2018年11月5日 星期一


Today I want to tell everybody about that there is an app called Tynker. It is like Scratch. You can do programming in this app. I think this is a good app. It says there is a place to make your own Minecraft item. I think it is really good, I will try it. I want my world have lots of special things and I want to draw my own skin then I can use it in my Minecraft, but I will not change my skin.

I passed some stages in the first part. They are like Scratch. There are some blocks that Scratch doesn't have like long jump, jump or super jump. There is a block called walk, but it doesn't have the block that says how many time do the character need to move. You need to use repeat to tell the computer to know how many steps do the character needs to move.

I learned some blocks, but I already know some, so I can do it faster. I passed three parts in the first big part. They were really fun. I recommend to everybody. I love this app. Minecraft + Scratch is really good. I 100% like it. I want to have more blocks to build lots of special things in Minecraft, so I will draw the blocks that I want. And I can make new weapon, so it will be really cool.

I think today I felt happy because today I introduced Tynker to you. Do you think you will like this app? I really think you will like it. You can download it and you can play it. See you next blog~