2020年1月11日 星期六

Taiwan will be safe the next 4 years

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today is the 2020 Taiwanese presidential election. Tsai Ing-wen won so she will be the president of Taiwan for the next four years.

In the morning, we walked to the voting school. There was nobody queueing there because it was early. After voting, we went to a restaurant and eat our lunch. I was very nervous at that time because I don't know if Tsai Ing-wen could win and if DPP could have more than half seats in the congress.

When we got home, we played a classic mode game (Mobile Legends) which we lost so we wanted to play ranked and we actually won 5 times and lost 0 times. When we finished playing. We went to the robot class.

The teachers are all watching the live stream and I spied the live stream, too. I was all thinking about what will happen if Han Guo-yu becomes the president.

After the robot class, we went to a buffet restaurant and we watched the television in the restaurant. We saw Tsai Ing-wen winning and we were happy.

When we were back home, we watched the live stream. We saw there are 63 DPP people will be in congress. That is more than a half so I know Taiwan is now safe in the next four years and the votes Tsai Ing-wen got is the highest in history which is 8170231 votes.

I think today I felt happy because today Tsai Ing-wen won the 2020 Taiwanese presidential election and DPP has more than half in congress which is good. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!