2019年3月31日 星期日

Journal writing: My dream vacation

My dream vacation will be going out of the whole universe. I know that may be impossible, but that is my dream vacation. I think that will be super cool. I think that will be a lot better than just go to America or some place else.

I must travel faster than light so it can be possible because the universe is getting bigger and bigger. I don't even know how fast is the edge of the universe moving. I think it will take light 9 trillion years, so I think I need to be 1 trillion times faster than light. Then I just need to wait for 9 years. If I am 3285 trillion times faster than light, it will just take one day. If I can go 4730.4 quadrillion times faster than light, then I just need to wait for 1 minute. This is what am I thinking.

I think there will be lots of fun things. I think the planet there are all dead because there isn't any air out of the universe. I don't know how the universe born. Everybody says there is an explosion, but where was it. When did it explode? We all don't know. I think there will be some museums. I want it to be fun. I want to have a great trip.

(Dad: Actually we know, the universe started by an explosion 13.772 billion years ago. XD)

Do you want to come with me? It will be a super fun and good trip! I recommend to everybody, but you need to wait until we can be faster than light. I am so excited. I love that. I want to go to another dimension. That is so cool. It will be better than what you are thinking.

I want to have a super rocket that can let everybody in the world think that it is the best. The rocket will be super fast. It can even cut a planet. It has a super big planet cutter that can cut a sun or a planet. The rocket will not burn. I think that is the strongest thing in the world. Then I can go out of the universe!

I think today I felt happy because today I told everybody that I want to go out of the universe. Do you like my super rocket? If you like it, please tell me. See you in next blog. Goodbye!