2019年4月1日 星期一

Journal writing: My dream teacher

My dream teacher is a robot that have a time machine. It can set the time. It can even set the time to 13.8 billion years ago. That is when the universe born. It can teleport me to everywhere that I want. It can speak and it is smart. It is even smarter than Google. It is like a person. It can dance. It can even eat things. It can help me to find which job should I be in the future.

The coolest thing is its body. There is a super rocket that can reach 5108832 sextillion kilometers per hour. I think that is super cool. Everyday at the morning, its IQ will be higher. Now its IQ is 100. Tomorrow, its IQ will be 19800. Its IQ will be 784040400 the day after tomorrow. After three days, its IQ will be 1229438696096239400. Can you see the pattern?

The answer is it will add IQ*(IQ+(IQ-3)). I think that is very hard. I think lots of people don't know the answer if they don't see the answer. Do you want to know what will its IQ be tomorrow. That is a big number. It will be 3.0230390149176425e+36. I don't know what is e. I think it is a super big number. I think it is bigger than 5108832 sextillion. The smartest person in the world is Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis. His IQ is 198. That is many.

I want the teacher to make a super rocket. It is so smart that knows everything. It knows how we can find other alien. I think it can make 5108832 sextillion super rockets per hour.

I think today I felt happy because today I told everybody about my dream teacher. It's IQ is super high. It can know what you are talking about. It can answer your question even there isn't any internet. You can hit it, but the person who hurts is you because it is very hard. See you in next blog. Goodbye!