2020年1月6日 星期一

Pharsa super guide

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody the build, emblem, and spell I use. You don't really need to use the things I said but you can see it.

First, the build I use was the hottest build but I think it was hot because it is useful. Lots of CD reduction, mana regen, and magic power. They are all important to Pharsa.

Next is the emblem. I don't have mage emblem so I can't use it. I use the magic emblem instead. I gave Pharsa lots of mana so she doesn't run out of mana.

Last is the spell. You have a few choices. You can either get flameshot or retribution. You don't need to take flicker because you can fly. I recommend flameshot.

Maybe you think auto-aim is not really good so you aim yourself, but if you want to be fast and hit the enemy, auto-aim is pretty good because in team fights enemies don't actually move a lot.

When someone is almost dead, use your flameshot to try to kill it. You can also steal turtles or lords. You can fly to the lord and use your flameshot. You might miss but you might get it.

When there is a team fight. Make sure the enemy Crowd Control heroes are around your tank so they don't stop your ultimate.

You can buy a jungle item but I don't because I think magic damage is really important so I don't want to buy it.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a Pharsa super guide. Make sure you always use your ultimate. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye!!