2019年8月5日 星期一

Jim's story 19: Taxi

Jim loves playing on the skateboard, especially sitting there and use his hands to make it move. "May I have a ride in the back?" asked Jin. "Sure, but you need to pay for the taxi," said Jim.

There are some stations such as Sofa station, triple B station (two bedrooms and one bathroom), table station, kitchen station, and the main bedroom station. There are blocks on the floor. Each one costs 1 NTD. So if Jin wants to go from the sofa station to the main bedroom station, and there are 13 blocks between them, then she must pay 13 NTD.

But there is a super important thing. The money is not real. "I think the Taxi service is really good. I love it!" shouted Jin.

There are lots of kinds of trains such as fast trains, slow trains, and medium trains.

After that, they went to a real taxi to a curry restaurant. "Wow! We went to a real taxi. It feels great!" said Jim.

The skateboard is black and the real taxi is yellow. This is the biggest difference between the real taxi and the skateboard taxi.

I think today I felt happy because today I created another real story. I like using Jim and Jin to tell stories that are real, but some parts are fake. We didn't take a taxi to the curry restaurant. We took a normal car. See you guys in the next blog. Bye Bye~~~