2019年4月19日 星期五

Playing Crystal Clash on Tynker

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that today I played a game called Crystal Clash on Tynker. I think this is a pretty cool game, and I like to earn money. I can use money to buy a new skin. I think it is pretty cool. Sometimes I am lucky so I won, but sometimes I am unlucky. You can tell the computer to help you control the character.

I think buying skin and winning the game is very fun. You can play for infinite times. I think that is the biggest reason why I like it. You just need to wait for 30 seconds, and it will say your ranking. I think that is impossible to reach silver for me. I think my win rate is just about 25.

I think today I felt happy because today I played a game called Crystal Clash on Tynker. I think is is pretty fun, and I love it. I recommend it to you. You can play infinite times. That is many. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. See you in next blog. Goodbye!