at night, so when you wake up. It is already closed. You need to wait for a long time.

When I was playing PS4 I made somethings else. They all need Sticky Pistons, so they are secret doors. It is under the ground. There is only a bed. It is not really good inside it, but I will add lots of things inside it. It might be pretty. I want everything that I make to be beautiful. This is the only thing that I want when I am making the things. I will watch video and learn more things about red stone, so I can write them to be my blog. I will be happy and everybody will be happy.

Tomorrow is Monday. That means tomorrow I can't play much Minecraft, but I will still have fun. I want to tell everybody a thing about quiz. November 11th, which is my birthday. I will have an exam. I am so sad, I don't want exam, but if I go to the exam maybe I can get certificate. I will be really happy. There will be lots of quiz this month. I will try to get many certificates.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a little trap. I think this trap is a really good thing because I love to trick other people, but you can choose not to go inside the room. Do you think my secret base under the ground is good?

2018年11月3日 星期六

《給中小學生的藝術史:繪畫篇》電子學習單 / Yu

1. 請跟你的學習伙伴(Jin / Yu / 媽媽),找個時間,一起「一頁一頁」翻過這本書,看看裡頭所有的畫作,說一說這個時期的特色是什麼,複習一次繪畫史的不同時期。然後,選出你最喜歡的時期,並說明原因,至少三行。


他也有一個地方讓我覺得他很厲害,那就是他可以在 5 年內快速的畫完整棟西斯廷教堂的壁畫。

2. 選出你最喜歡的一幅畫,你可以用掃描的,或者上網找圖片,貼在下面。並說明你喜歡這張畫的原因,至少三行。


3. 以你最喜歡的時期的風格,使用 iPad 的繪圖軟體,畫一張圖,貼在下方。並說明你作品的特色,以及創作的概念。(例如:你喜歡印象派,你可以用印象派的方法,畫你早上起床第一眼看到傑尼龜或胖丁的印象。)


4. 使用 Minecraft 或 Scratch 或 Scratch Jr,做出一個作品,並錄影說明。可以是繪畫史的小動畫,可以作關卡與闖關表達繪畫史的進步,都行。設計的過程中,可以跟大人互動討論,讓作品更完善喔!


2018年11月2日 星期五

My project: A little car

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a little car. You can use it to move and you can also use it to go with your friend. You only need a few things to make it. First you need 2 chairs and one Long thing. The thing I use is my Mom's jacket because there is a button so you can have a better car. You can also use a really long scarf, and then tie it.

I made it when I finished eating lunch, everybody is going to take a nap. I didn't take a nap, because I want to make something really cool. First I didn't know what should I make. Then I push my sister's chair to my seat. Then I think about train. I think train has many parts, so I think chairs can be the parts that is in the train. I didn't think about how to make them be together, so I think a few minute. Then I know that I can use something really long to let the chairs go together.

I looked around but I didn't find anything that can help me. I thought it will be better to take a nap, but I still want to finish it as fast as I can. I tried everything then I tried the best thing and it is the jacket. I used jacket and try lots of ways. I was a little bit tired, but finally I finished it! I was really happy, and always play with it. Then my Mom helped me to take a beautiful picture with my little car.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a little car. This is the best thing made by me. This is the biggest thing I make and it is also the most useful thing that I made. It is the coolest thing that I made. I said that if I finish something I will be happy. Do you think it is a good thing?

2018年11月1日 星期四

Minecraft: I am making Parthenon Temple

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I am building my Parthenon Temple. I think that is hard to build, but I am going to have a room inside this Parthenon Temple. Inside the room I will let everybody pass the challenge, and that will be really fun. When you pass this challenge. You will get some mysterious things like prizes. You can play it with your friend if I finish making this building.

Inside the room, the challenge will be parkour. You will run to the top of the room. Sometimes it will have Checkpoint. You can climb up to the top, but only if you go there. On the top of the room. There will be a box, inside the box, there will be the prize. That means you really win. I will make some tricks in this room. You must be careful.

Sometimes there will be a button but there is a TNT under the button, then you press the button so the TNT exploded. Then you will be dead. But it will not be really bad, because you will know that button will explode TNT, so you will not press the button again.

I think today I am happy, because today I was making my Parthenon Temple. Do you think my Parthenon Temple will be good? I think it will be really good. See you next blog, remember to subscribe me!