2018年2月19日 星期一

Mobile Legends is fun

Today evening I played Mobile Legends with my sister and my father. I used my hero called Angela and I bought two heros, one hero I don't know her name, and another hero is called Bane. You can use a skill if enemy want to go away, it can hit you many time so you will die.

I use Angela, and I go middle lane. I use many times, it can use many things to hit many people. It can use a thing, you can choose your friends, and Rafaela can heal your friends so you can plus HP. After that it will come to your lane, and will help you to fight enemy.

And I played Brawl and Classic. Brawl is difficult, because this thing is the computer will give you two heroes and you need to choose one.

And if you want to play classic, you can choose your favorite hero and you can hit many people, so your win rate will go up.

I don't know whether Angela or Rafaela is better. I think both are good because Angela can hit many people and another one can let your friend plus HP. Last time my father used that hero, and I think it is a person to give everyone HP.

I am happy today, because I played mobile legends, and I use Angela. I hit many people, so I think today I am happy.